View Full Version : Our precious Jesse James has left us...

10-25-2002, 03:49 PM
I am a new member and I wanted to share the news of mine and my roommate's cat, who was put to sleep on Wednesday, October 23, 2002.

Jesse (or Jesse James when she was bad!) was a beautiful cat. She was an English/Russian Blue and she had some white on her paws, her chest and a little bit on her upper lip. She attained the ripe old age of 16 1/2.

She was suffering from hyperthyroidism for the past three years and just in the last few months, her health started to deteriorate rapidly. We felt that the best thing to do was to let her go to sleep and be at peace.

She was a very annoying kitty at times, very affectionate (she loved to give hugs!) and would eat and drink the strangest things. Her favourite foods were perogies, egg yolk, cheese and potato chips. She also liked to drink coffee, tea, fruit juice and the water right out of our cups!! She would try to get into the chocolate and other bad things for her because that is what she liked. She would sneak the chips right out of our bag! She seemed to really like tortilla chips and sour cream and onion!

She was a chatter and would always greet us when we came into a room or came home. It was always nice to come home to a loud and pleased welcome like that and it made us feel good.

There are so many things about Jesse that will be remembered and there is too much to ever write down in one place.

I just wanted to share some of this with you and it helps me to keep her memory and legacy alive to share with you how much we loved her and will always remember her for the beautiful and special kitty she was.

Thank you.

In Memory of Jesse James
March 7, 1986 - October 23, 2002
May you always rest in peace, Jesse.

Cinder & Smoke
10-25-2002, 04:01 PM
So sorry that Jesse went to the Rainbow Bridge :(.

But Wow!

A Gormet, Pretty, Colorful, Talkative, Friendly, and Long-Lived KAT!!!!
Quite a Kat!

Rest In Peace, Jesse.

10-25-2002, 04:06 PM
You came to the right place. We all understand the loss of a beloved furry friend. My prayers are with Jesse and all of you who loved her. I'm sure she is busy making friends at the Rainbow Bridge right now.

10-25-2002, 04:22 PM
Jesse will live forever in your hearts, that we know for sure. She must have been a very special kitty, and very well-loved. She will be there at the Rainbow Bridge, healthy and whole, waiting for you.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-25-2002, 04:41 PM
So sorry to hear about poor Jesse. :( It sounds like she really was a special kitty, and will live on in your hearts.

And I have to welcome you to PT, even though it is under such sad circumstances. Hopefully you will gain some comfort from all the wonderful members here.

I have a 16 (almost 16 1/2) year old kitty too. Tubby. He was diagnosed as being in the early stages of kidney failure about 1 1/2 years ago now, but he is doing well and seems to be acting more and more like the spunk he used to be (I think it's the cooler weather).

If you have pictures of Jesse, we would love to see them, and we would love to hear any stories you have to tell about her. You definitely came to the right place as MOFF said.

10-25-2002, 05:00 PM
Through your beautiful words, your touching the tribute, so many more have come to learn what a very special, very beautiful, very cherished furry friend your beloved Jesse was. She will forever live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved her. You and your roommate were so very blessed by her loyal companionship. Jesse enjoyed such a full, long life. Still, saying goodbye to our furkids is so very hard and so very painful. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time and I send to you my heartfelt sympathies for your great loss. Jesse, I know all of my departed furkids are welcoming you with love and friendship, there at the Rainbow Bridge. God Bless you dear Jesse. Love, Sandra

10-25-2002, 05:06 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss.

10-25-2002, 05:27 PM
We are all very saddened to hear of Jesse's passing. We hope in time the painful memories will fade and the happy memories will live on forever...

with <3 from the gang

All Creatures Great And Small
10-25-2002, 07:01 PM
You have my deepest sympathies. I know the loss of a pet is almost too painful sometimes to bear, and I guess time is the only healer for that. I was devastated when I lost my 15 year old girl kitty - fortunately I had a very understanding boss who let me take the next 2 days off. It's hard, too, when you talk to people and you find yourself suddenly breaking down into tears, where if there had been a human death in your family people would understand, but they think 'she's crying over a cat?'
Only other pet lovers truly understood. How wonderful that you could be there at the end. To this day, it makes me heartsick that I missed my girl kitty's death by just a few minutes - I was racing home from work because my daughter had called and said the kitty was in a bad way, and by the time I got home she was gone. 15 years of her total devotion and loyalty to me, and I wasn't even there to comfort her at the end. Oh man, this is making me cry now just remembering it.

Miss Meow
10-25-2002, 07:52 PM
I'm so sorry Bunny. What a dreadful loss. Our PetTalk family has had a few beloved pets go to the Rainbow Bridge recently. Hopefully Jesse is up there introducing herself and passing around the potato chips. She will no doubt visit you in your dreams or some other way to let you know she is watching over you.

10-25-2002, 08:18 PM
I am so sorry for your loss, of your beautiful kitty. I wish you could have joined this board under better circumstances, but welcome all the same. you did the right thing for you cat, she is not hurting now.

10-25-2002, 08:41 PM
Bunny, what a sad way to welcome you to PT. I know that Jesse is at the RB now, with all the other babies, enjoying life pain free, and with tons of other friends. Think of all the happy memories you have to keep you company. Hugs from the herd....;)

10-25-2002, 09:04 PM
I so strongly agree with the others...i wish we could have met under different circumstanves...however,it really doesn't matter when you come to Pettalk...know that we all here understand the sense of loss that you are feeling right now....

there are a host of critters at The Bridge just waiting for your precious Jesse....my former Callico Kitty named Jessica is waiting there for Dear Jesse...and most recently, my Dear Ms.Puss will also be waiting...paws outstretched, yet arms balancing chips in one paw and dip in the other ...to welcome your Dear Jesse...there are many other Dear Souls...just from the Pet Talk Family...there waiting for her....so rest assured that she will have a wonderful reception.......
feel free to PM me if you want to chat...i have just gone through this also....August 20th

i also found alot of websites and books that are just for grieving pet owners...
The Rainbow Bridge.com

there are many others...They are so helpful and understanding at this time for you......
Just know that you and your Dear Jesse are in our thoughts and prayers

10-25-2002, 09:27 PM
Bunny, welcome to Pet Talk, and I too wish that we had been able to meet you under better circumstances. You are among a warm caring group of people here who understand and care. Your tribute to your special friend was beautiful and I would love to see a picture if you are able to post one. My sincere sympathies to you at this time.

10-26-2002, 12:56 AM
Bunny, I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of Jesse. :( I would also like to welcome you to Pet Talk and I also wish that it was under better circumstances. You have come to the right place to find some comfort about your cat. Just try to remember all the good years that you had with her. She's at peace now and you'll see her again some day. RIP sweet Jesse. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

10-26-2002, 03:44 AM
Bunny, I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss! From the way you described Jesse, I can see how special she was and how much you love her.

Isn't it the toughest decision we have to make for them when we realize their little bodies are failing? But you did right, now her suffering has come to an end.

She will always live on in your heart and your memories. After a while, you will realize that these memories are not so painful anymore, but it takes time.

Like All Creatures Great And Small I was also devastated when I lost my Katz-girl after 14 years and I went home from work the next day 'cause I couldn't do anything but crying.

You'll find many people here who have been through the same and who are very understanding. So many of us here have furkids at the Rainbow Bridge, and they'll always have a special place in our hearts.

R.I.P., little Jesse


10-26-2002, 05:57 AM
Oh, dear Jesse, you had such a wonderful long life. I can tell by the words your Mom wrote. We never got to meet you until now, but we are pleased to have known you. Your Mom will carry your memories forever and you will be the one that her future pets will be compared to. RIP at the RB, you'll find many welcoming new friends there.

Oh, bunny, I was saddened to hear of the lost of such a fine friend. I, also, have had a recent loss (April) and still think of Y.Lee quite often. Feel free to write more of Jesse's antics as they come to your memory. I know I like to remenice about Y.Lee and what he would do if he were still here. We all would love to hear.

10-26-2002, 06:28 AM
I am so sorry for your loss , Bunny ...!

Since you had Jesse for so many years , she was like a part of your life , a part that was always there . It hurts to let a loved one go , but you did the best you could for her ! She is in no pain anymore now !! I bet she is playing with all our RB-pets now !!

Take care , Bunny !
and : welcome at Pettalk !!!