View Full Version : Riley

09-22-2010, 11:47 PM
You have trained your humans very well with regards to treats. :) I love the photo of you watching TV. It shows that you are very comfortable and in charge. Hugs and congratulations on being chosen Cat of the Day. :cool:

09-23-2010, 01:12 AM
Riley, my heart is melting! What a handsome Orangeman you are! I'm glad we have such a handsome guy as today's COTD!:love:

09-23-2010, 05:02 AM
Handsome Riley, what a gorgeous man you are?! What an amazing rescue story! And what a fabulous human you have!! I have never heard of a TV watching cat before!! Happy cat of the day :love:

09-23-2010, 07:17 AM
I can't begin to tell you how disgusted I am at "people" (I use that term loosely here) who will just discard an animal like a piece of garbage! It's amazing that Riley survived AND still has such a good personality; certainly more credit to him than his previous rotten owner.

Riley, you are very handsome, and kudos to you for finding your way into that factory and into a loving home. Keep safe, Handsome, and enjoy your COTD status today; you deserve it.

09-23-2010, 07:29 AM
So you're living the life of Riley, eh? As it should be, my man. Such a handsome guy as you deserves the best. Sometimes kitties must go through bad times in order to find their true home w/loving humans and you've definitely been through the worst to get to the best. Enjoy your day as COTD, handsome boy. :)

09-23-2010, 09:27 AM
What a story! What cute pics! I laughed when I saw the pic of you relaxing in front of the TV - LOL!!! :)
I'm glad that you and the other kitties found a safe haven to live your lives! :love:
Enjoy your COTD status! :)

09-23-2010, 09:36 AM
You are amazing Riley, none of My Cats really show much interest in TV at all, unless the Cat Nip Video with birds and squirrels is on.
Although Miquelito and Panther were swatting at an 80 year old Mickey Mouse Cartoon last night!!!
You certainly are living the life of Riley, Riley with everything a Big Owesome Orange Cat could ever want in a Furr Ever Home.
How any one can dump a Creature of Our All Loving Lord God above on the side of the road is just terrible , and we pray that somewhere, somehow there will be retribution for that evil one.

09-23-2010, 10:42 AM
:love: Well Hello there Bigg Handsome Boy.. And I read your a Texan too.. Congrats on Cat of the Day..

09-23-2010, 12:11 PM
Handsome orangey Riley! You look very comfortable on your kitty perch watching your DVD! I would love to pet you today - I hope your person will give you some extra hugs for me! Happy Cat of the Day! (Some hugs for Olivia too)

09-23-2010, 12:52 PM
Riley what a gorgeous fellow you are!!! :love:

I loved seeing your wonderful pictures. The one of you watching tv made me chuckle!!! My cats are all green with envy. I'll have to see about getting them a dvd of their very own now!!! How kind of you to watch out for the younsters who come to your home. I'm sure they are greatful for your help. I hope you are all enjoying your special day.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D:love:

09-23-2010, 12:54 PM
Riley, How lucky you were that a caring human adopted you. (How mean of a non-caring human to dump you; I hope s/he gets punished one day somehow) I can tell from the writeup that you are loved and that you now have a wonderful home. I hope all of you have a long life together. Wow, In one of your photos, you sure look like a loooooong cat LOL. Liked the one of you watching tv too. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

09-23-2010, 02:08 PM
Hi Riley, I got a good chuckle out of your photo watching the TV. Is that "Critter Sitter"?:) I see your purrson got you your own lounge chair too!:D Happy COTD Riley! I'm sure you'll get some extra treats today.:love:

Hi :cool: 4 =^..^='s 2:love:

Hi Ms. Monkey:love:

I chuckled too Cat Daddy! Riley is so smart! How clever using others deposits in the Cat Genie!! Happy COTD SWEETIE!

