View Full Version : Tiki's and Taggart's passports (also update on Leo)

09-18-2010, 12:29 AM
The dogs got their EU passports recently and since I thought the idea that my dogs have passports was so cute/fun, I decided to share!

So yes. We're getting ready to move (to the US from Faroe Islands). We need to make a stop in Denmark first though (since there isn't any direct flight from the Faroes to the US), so that's why the dogs need an EU passport... and other stuff required to get them into Denmark. The Danes are definitely more fussy than the Americans when it comes to importing animals, that's for sure, lol.

But yes. Anyway. The passports.

Leo is not coming along unfortunately :(
I've decided to re-home him, since it turned out that I could only bring two animals. Restrictions on the flight says only two crates AND the apartment we got only allows two animals...

So yeah, I decided to re-home Leo. I'm sure that will work out fine. I already found people who are interested (friends of a friend) and we'll see on Sunday how that works out :) They have kids though and he's not used to kids per say but I don't think it will be a problem since the kids are 9 and 12 and Leo is a very sociable cat who loves attention, so I'm sure that once he figures out that kids can give good scritches, he'll decide to love them. We'll see though. I'm not going anywhere until he has a good home however, so no worries.

09-18-2010, 07:50 AM
It almost looks like a doggy mugshot, hehe, those are the cutest passports I've ever seen! :D Where are you moving to in the US? I am sorry to hear you can't bring Leo :( But I am glad you found a good home for him, I'm sure he'll be very happy with his new family.

09-18-2010, 08:45 AM
Goodness, I didn't know there was such a thing! He hee, they are cute! I think the lower left corner says "page 2 of 32." What on earth can they go on about for 32 pages for a dog???

Poor Leo, his world is about to change and he doesn't understand why. I am so glad you are going to be cautious aobut where he goes and see that he settles. Yes, have extra hands for scritchies will be a BONUS! :D

09-18-2010, 12:48 PM
Yes, it is page two of 32. And no, I have no idea what they'll use 32 pages for, lol. ;)
The passport basically works as a health certificate though, so it has pages where it says what kind of vaccinations the dogs have...like rabies for example, which they've gotten already. Technically didn't have to, since the Faroes is a rabies free country... but it's easier to just do the vaccine I think, instead of messing with paperwork in order to prove that the Faroes is rabies free. Especially since they'll need a vaccine once they are in the US anyway, hehe.
And then there are also other pages saying if the dogs have been treated for different exotic parasites and other stuff which we don't really need. I suppose that's mainly when you bring a dog to the EU from a tropical region.

And yes. I'm sure Leo will be fine. It was tough to accept I was going to have to do this but I've had some weeks to adjust to it, so I've pretty much accepted it now. I thought about having someone take care of him for a year and then bring him over once we (possibly) have another place to stay... but, you know, in the end that's just too difficult and insecure.

We're moving to Buffalo, NY.

09-18-2010, 06:13 PM
We're moving to Buffalo, NY.

Lots of snow in Buffalo! ;)

09-19-2010, 03:06 PM
hehe, yep I know. Luckily, I'm fond of snow. :D

09-19-2010, 07:28 PM
Lol how much fun! That is so cute... "Turn to the left" Lol