View Full Version : Buddy - concern - leaving alone overnight

09-13-2010, 12:22 PM
I almost never go away on an overnight and haven't been away from home for an overnight in probably about 6 years.

I had to stay with my mom last night overnight because my dad was hospitalized for something minor yesterday.

I left the house yesterday about 5:30 p.m. and made sure there was plenty of food and water for all 3 cats to last through the night and into today when I can get back home and feed them early this evening.

Here is my concern. Buddy is used to having someone around in the evening and overnight. He always sleeps at the bottom of the bed. I will only be home for a couple hours this evening and then going back to stay with my mom overnight again, going to work tomorrow and returning home some time tomorrow evening. Do you think Buddy will be okay not having me around much for several days? He will have plenty of food and water, just not much human contact. Before my daughter went to college she would be around if I wasn't.

When my dad is released from the hospital, things will be back to normal hopefully.

09-13-2010, 12:41 PM
He may pout, but he'll probably be fine.

09-13-2010, 02:30 PM
I sure understand how you feel, but I too believe Buddy will be fine. :) He has food and water, but will of course miss your company. Just make sure that he can't get in trouble - if you have blinds with strings hanging down, put them up high! Oh, and no little balls of yarn laying around.

What I have made a habit of doing, is to put an extra bowl of water in the kitchen sink during night, just in case...

I hope you'll have a relaxed stay with your mom and your dad will be home from hospital soon, and be okay! :)

09-13-2010, 02:39 PM
Oh, Buddy ... if only you were closer I would be happy to hang out with you ... but you're there and I'm here. I'm sure you will miss your meowmie but I know you will be okay. And I bet you will give her a whole mess of head bumpies and ankle rubs when she's back to let her know just how much she was missed.

09-13-2010, 02:58 PM
When I was in the Hospital for about a month in 2004 , I was so concerned with the Found Cats being alone with only My Aunt Joan and the Animal Welfare to watch over them , and they would be alone all night.
But when I came back, they were all fine although they did miss me!!
Of course they had the Go To Cats back then, My Moose, JJJ3 and the Siamese 6 Pack.
We are praying athe Buddy and Friends will be all right, and that they will
be able to bond while you cannot be there.
I think that the idae of Cat Piles started about these trying time!!!!

Laura's Babies
09-13-2010, 05:43 PM
You will get 1 of these 2 reactions from him...

!- he will be upset and ignore you

2-he will be starving for attention and will not leave you alone.

(Then there are the usual methods of how they (felines) let their displeasure known that you may discover around the house!:eek:)

09-13-2010, 06:04 PM
He should be fine. Cats are so naturally independent anyway, that he might even enjoy this new adventure. I'm sure he'll let you know his true thoughts on it when you get home. :p:D

Hope your Dad is going to be okay.

09-13-2010, 06:14 PM
I know how you feel... I worry about mine when I go up to the cabin and they are all alone.

He should be fine, and like Laura said, you'll get the pout or the affection. Hope things go well with your dad. Good thoughts and prayers going out to you and your family.

09-14-2010, 05:52 PM
Thanks everybody! My dad was released today so I got to come home after work and I can sleep in my own bed tonight...yeah!!!

After I got home from work this evening and fed the cats I ended up with Buddy on the arm of my chair and Tinker on the footrest. Both were sleeping and purring happily. Life is good and back to normal. :)

09-15-2010, 09:16 AM
I have a pet sitting business and am often away from my cats for a couple days at a time. Laura's Babies is right. When you get back, you'll get ignored by some, velcroed by others. They get over it the minutes the can opener comes out.

Cats, as long as they have adequate food, water and a litterbox, can be left alone for a night or two. Make sure you put a nighlight on and a radio. They'll be fine!

09-15-2010, 09:39 AM
Well, I know how you feel. We will be leaving Paizly and Jax for about 4 days next week. I'm not at all worried about Paizly. But we've never left Jax overnight. He has come to Tahoe with us the past two times. While I know he will be fine. I just hope he doesn't torment Paizly too much. LOL

Glad to hear your dad is out of the hospital and things are back to normal in your house. :)

09-19-2010, 01:56 AM
I agree. Cats are pretty resilient. I have come home to find a stack of dishes tossed to the ground and both the fridge and freezer wide open. :eek: They do revenge very well. LOL! But all and all, they manage. :love:I think they also understand and know you have to go to be with your mom and you didn't just go on holiday and abandon him. It's all good. Concentrate on your family and your furfamily will be fine. :)