View Full Version : Persecution of No-Kill rescue by Humane Society

Killer Kitten
09-20-2010, 10:28 PM
Our shelter was raided last week by a group of badge-wearing thugs who confiscated our 80 feline residents, stripped our clinic of hundreds of dollars worth of drugs and physically assaulted one of our elderly volunteers.

The uproar caused by this was immediate and loud. Despite the attempt by the Humane Society to spin this raid into another "clearing out a hoarder" story hundreds of adopters, volunteers and friends of the shelter have stepped forward to declare that it just isn't so.

We had just moved into our new facility when the raid occurred, and we went ahead with our grand opening, even though we had no cats to join in the celebration. Almost 500 people showed up to offer money, legal services and moral support.

For particulars about the story you can read our website: www.thecatladiessociety.com

You can also follow it on vindy.com keyword Cat Ladies Society

or wkbn news 27.

Our concern is that there is no word as to the fate of the 80 cats that were chased all over the shelter, dumped 7 and 8 to a cage with no separation of sick and well, driven across town in an open pickup truck and kept in those packed conditions until THEIR veterinarian could assess their condition. Our veterinarian was not permitted access to the cats, nor did they take their medical records so the cats that were ill did not receive their medication.

If this outrages you as much as it does the people of Youngstown, please get involved. Facebook it, Twitter it, and write letters to the editor at Vindy.com.

Thank you for the help, and pray that our cats haven't been killed yet.

09-20-2010, 10:53 PM
How sad, sounds like you need to get the local media involved, and maybe local politicians as well.

09-21-2010, 12:36 AM
This is horrible.:( Did they even give you the reason for raiding your shelter? I sure hope that the cats that they took are still alive and well.:(

09-21-2010, 08:36 AM
How bizarre!

Do you have not -for-profit status? Are all the permits and licenses in place?

With all the true hoarding going on, and the horrible conditions cats and other animals in those situations live in, what on earth were they doing bothering this place? :rolleyes:

Something badly amiss here.

09-21-2010, 10:00 AM
How bizarre!

Do you have not -for-profit status? Are all the permits and licenses in place?

With all the true hoarding going on, and the horrible conditions cats and other animals in those situations live in, what on earth were they doing bothering this place? :rolleyes:

Something badly amiss here.

Here is a link to about the cat ladies:


The Cat Ladies Society is a no-kill rescue dedicated to helping cats regardless of age or special need. Please consider adopting or donating. Every little bit helps.

How we got started

The Cat Ladies were disappointed at how many cats were being euthanized at local shelters and how often sick or special needs cats were not given a second chance. For awhile we were housing 100 cats in our homes and doing our best to aoopt them out from there but fortunately we found a great landlord who rented us our current shelter on Mahoning Ave. As the media reported about us and people saw our ads, we started to grow to the point that we have outgrown our current shelter.

We are a public charity (501(c)3).

The Cat Ladies Society does its best to help cats in need. You can often find us at other local shelters taking cats who would otherwise be euthanized because the shelter is overcrowded or the cat simply has a physical issue which makes them undesirable for other shelters. The Cat Ladies Society does not turn cats away due to age or physical handicap. Just like humans, every cat deserves a forever home. We have taken cats who are missing eyes or limbs, cats who are blind and cats who have various seizure conditions. A physical handicap does not mean a cat is any less adoptable or any less lovable. In many cases, the cat seems to sense that you have given it a second chance and rewards you with years of joy and affection.


As with other privately-run shelters, The Cat Ladies Society receives no state or federal funding. Where does our funding come from? Public donations. We depend on your help to provide food, litter, bedding and medical care for these cats.

09-21-2010, 12:21 PM
Speaking as a former newspaper writer, CALL THE MEDIA!!! The media is an awesome tool in situations like this.

If you get offers of free legal advice, TAKE IT!! But start calling the tv stations and newspapers!!

09-21-2010, 08:19 PM
This is just so, so sad :( The photos of your place show that it was put together with love for cats. I can't think of a nicer facility for cats...they had everything they could want. I don't understand how this happened, but please don't give up the fight. I pray for the kitties they took and I hope they are returned to you soon, every single one of them. Please keep us posted.

09-21-2010, 09:37 PM
Have you filed charges against them? Regardless of their excuse for the raid, they shouldn't assault anyone.

I see by the articles that the media is involved. I'm surprised that they raided after the first and only inspection. Not that you needed any corrective measures, but usually some time is allowed to correct problems before a second inspection.

Did you see a warrant?

This sounds like a theft to me. And jealousy. And PETA is involved. And I read that you have a lawyer. Did they arrest you?

I read your September Archives. How SAD. I do hope Mickie is alive.

Good luck.

Laura's Babies
09-21-2010, 10:21 PM

09-22-2010, 09:30 PM
I went looking on that news site...and here is an update from about 5 minutes ago at time of posting.

I am so, so sorry... :(


Last Update: 10:22 pm

Dozens showed support Wednesday night for the Cat Ladies Society in Youngstown after they were raided one week ago.

Tonight, a candlelight vigil was held in honor of those cats.

The Cat Ladies Society said they got word from their lawyers Wednesday that 64 of the 80 cats taken in the raid have been euthanized.

Humane agents raided the newly opened cat shelter last week after numerous reports of neglect and animal hoarding. Supporters and shelter volunteers said the cats were well-loved, and those accusations are far from the truth.

Cat Ladies officials said all of the 80 cats taken were adoptable, though some had colds and fungal infections, which they said can be easily cured.

As for the hoarding accusations, the volunteers said they hundreds of cats were adopted from the shelter last year, and hoarders don't normally let that many cats go.

09-23-2010, 12:18 AM
Candace, thanks for posting the lastest update. This is all way too sad.:( Why don't the so called "Humane Agents" concentrate on real animal hoarders and leave the shelters that are trying to make a difference alone.:mad:

09-23-2010, 11:05 AM
From reading the article, it seems they at least have a lawyer. I hope justice is done SOON!

09-23-2010, 02:33 PM
I hope that they sue the ASPCA and the individuals that started this. I would chip in for the lawyer.

09-23-2010, 07:20 PM
Some BBB info about the humane society

BBB (http://www.bbb.org/youngstown/business-reviews/charity-local/animal-charity-in-youngstown-oh-7000814/)

Also a link to the Vindicator (http://www.vindy.com/news/2010/sep/16/more-than-70-cats-taken-from-cat-ladies-/#comments)