View Full Version : Cuddly Churchill

09-16-2010, 01:27 AM
Churchill, you are indeed a very handsome cat – just stunning, in fact. It is obvious that you love the camera, cutiepie, and it is great to see so many wonderful photos.

Lazy – well, what else is there to do when you are so beautiful but have your loyal subjects pay you lots of attention? :rolleyes:
Congrats on being such a wonderful Cat of the Day, and may you be petted and treated to your heart’s content. :love:

09-16-2010, 03:03 AM
Oh my, Churchill, are you gorgeous or what?! I'd like to see you laying around on your back with your footsies in the air - how cute! Never forget, Churchill, that you are a cat, and as such, have the right to be as lazy as you want to be. You are a great COTD!

09-16-2010, 06:49 AM
Be careful outside, Sweetie. You are so cute; love the fur; I'll bet you are hard to keep tidy, aren't you? But you are so cute that it is probably not a chore for your owner to do. Happy COTD

09-16-2010, 09:23 AM
Charming Churchill, you are a beauty! How wonderful that you use the toilet! I wish my kitties would take up that habit. I especially like the picture of you in the grass, as the green matches your eyes. Have a lazy, belly-up time celebrating your deserved COTD status, fabulous Churchhill!:)

09-16-2010, 09:29 AM
What a Great Plush Cat you are Churchill , and you certainly are not a lazy Cat at all, you are just conserving your energy so you can be at your peak
when you are called on to be such a great fantastic Cat!!
And all the way from Beautiful Bulgaria , one of the most historic places in the World as well as one of the most scenic.
And we love that Photo of You and Your Cat Comapnion and Best Friend lying together,conserving your energies together and providing us with an unforgettable Photo of Cat Friendship!!!

09-16-2010, 12:14 PM
Awww, Churchill! You are lovely and smart! I like the picture of you drinking from a glass :) I would love to give you some tummy rubs and petting today. Who's your beautiful kitty friend in the 4th photo, by the way? Happy Cat of the Day!

09-16-2010, 12:16 PM
Churchill you are indeed one gorgeous fellow!!! :love:

What a treat to see your sweet pictures today. I bet it's lots of fun having you as a best friend. I loved the picture of you and your pal sleeping. What a sweet pair you make. I hope you are both being spoiled rotten today. :)

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D :love:

09-16-2010, 12:24 PM
My Dear Friend,
Your kitty Churchill is quite possibly one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen in my fifty-nine years of life on this earth. He's handsome and an actual silvery color and that, along with his wonderful green eyes, makes him an exceptional cat. He's quite handsome and also very spoiled, I'm sure,but that's okay, so long as he maintains a modicum of discipline.
Now, I'm going to overstep my bounds here- dear friend, please never let him go outside any more. It's so easy for a regular kitty to go out and never come back and you never know what happened to them, or you can find them on the street or road, where they've been run over, and they'll either be crippled up or killed and neither is a good outcome. People steal cats like Churchill, too, just as they steal handsome dogs. I'm just asking you to consider keeping him in. I promise you one thing- if you keep him in, he'll never get hit by a car, or stolen and he'll also live a few years longer; it's been proven that indoor kitties live longer lives. It would be worth it to have him a few more years, wouldn't it? :) Please forgive me if I seem forward.
Take care. May you and Churchill and your loved ones be blessed with long, healthy lives and much happiness and may you get to know the Savior before your life is through if you have not come to know Him already.
My love to all,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, Kentucky ("The Horse Capital of the World")

09-16-2010, 01:09 PM
Churchill, you definitely are a very handsome kitty. Those eyes are mesmerizing. And the color of your coat is amazing.

Congrats on being Cat of the Day!! :D

09-16-2010, 02:21 PM
Churchill, You are one beautiful cat!!! (I hope my Luke cat isnt jealous that I said that <smile>). You really are quite an eyeful and I enjoyed ALL the photos but I especially liked the one of you lying in the grass and the one with you and your friend stretched out on the floor. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC USA

09-16-2010, 02:28 PM
Wow Churchill you are one handsome dude! I see you airing out that belly:D
The picture of the two of you laying around the circle rug is adorable...all your pix are:D
Thats right Cat Daddy cats need a working staff at all times hehe!;)

09-16-2010, 05:22 PM
What a photogenic boy you are! I hope that you enjoy this COTD, as you should everyday! :love::love::love:

09-16-2010, 05:45 PM
Hi there Churchill! A very happy Cat of the Day to you! What a gorgeous guy you are Churchill, simply stunning! Your silver, plush coat is simply beautiful, and oh, that face, those EYES!:eek: Oh yes, you are cute, and handsome, and charming, and smart, and don't you know it!:D Your family loves you dearly, and for good reason, Churchill! Who could resist a boy as sweet and beautiful as you!!!:) Hope you and your precious fursib are enjoying a very happy, lazy, laid back, fun filled day of celebration; being spoiled royally and loved to pieces! Hugs and smoochies to you precious, beautiful Churchill!!!:love::love::love:

sasha the cat
09-16-2010, 07:50 PM
Churchill is a stunning beauty. I love all cats: furry ones, sleek ones, small, large, male, female. To me, Cats = Heaven.

Churchill's many poses are akin to how my Felix (Maine Coon) likes to relax. Felix loves suitcases, small spaces, and his big brother, Norman (marbled Bengal tabby). Plus we have Baby-Rascal (silver gray tabby) and the outdoor stray who comes to dine, Ebony. Ebony has been coming twice daily for dinner. Wish he'd let me touch him...

We send lots of love to Churchill and your other kitty too. May both live long, happy lives with you. Nothing is ever too good or too much for our beloved pets :D

Photo of Felix in a "Maine Coon" cat position:





Kiss your lovely Churchill all over that gorgeous body from us!!!

09-16-2010, 08:22 PM
Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful. :love: What more can I say? I think you get the message! :)

Enjoy your day in the spotlight Churchill. :)

09-16-2010, 10:58 PM
Churchill! Wow, you are a handsome fellow! Your silver chinchilla coat is just beautiful and it really sets of your green eyes. You are definitely a keeper :D

Your photos show you leading a much-deserved life of luxury! I see a lot of lazing about in your days, but you must be a very smart boy to have learned how to use the human toilet!

:love: A very Happy Cat of the Day to you, Churchill! I hope you have many,
many more special days because you are a very special kitty! :love:

09-18-2010, 07:40 PM
You are gorgeous, Churchill! As you know, you are very photogenic, and I'm sure there are at least a gazillion photos of you.