View Full Version : URGENT: Cats in desperate situation (State College, PA)

09-23-2010, 07:01 AM
Saw this ad on craigslist this morning I know many of you are not looking to take in another cat but I just thought incase someone knows someone, here is information (Also, if someone here is interested but can't figure out how to get him/her I would be willing to meet you with a cat since I live in the same town):

Cats in desperate situation (State College)

Date: 2010-09-22, 7:39PM EDT
Reply to: [email protected]

Placing this ad for my neighbor by her request and her permission. Her place has been declared unfit to live due to her cats. She must find homes for four more cats by Sept. 30 or she will be looking for a home. I'm not sure of the age, sex or color of cats. I know they have had nothing done to them. I know that one refuses to use the litter box but the others do use the boxes.

She and I did call all local shelters several times the past two weeks and were told they are full and cannot take them. Most vets will not euthanize non terminal animals but she found one who will as this is what it's come down to.

All cats friendly. One needs a farm home so he can be outside as won't use the box. The others use the box and need neutered.

This person is under county ordered treatment for hoarding as her cats are not starved, sick or living in unsanitary conditions.

Email through here with your name and number and best time to call if interested in a cat.


09-23-2010, 11:49 AM
I just got this e-mail around 12 p.m.

I called Clearfield County SPCA and have an appt. to relinquish them, all three, Monday at 11:30. It is a kill shelter but there has to be a plan B. So I will be taking her and three cats Monday to the SPCA in Philipsburg if nothing happens between now and then.

It's really a shame. She just took in cats wanting to help but she doesn't have the space, finances and all the rest to care for them.

There has been nothing done to these three cats, nothing, no vet records as nothing has been done. I don't know if they are males or females. This lady is very quiet and I think very embarrased about this situation and nobody gets in her apt.

She was informed in writing, she showed me the letter, in JUNE that she had until Sept. 30 to clean up her apt, clear up the clutter, and remove all but ONE cat. She waits until Sept. 21 to ask for help............

I'm doing all I can and I feel sorry for her and the cats. All she had to do was ask for help in rehoming in June and she wouldn't be close to eviction proceedings starting Oct. 1 if she doesn't have the cats gone except for one.

Her lease permits one cat or one dog and either must be neutered with certificate from vet. So she is keeping the one, so she says, and having him neutered but it's already Sept. 23.

I feel so sorry for this woman and her cats but with only 9 days notice there isn't really that much I or other neighbors can do in 9 days.

So unless someone can pick up the cats by Monday morning the only choice she has right now is the Clearfield County SPCA and they are a kill shelter. Poor lady, poor cats.

09-23-2010, 12:57 PM
Here was my message to her:

Can you give me till Thursday at least??

That will give me more time to spread the word, I've posted this on my facebook, pet talk site, statecollege.com and e-mailed it to several friends.

Please let me see what I can do, I maybe able to the one to my sister's friend who has a barn....as for the other 2 I might be able to find them a temproary home.

Can anyone help with supplies or no? Just wondering.


Here was her reply:

She is on housing assistance and very low income so I would think the only food or litter she would have is what she has on hand and my guess is that it's not alot or in excess.

I just called the SPCA in Philipsburg and cancelled the appt. Monday.

She doesn't have a carrier and was planning on using large sturdy cardboard boxes with holes cut in the top and taped shut to transport.

I would like to give you more info. but don't want to include any address or personal info. in an email. Call anytime you like, I'm for real.

I'm just doing what I can think of with such short notice.

Thank you for your concern and help. I love all animals but I can't do much of anything in such short notice. I also have pets in my apt. and cannot have more or I'd be risking eviction and lease violations. I have birds also and cats and dogs don't always do well with birds plus I can't have dogs and cats as my birds count as either one dog or one cat.

Just call me when you can. Have a great day and thank you for your concern and offer of help.


So it looks like I have a little more time to spare and I'm going to try what I can.


09-23-2010, 04:59 PM
Melissa, The only thing I can think of to help is ask you if your Humane Society has a program like ours where if you pay a $25.00 fee to them them will except your pet and get them altered and utd on shots and try to adopt them out. They have a certain amount of time to get adopted then I think they contact you again to know if you want to pay more money to give them more time to find a home. I am not certain of all the details but you can go to ky humane Society and find out.

09-24-2010, 12:28 PM
Thank you Melissa.

We do have a similar program here which I'm looking into it's just where am I going to put these cats. I have found 2 people willing to foster them but they both need supplies and the cats need vet appointments and I just don't have the money for that right now because I'm trying to take care of my own.

I'm going to see what I can do about trying to raise some $$ especially for the one that won't use the litter box.

I spoke with the guy who originally posted the ad on craigslist and he had to take it down because people where e-mailing him telling him to just drown the cats, shoot them, etc.

I couldn't believe that.

I hope I find someone who can help out or raise some $$ on my own.


09-24-2010, 03:14 PM
I know that Our Animal Welfare Association is full as well and are getting calls daily about someone who has Cats and want to find them new homes
This is getting to be a crisis as there are so many people to whom having a Cat loses ut's appeal as the Kitten gets older and suddenly there bills to pay.
We are praying for all those poor lost Souls out there that they can find yjeir place in the sun.

09-24-2010, 03:22 PM
Ok I just spoke with the lady who has the 3 cats.

Got more info finally.

Right now I'm dealing with a mom cat named Nina who is about 5-6 years old.

Her 2 babies are both males and they are 1 yr. and 1 month old.

I asked if she could be pregnant, she doesn't think so but who knows. The two males names are Buzz and Fuzz.

Apparently Buzz poops and pees in the tub sometimes and the litter box in the bathroom so I'm a little confused why he is doing that but maybe he is just confused or something.

The mom is a grey tabby, the 1 male is also grey tabby, and last male is light grey with white.

It looks like I might have a temporary place for them to stay but I will need to find them a forever home.
