View Full Version : Hi everyone! Beenie, Frankie and Laura with pictures.

09-22-2010, 01:55 PM
Hi everyone! I haven't been on in a while for obvious reasons. Laura is almost 14 months and is keeping me very busy! Between her, Beenie and Frankie I don't have much 'me' time. Fortunately she still takes a nice long nap after her lunch so I can get on the internet and 'play'.

A lot has happened in this year. My dad passed away almost a year ago, my sister got engaged and will be marrying her fiance' soon and my FIL was diagnosed with cancer but is responding well to treatments.

I apologize for not posting pictures of Beenie and Frankie in a long time and for not posting to a lot of your threads. I do try to get on PT and read about everyone when I can.

Beenie still likes to play ball everyday and would fetch it until my or my husbands arm falls off. She will be 7 in November. Frankie turned 5 in May. I can't believe how the time is going by.

Well here are some pictures of Beenie, Frankie and the baby from the past few months or so.

PS: If any of you have a FB and play FV, please pm me. I'd like to be your friend. :)

Beenie and Frankie in the bathroom while I give Laura a bath. They love to watch and keep us company.



Beenie waiting for Laura to toss her ball, from the tub.... yes water everywhere all the time!


Beenie in the yard.


Frankie in the yard.


In the car on the ride back from Grammas house.

Hanging out with Laura.

more to come.....

09-22-2010, 02:00 PM
Playing with Beenie.


Going for a walk with Beenie.

Frankie and his bone.

Three amigos:

Sharing first birthday cake with Frankie!

Sharing first birthday cake with Beenie!

more to come....

09-22-2010, 02:03 PM
Beenie is so good with Laura. I couldn't have been more lucky.

Frankie pie!
He loves Laura too but is a little afraid of her. He got his ears tugged on once and got scared. Hopefully Laura will learn to be gentle with him and they can be buddies again.http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y291/beeniesmom/sept%202010/IMG_3650.jpg


Trying to get the balloon from Laura.

09-22-2010, 02:09 PM
Look at those three adorable amigos! How big Laura is getting! Beeniesmom, you have put a big :D on my face today!

09-22-2010, 02:30 PM
:love: Oh my my Laura is growing up so fast.. She is just a Cutie Pie for sure.. Yes the pups are Adorable too.. Great pics thanks..

09-22-2010, 02:34 PM
Now there is a set of photos to make you smile! Ha haa, what fun those 3 have together. Wonderful that they all get along so well.

Hanging out with Laura - last one in the first set: Beenie and Laura have the exact same expression! :D

09-22-2010, 03:03 PM
I love people that show how wonderfully dogs and kids can get along!

Great pics of the 3 amigos. :)

09-22-2010, 03:28 PM
These pictures are ADORABLE! You can tell that Laura adores her two doggies. Cute, cute, cute pictures, thanks for sharing!! :D

09-22-2010, 04:10 PM
I also have a huge smile on my face. These are adorable photos. :D :D

Daisy and Delilah
09-22-2010, 04:48 PM
Thanks for making my day, Carmen!!! So good to hear from you all again. Beenie and Frankie are as cute as always. I love those two!!!

Laura gets more beautiful every day!! She is the perfect little gorgeous Italian girl. Great pictures of all three. I know you're busy so thanks for checking in!!!

Laura's Babies
09-22-2010, 06:19 PM
OH MY GOSH! Those birthday pictures are simply PRICELESS!!!! Those are the cutest first birthday pictures I ever saw! That little Laura is a doll!

I loved that picture of Beenie and Frankie in the car.. That is one you need to frame!

Great job on all the pictures!

09-22-2010, 08:40 PM
So cute! I especially like the pictures of Laura sharing her birthday cake. It's great they all get along so well. Great pictures!!

09-22-2010, 09:29 PM
It's good to hear from you! I LOVE all the pictures, they're adorable. I really like the last one of all three of them with the balloon, priceless. :D I am sorry to hear about your FIL but I am glad to hear he is responding well to treatments. Please post more often! We miss you around here :) Beenie and Frankie, gotta love that duo. ;)

09-22-2010, 10:00 PM
It's great to see your Beenie and Frankie and of course Laura! Very nice pictures!:)

09-22-2010, 10:39 PM
So good to see you back here on Pet Talk!

I love all the pictures, especially the ones of Laura and the pups! :love:

09-23-2010, 12:47 AM
Great pictures.:) It's great to see Laura, Beenie, and Frankie getting along so well.:)

09-23-2010, 06:59 AM
So cute!

What a sweet family you have!

09-23-2010, 08:24 AM
I love these pics.
How can we see little Laura is an Italian lady? Because she's wearing earrings:D
And Beenie and Frankie are such good doggies- the best play pals for Laura.

09-23-2010, 08:59 AM

09-23-2010, 09:38 AM
LOL those puggy faces and big eyes. Adorable. Love the pictures, thanks for making my morning.

finn's mom
09-23-2010, 10:55 AM
Laura is such a cutie! I love her onesie (is that Jimi Hendrix?)! People think Clara is a boy if she's not in pink, hahaha. She doesn't have a lot of hair, yet! Do you ever get that if Laura isn't in pink? Do the earrings help? People keep telling me to pierce Clara's ears and that won't happen. I have had clara in very girly clothes that were not pink (like a pale blue dress), and someone still said "oh your son is cute", so I can't see how earrings would help hahaha. ;) Anyway, sorry for the rant...just can't put Clara in a cool blue onesie like that without the "boy" comments. I still do put her in non pink stuff, though...it's not that annoying haha.

the doggies look adorable! I know what you mean, Finn will be seven in December. It's crazy!

09-23-2010, 12:19 PM
Ok I have officially fallen in love with Beenie and Frankie!:D Laura is so cute, I love all her hair! Great pictures, they also managed to bring a smile to my face.:)

09-23-2010, 12:57 PM
Wow, thanks everyone for your replies.
I didn't expect so many people to remember us! :)

Yes Kari, the earrings did help when she was really little and so do the hair ties now. I did get a lady tell me, about a month ago, what an adorable little boy Laura was.... and she was in a red dress plus her earrings and a white bow... ??? so, don't feel bad. Some people are not very observant I guess. I'm sure I've done it too in the past.
Hehehe And yes, it's Jimmy Hendrix. My sister got her that from hot topic or spencers. It has 'Electric Baby' written in yellow on it.

finn's mom
09-23-2010, 01:39 PM
I LOVE Jimi Hendrix! I could never get over the fact that he was only in his mid twenties, making music like that! I am just going to let Clara decide if and when she pierces her ears...but I went back and forth about it at first. Laura looks cute with her earrings! And I never understood why it's even necessary to specify gender when babies are so young! It's just as nice to tell someone their baby is cute! ;)

09-23-2010, 05:43 PM
Those are such cute pictures of Laura & the pups. I love the birthday with cake frosting everywhere. LOL!

09-24-2010, 09:46 PM
Carmen, All of your kids are absolutely darling. Laura looks so much like her beautiful mommy! Good to see them and hugs to all. :love: