View Full Version : Fleas!!!!

09-13-2010, 08:40 AM
Callie brought fleas home, despite having had flea protection on her neck earlier this month. Now I have fleas on a couple cats along with Callie. I ran out and bought different flea drops last night and the little buggers are still running around living the high-life on my pets! grrr.

Funny thing, apparently fleas are big this year, because the flea aisle looked like a mob tore through the shelves. There wasn't any selection, and I had to get what I could get. Sigh.

Now I'm sympathy itching for my guys something awful. I have never been affected by flea bites, so I know its all psychosematic on my part. :rolleyes:

09-13-2010, 09:47 AM
Ugh, fleas are the worst!! We always had fleas when I lived with my parents. I had Taz and my sister had 6 dogs (3 outside and 3 inside). We had a flea bath fest one time. That was exciting....NOT.

Luckily, we have not had a flea problem at my house since Zoee was 4 months old. That's a horrible story though and I don't want to remember it.

I wish I had some suggestions for you. And I hope you get the problem resolved soon.

09-13-2010, 10:19 AM
I didn't have a problem with fleas this year, up till about a month ago. I think it's because it was so ungodly hot and dry. I never even started the flea protection on the pooches until August, and normally I automatically start it in April. Once we started getting a little rain, and a break from the heat every now and then, the fleas flourished! However, I'd rather deal with the fleas, than the heat. Fortunately the Advantix is working as it should! :D

09-13-2010, 11:56 AM
I hope you can get it under control soon. I had a flea problem many years ago so now I use advantage on everyone every month and I've never had a problem since.:) I have to use it year round because we have a mild climate here and also because I live in a condo complex and my front door opens up to a main hallway that's carpeted. If one person here has an animal with fleas then they spread quickly so it's better to safe than sorry.

I've been buying my flea meds online for several years now and I buy the largest dog advantage and then I measure it out according to how much everyone weighs. My vet has approved this and it really saves me a lot of money too. Good luck.:)

09-13-2010, 12:58 PM
We had an awful time with them recently, and our cats are indoor only. We had the exterminator come through, and then when that didn't get rid of them completely, we ordered Flea Stoppers powder online. It worked very well. We tried some of the off-the-shelf carpet powder, and it was a temporary fix at best. Just Google "Flea Stoppers," and you should be able to find it. We also treated the cats regularly.