09-23-2010, 02:32 PM
Riley, you have one of the best bio's I've ever read on Cat of the Day. You sound like quite the charmer!! It cracked me up that you have time out with your video. My kitty Megan has her own DVDs too, but she watches them strictly for fun, not for time out LOL;) Her favorite is a video about bugs. Every time I turn on the DVD player she thinks it's time for "Her" movie and she comes running. I also loved reading about your trick with the litter box. I wish we lived closer so I could come meet you in person! Love, kisses & purrs to you from Pennsylvania.
P.S. I forgot to tell you how handsome you are.

09-23-2010, 03:07 PM
You are such a hansom boy! I'm so glad you found a home with people who are acceptable (acceptable is the best cats can hope to expect from mere humans). Happy Cat of the day sweet Orangeman!

We do love our orangees!

09-23-2010, 05:09 PM
Hi there Riley! Happy Cat of the Day to you!:) Yes indeed you are, one handsome dude!:) I too so enjoyed your most entertaining bio.!:D What a life! hehe And what a loyal and loving companion and mentor you are to your family, human and furry!:love: And that shot of you relaxing in front of the tube in your lounge chair is simply priceless!:D

I hope you and the entire kitty brigade are enjoying a very happy and fun filled Cat of the Day, being loved and spoiled and treated to all your hearts desire!:)

Love, cuddles and kisses to you precious Riley, our very special and most deserving, "top cat!":love::love::love:

09-23-2010, 06:23 PM
Dear Friend,
Thanks so much for sharing your handsome Riley with us. I've always loved what I call "yellow" kitties, which can run from cream to orange. Back in the late Seventies, we had a kitty named Sam who looked a great deal like Riley. He wasn't as outgoing or rambunctious as Riley but he was a really sweet kitty. Of course, Sam has gone over the Rainbow Bridge many years ago but he had a good like here and was never mistreated and always loved.
I pray your Riley lives a long, happy, healthy life with lots of SAFE adventures and fun things to do, along with loads of love from his human caretakers. May he always feel safe and comfortable wherever he is. May the Lord bless you for taking Riley in a giving him a very good home. You're a good person.
Take care, my friend. May you, too, live a long, happy, healthy life and if you have not already done it, may you find the Savior our God has so lovingly given us.
My love to all in Jesus, my Lord,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, Kentucky
PS- I have a screen saver in the making of cats, dogs and other pets I find on the internet and I added a couple of Riley's photos to it. I use it all the time but it just gets bigger as time goes on. I thought I'd let you know I put your boy Riley on there. :)

09-23-2010, 11:59 PM
Thank you to everyone who wrote such wonderful things about my little man Riley. He IS very special and I also hope that whomever dumped him (or any animal for that matter) gets what they deserve! I have one other dumped off refinery kitty and that is Olivia - she rules the roost around here. She's the Queen and everyone including me knows it too! *LOL* And to all of you who were wondering what Riley was watching, it is Pet Sitter Video Volume I. Three of my seven indoor cats like to watch it, Riley falls asleep 20 minutes in but Pickles and Max will watch it over and over again. Pickles will actually watch anything on TV, even commercials for household cleaners but he just loves to see the polar bears. Don't know why??

I currently have 16 discarded, neglected, unwanted, stray cats living with me. I would have a hundred if I could. All of them have been spayed and neutered and they have a shed to live in in the winter complete with heat & electric blankets or a/c if they choose in the summer. They get the best of food and lots of :love: daily. Shhh....don't tell 'em but each of them is my favorite kitty because they are all special in their own way! :D Hopefully over time they can all be "Cat of the Day".

09-24-2010, 10:35 PM
Hello, Riley! Better late than never to wish you a Happy Cat of the Day! I'm relieved you were able to find your way to rescue in the refinery after being dumped. I don't know how anyone could dump a kitty, or any other pet, for that matter :(

You must be a very smart boy to have learned to use the Cat Genie and get a treat for doing so :D I love the photo of you chilling out while you watch TV. You must be a very entertaining fellow to have around. I'm sure you teach the new kittens some pretty funny stuff.

:love: A belated but heartfelt Happy Cat of the Day to you, Riley! :love: