View Full Version : Not going to work again! : (

Laura's Babies
09-15-2010, 07:16 PM
Crew change is next week and I was so sure I was going to make it... up until yesterday. For a whole week I was FINE, felt great... then yesterday happened.. Woke up nauseated really bad and a lot of pressure in my head and ears. All it took was me to bend over and the vertigo was back.:(

I had that doctors appointment today with the intentions of getting a release for work and told him that... until yesterday happened.. Today was even worse than yesterday.. So he does a exam and says "lets do a CT scan of your sinus!"... 10 minutes later it was done and we were looking at the results. My right upper sinus has thick infection in the crevices... remember, all my problems have been in the right ear so I think we are on to something! At least I HOPE we are and this is what caused all this trouble for me. (A result of that sinus infection I had in April and was also treated with 2 rounds of antibiotics in July for the dizziness in case it was remnants of that April infection)

Anyway, he said we are going to treat this VERY aggressively and I am on 4 medications plus a 30 day round of antibiotics. WATCH OUT SIDE EFFECTS! 3 of them, the side effects are nausea and dizziness! :rolleyes:

I called my Captain and told him the good and bad news and he is terribly disappointed that I won't be going back, at least for 2 weeks.... IF I am alright, it will be up to the company and the ENT if it will be safe for me to go back then or have to wait until done with all medication and see what happens. :confused: I am not driving again so I am housebound again.

Be warned, I am going to be on some pretty heavy medication and I may not make any sense for awhile.. LOL!

09-15-2010, 07:20 PM
I am so very very sorry. You will be in my thoughts, please know that.
You will be ok, it will get better again. I guess you just have to work through this horrid time to get to the other side.

09-15-2010, 07:22 PM
As I said on FB, if you don't make sense, then I won't feel so alone. :p

Laura's Babies
09-15-2010, 07:54 PM
LOL! THose last antibiotic I took stole my mind about 20 minutes after I took them... They totally wacked me OUT! (and I got to be on these for 30 days and it was $541 for that 30 day supply!:eek:)

09-15-2010, 08:09 PM
Oh, Laura, I'm just so sorry.. sounded like you were going back to work soon and you were so happy looking forward to it.

Prayers that this will be cleared up soon.

09-15-2010, 09:55 PM
WOW for $541 they better do good :)
Hope all the medications start to make you feel better.

09-15-2010, 10:17 PM
I feel so bad for you Laura. I'm so sorry. I hope the meds work this time, even though they have awful side effects.

Laura's Babies
09-15-2010, 10:46 PM
I looked those $541 pills up on the internet, those are not the antibiotic's.. They were just decongestant and antihistamine! Now I am PO'ed as all get out!#1-I got all kinds of that kind of stuff already here at the house, Rx's and OTC! #2-What is was he thinking prescribing such a high priced medication when there are just as many others out there that are tons cheaper? #3 Why did the drug store NOT tell me my insurance wouldn't pay for it as they have every other time?

I can tell you this, I don't know what is doing it but the pressure in my head and ears has greatly deminished already so I guess I better not complain!

09-16-2010, 01:27 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that you have another sinus infection and that you can't go back to work like you wanted to.:( Hopefully these pills will work their magic and you'll recover quickly and stay healthy for a long time so you can go back to work and your normal routine.:) Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

09-16-2010, 07:04 AM
Laura, I'm so sorry to hear about this set-back, I know how you were looking forward to go back to work. Hopefully, the medicine will work and you'll be back to normal soon. Keep your spirits up and get better! :)

09-16-2010, 10:36 AM

I'm so sorry you are not able to go back to work and the price of the medication wow....I can't even image that bill.

I hope they help you.

Take care,

09-16-2010, 11:08 AM
Aw gee mate, you'll be floating all over the clouds once those meds take effect :D You're not alone there....I'm full of them to...have my good days and my totally whacked out days, but that's the way it is I spose.
Forget work and get yerself well, that's got to be No.1 on your list Laura. ;)
Furry paws crossed for you here downunder.....hoping that you can kick it all soon, and get back to normal.

09-16-2010, 12:42 PM
:( Oh no Laura sorry you had a relaps.. Heck the $541.00 for the pills would have put me into a vertigo & headache alone.. But like you said if they are working then I guess its well worth it.. Glad today is going better for you.. Try to get some rest & prop your feet up.. Admire the company you have.. Your Babies..

Killearn Kitties
09-16-2010, 02:11 PM
Well, I'm pleased to hear that the pressure has diminished. Lets hope those super-expensive pills do the trick!
Get well soon!

09-17-2010, 07:35 AM
What Craftlady said!!!

I'm sure once you've taken the meds for a while, that "drunken stupor" feeling will go away.

