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View Full Version : CFL bulbs: bad for our health?

09-18-2010, 08:35 PM
Just came across this video, not sure what to make of it!


My Dad is diabetic, and this sounds like it influences his health.

Comments please!

09-18-2010, 11:31 PM
The CFL bulb would not produce any more RFI than regular fluorescent lights would. There are so many fluorescent lights out there based on this video we should all be dieing from RFI emissions. We are bombarded from so much RFI emissions every day from our Radios,TV, microwave, cell phone and the list goes on and on. I think they are just trying to sell LED lights which is the next big push to save energy or they want to sell you RFI filters for your power. I would not let this video deter me from buying CFL.

09-19-2010, 09:03 AM
I don't have time to watch the video right now, but I wouldn't worry. Aside from the fact I switched my whole house over to CFL bulbs about 5-6 years ago and we're not dead yet. I certainly wouldn't use any info found on youtube as a basis of deciding what's good or not for my health. I'll stick with more reputable sources.

09-19-2010, 10:16 AM
The video is from a Canadian news channel investigative report. In fact, there are quite a few videos from a number of different sources on this topic.

PLUS Prevention Magazine has also said these bulbs are not good for health. It all has to do with the "dirty" electricity they give off, and the UV rays.

smokey the elder
09-19-2010, 10:37 AM
If one works in an office building, goes to school, goes to just about any public place, fluorescent tubes are everywhere. The newest CFLs are made without mercury; the old tubes had enough Hg in them to require disposing them as hazardous waste.

09-19-2010, 10:43 AM
I saw it on tv and immediately replaced my "curly" bulbs with the good old fashioned bulbs.

09-19-2010, 11:18 AM

09-19-2010, 12:01 PM
I don't have time to watch the video right now, but I wouldn't worry. Aside from the fact I switched my whole house over to CFL bulbs about 5-6 years ago and we're not dead yet. I certainly wouldn't use any info found on youtube as a basis of deciding what's good or not for my health. I'll stick with more reputable sources.

What she said...

09-19-2010, 07:19 PM
I don't know about anyone else but 3 yrs ago I developped a horrid rash that couldn't be controlled. I was sent to a top specialist who took one look after reading my chart and immediately asked if I was using or working anywhere that I was exposed to these bulbs. So happens that one place where I had to work had these bulbs in the room. I was told to never go near them again, got a scrit for the rash and I changed the bulbs to regular bulbs after explaining why I had to . I think a month or so later the rash was gone.Seems it was affecting my immune system in the worst way. We have none in our home and we are buying all the regular bulbs we can find as they're really going off the shelves fast.

09-20-2010, 08:32 AM
If we are going to eliminate CFL because of the effects of Dirty power then you had better move to a place that is totally isolated from the world around us. If you are a cell phone user, computer user, have dimmers in your home, have a microwave, have TV sets, have wireless phones, have WIFI/bluetooth, have central air, have a radio, drive a car, and many other sources inside/outside the home, are worst sources of dirty power than CFL bulbs. One of my Jobs , Systems Engineer, working for NASA was to evaluate sources of so called dirty emissions. We found that there is no way to escape the effect of these dirty emitters. We are being bombarded by thousands of sources everyday. We had to build CLEAN ROOMS to do the testing of Electronics to be used on the Saturn/Apollo space projects. We had to test the systems in a clean environment and then bombard them with extreme "dirty emissions" including Neutrons until they failed.

Depending on who is paying for a study then the results of these studies can be slanted to prove what ever they set out to prove. Just Google "dirty power" and you can finds studies condemning what ever. CFL is just the tip of the iceberg.

09-20-2010, 09:24 AM
according to the internet, at some point or other EVERYTHING is bad for you. I'm waiting for the report to come out that says watching fish swim around in a pond causes eyeball cancer. :rolleyes:

09-20-2010, 01:15 PM

according to the internet, at some point or other EVERYTHING is bad for you. I'm waiting for the report to come out that says watching fish swim around in a pond causes eyeball cancer.

No not cancer, mercury induced cataracts.:rolleyes:

It is not just the internet but many authorities such as the AMA seem to change what is good or bad for you at their whim. It seems over the years that what is good or bad for the heart has gone full circle at least twice. Things like Vitamin E , caffeine, red wine and omega3 have fallen in and out of grace several times in recent memory. One thing is for sure what ever the latest word is your doctor is saying right the opposite.

09-20-2010, 01:50 PM
A bit OT - but I posted a thread about 'medical myths that doctors believe' etc.

09-20-2010, 06:13 PM
If we are going to eliminate CFL because of the effects of Dirty power then you had better move to a place that is totally isolated from the world around us. If you are a cell phone user, computer user, have dimmers in your home, have a microwave, have TV sets, have wireless phones, have WIFI/bluetooth, have central air, have a radio, drive a car, and many other sources inside/outside the home, are worst sources of dirty power than CFL bulbs. One of my Jobs , Systems Engineer, working for NASA was to evaluate sources of so called dirty emissions. We found that there is no way to escape the effect of these dirty emitters. We are being bombarded by thousands of sources everyday.

I was just thinking that. Adding to that, if you hang Christmas lights, or pump your own gas you're at risk for Cancer. :rolleyes:

according to the internet, at some point or other EVERYTHING is bad for you. I'm waiting for the report to come out that says watching fish swim around in a pond causes eyeball cancer. :rolleyes: