View Full Version : I have a question for Catmobile Moms & Dads...

Pinot's Mom
09-14-2010, 05:47 PM
I have a question about this past weekend. Pinot's Dad and I were away Saturday night. When we came home, Pinot was in a very contented sleep, and the supply of kitty treats was greatly depleted. The house smelled like crabcakes and pizza. Sunday evening there was a kitty we've never seen before visiting at the back door. Pinot tried to pretend she didn't notice, but I think they were having a secret conversation when we weren't looking.

My question is: were there any kitties missing on Saturday evening? I have a sneaking suspicion there may have been a Catmobile get together! Any input? :confused::confused: Pinot is not admitting anything.

09-14-2010, 06:49 PM
Hmmm...I was gone from Wednesday to Monday and my roommate was gone Friday and Saturday night so I have no idea what my two were up to......
And it's not like either of them would tell me anything anyway. :rolleyes:
However, they were both really lovey when I came home - way more than usual. Franklin even jumped up and sat on my lap for a couple of minutes, something he never does....

09-14-2010, 07:12 PM
Maggie, that answers a lot of questions. Several of my favorite CD's were missing and just as mysteriously reappeared. Groucho's sunglasses weren't in their regular place. Soncat couldn't find a few of his video games. The tuna I had put aside for a dinner recipe were gone. When I asked Groucho why we couldn't find him, he giggled and said something about a new secret hidey place. I did hear Groucho and Ming talking on their cell phones saying something about chipmunks. When I asked if he talked to Pinot recently, he was rather evasive. I did see remnants of cheesecake on his whiskers though and there was none here. And...our bag of catnip is whereabouts unknown.

09-14-2010, 07:21 PM
I was wondering why mine are all sacked out all over the place.. and Sparkler in particular with this great big grin (such as kitties are able to do) on her face..

09-14-2010, 08:20 PM
I heard Sophie had a terrible headache and I noticed she was chuckling for no reason.. OMG!!! the credit card statement!!!!!!! :eek:

09-14-2010, 09:02 PM
And I believed the boys' story about a beach party in Santa Monica!:eek:

Laura's Babies
09-14-2010, 10:47 PM
I think I have the answer to this delima! Boo's 15th birthday was Sunday and she slept in my bed just about the WHOLE DAY! She didn't do her usual lap time in the morning OR in the afternoon. She hardly moved from the bed and I have to admit, I was really worried about her all day. It was SO unlike her to spend the entire day in bed. She only came up to the front of the house when I called and told her, her party was ready to start, she ate her tuna cake and went back to bed! Did they ALL slip away for a party for Boo? What else could explaine her being so tired all day Sunday?

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-15-2010, 06:07 AM
Hm....... I was reading this topic loud, and now Inka 's disappeared UNDER the coach.............. :confused::confused::confused:

Groucho!?? Do you know why Inka is acting so weird????

Pinot's Mom
09-15-2010, 07:45 AM
...the plot is thickening... we went back to our previous catsitter this weekend, who is very good friends with Pinot, and she claims to know nothing. I smell something fishy....

09-15-2010, 08:29 AM
AH HA! Now I think I know why my car was out of gas even though I had filled it on Friday. I'll have to check the easypass bill.

09-15-2010, 09:49 AM
If it was a Big Black Cat, it may have been Tubster Panther as he has made himself scarce lately, he does seem to want to spend a lot of time in the back yard!!:cool:
Or she may be My Tortie Pouncer Roccalno :love: or any one on My Porch Cats who LOVE the Cat Mobile Trips:love:
Or maybe it is a Porch Cat of your own jsut looking for a place in the sun:love::love::love:

09-15-2010, 11:10 AM
Hmmm... I was out with my mom and sister on Saturday and when I got home, Cassie was asleep in her usual spot. She's keeping quiet about it.

09-15-2010, 12:47 PM
The plot thickens.

09-15-2010, 01:31 PM
I mentioned this to Soncat when he got home from class last night. On Thursday night he went to a Trenton Thunder baseball game to see Andy Petit pitch. When he got home after the game around 11:30 at night, he thought he saw the Catmobile parked around the corner.

Lut, Groucho smiled and purred when I asked him about Inka but that's his usual reaction. As for another trip all he'd say is "We good kitties!"

09-17-2010, 04:18 PM
Cassie learned that the weekend of Austin B's cat show in Hartford there is also a parade, specifically the Hooker Day parade for the city founder. She hopes the other kitties may want to take in at least part of it because there may be mounted police with --- you got it --- Horsies!

09-18-2010, 04:10 PM
Cassie learned that the weekend of Austin B's cat show in Hartford there is also a parade, specifically the Hooker Day parade for the city founder. She hopes the other kitties may want to take in at least part of it because there may be mounted police with --- you got it --- Horsies!

Hi Cassie!
Tell you what, let's start another thread for this so all of our Catmobile friends will know that plans are being made for another very special trip. We definitely need to be there to support our friend Austin B.

A parade and horsies, huh? After their spectacular performance in Catifornia at the Scottish games I'm sure the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet will be marching too!

I'm going to call Auntie Donna and get the full scoop. If you'd like to, go ahead and make the announcement so our friends can start making plans. I'll get the details and post in. Thanks for staying on top of this!!!!

Your friend,

09-18-2010, 10:54 PM
Ming and Mac will be there. Of course, Ming will bring his bagpipes. Those darn things go everywhere with him nowadays.:rolleyes: He is getting good on them, though.:D

09-19-2010, 12:35 PM
I am afraid I saw Orion digging in the backpacks mumbling something like "Little sister..... I'll show them......." If you see my boy make sure he is ok. He's only ten months old! Even if he thinks he's totally grown up.

09-19-2010, 12:48 PM
I am SOOO excited!! I hope you can all make it to the cat show. It's the weekend of October 23rd. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Hartford Expo Center Hartford (off I-91) Austin is looking forward to seeing his fans at his very first cat show!!!

Donate cat food and get $1 off your entrance fee.

The Hooker Parade is a big deal in Hartford. Every year they have a parade. I wonder if they'll ask Austin Butchie to be the Grand Marshall???

See you on the 23rd!!!