View Full Version : Prue off to be spayed today :(

09-13-2010, 06:13 AM
I can't believe the time has arrived. Prue is seven months old and it is time for her spaying surgery. I am sure she will do just fine. She will be going in at 8:30 and I will be able to get her at the end of the day. A nervous day for me, for sure. Fingers crossed. I know she will be a bit off for a couple of days and I dread her having to be in any pain. The vet promised she would load her up with pain medication before she comes home.

Prue is such a sweet puppy. She means so much to me. We have become quite close these days since I am no longer working. We spend nearly 24/7 together. Quite the bonding has happened. love::love::love::love:

The cats have learned to deal with her and vice versa. Some days Prue seems to forget that the cats don't want to play "catch me"..... and she gets a good thwacking from her bed mates. I wonder if she will ever take NO for an answer.

Prudence is a really smart and entertaining dog, with energy enough for two people to handle. Maybe the spaying will slow her down for a week.

09-13-2010, 06:14 AM
It will be okay. :) At least you get to bring her home tonight. I had to leave Delta at my vets. :( You will take good care of her and she will be fine. :)

09-13-2010, 06:44 AM
Prudence will be in my thoughts today. I'm sure she'll do fine. I too though, always worried and paced the floor when my furkids got fixed.:o As for being a bit off a few days, none of mine ever were, after the evening home, they were ready to go!;)

09-13-2010, 08:08 AM
Prue will be fine, and back to her normal self in no time; the cats won't even have time to miss her! :p

Get some pain meds to bring home with her.

My vet normally phones about 1 PM as the anesthesia is wearing off, just to let me know things went OK. If your doesn't, do make a quick phone call. They will NOT mind!

09-13-2010, 10:39 AM
Prayers and good thoughts that all will go well for Prue, and that she will soon be home with you and the cats!

09-13-2010, 10:47 AM
Thank you for your kind words and support. I will call the Vet at noon, to get the news. Since they have not phoned - good news. They did take a phone number in case of emergency. No call = no emergency.

She was so surprised to see me leave her at the vet's. I could hear her crying as I was leaving. It broke my heart. I nearly stopped around 10AM as I was driving past the vet, but decided that they would think I was nuts, having just left her off at 8:30. She IS on my mind, and I am sure she will be fine.

Thanks again for your kind words.:cool:

09-13-2010, 02:37 PM
sasvermont ... it's 2:30 PM in Chicago ... any news yet?

09-13-2010, 02:52 PM
I'm sure she'll be fine, and glad to see you. Good luck in keeping her calm for a couple days!

09-13-2010, 04:20 PM
When I called, a little after 12 noon, they said she was ready to go home! I drove and picked her up right after that. What you get, when you pick up a pet that "early" is a sick pet. So, for the first four hours, she was crying. It was breaking my heart. She had been given two pain shots, and was covered for 24 hours worth of pain. My guess is that she was crying as a result of coming out of the anesthesia and not in pain. It was more of a weary cry than a yipe. A sound we would make when we were trying to deal with a bad hang over. Like a "whaooooooo" type cry. She kept walking around the house, whimpering. She has been up and down steps, on and off the sofa and in general, walking nicely. She has finally dozed off now and seems to be comfortable. Her restlessness seems to have stopped for the time being. If I had picked her up at 4:30 and not 12:30, I would have been spared this part.

She will not have a follow up appointment, unless there are problems. The stitches will dissolve on their own.

The cats didn't like her new scent and hissed at her.

I had an Ecollar on her at first but decided to use it when and if she begins to lick her tummy. They told me to put hot compresses on the incision to keep it moist so it won't itch. I doubt if she will allow that.

They managed to get Benadine all over her back as well as on the belly, which of course was expected. They didn't have the soft Ecollar available, as I had requested and they said they would have on hand.....so she ended up with a WAAAAAY too big of an Ecollar. I had a little soft blue one left over from one of the cats' spaying and it does fit Prue, since she weighs only a few pounds more than Lucy, my black cat.

All in all I am happy that all went smoothly for Prue. I feel guilty about inflicting so much discomfort on a little puppy, but it was necessary, for sure.

So, thanks for caring and listening.

Sas and her campers, including Prue Prue!

09-13-2010, 04:59 PM
I'm glad she is home & the surgery went well.:) Poor little thing, strange
place,surgery & sore belly and then the cats hiss at her. How much can a
girl take in one day? ;) Feel better soon Prue.:)

My Maggie had a bad "hangover" from her surgery too & would just sit and
moan for a few hours before she finally even laid down to rest.

09-13-2010, 05:06 PM

Feel better soon, sweet Prudence! gentle *kiss* to you

09-13-2010, 05:48 PM
Aw, glad Prue is home! Now she is in recovery mode. GREAT~!!!

LOL, if they had told you she was ready at noon, and anyone (maybe here on PT?) had told you be sure to leave her there as late as possible, could you have done it? :p Not likely. So it is a learning experience, and you know she is home and safe.

09-13-2010, 06:16 PM
Sas, I'm glad to hear that Prue went through her spay surgery ok and is back home with you again.
Do you have any pictures of her to post?
I still want to come up to meet her and take a lot of photos when she is feeling better.
Let me know when would be a good time for you, maybe on a weekend sometime soon?
Sending hugs to you and sweet Prue.:love:

09-13-2010, 07:38 PM
Good to hear Prudence is home!:)

09-13-2010, 07:43 PM
I'm glad to hear that her spay went well and I hope she'll make a quick recovery.:)

09-14-2010, 06:36 AM
Well, it was a quiet night, thank goodness. She slept on my bed, very quietly and popped up at 5:30 AM ready to go outside for a potty break. She has some hesitation when approaching the steps, but eventually went down them and right outside, barking at the neighbor's dog, as usual.

I put the blue soft e-collar on her, since the incision is evident to her now.

It seems that the stressful part of the surgery is over with and she will improve more each day. I think the vet said she needed to stay on-leash for ten days.

Thanks for your kind words.:):):)

I promise to take some photos SOON!

09-14-2010, 01:03 PM
Good to hear Prue is getting back to her normal self. Good girl. Will look
forward to pictures later.:)

09-14-2010, 08:00 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Prue is doing well. I don't get around PT as much as I used to and didn't even know you had gotten a puppy, so I had to go and do a little search for her introduction. I'm so happy for you and she looks like such a sweetie. I love her name. I'm looking forward to you posting some more pics of your little girl.

09-15-2010, 12:06 PM
sasvermont, how is Prue today?

09-16-2010, 12:39 AM
Prue acts as though nothing has happened. Her incision is clean, not even pink, and doing nicely. She does try to lick it every now and then. I haven't had the collar on her since she spends 9/10's of her time with me, in the same room. If I tell her not to lick, she stops.

She did have a fitful night last night, for some reason but is fine tonight. Now I can't sleep!

I am still going to be extra careful for the next several days even though she seems back to her former self.

I just can't get over how quickly she popped back. The first day and one half were a bit awful though.

Thanks for thinking of my girl, Prue. She is one sweet puppy, for sure.