View Full Version : Changes

09-10-2010, 10:00 AM
I have not posted in quite a long time, although I start every morning looking at the creatures honored with pictures and write-ups.

I guess I just need/want to post the changes that have come to my world. As you may remember, I have always had a large family of animals that no one else wanted...strays and abandoneds ended up with me and we were happy together.

Unfortunately my health has given out. (Spinal arthritis, spinal degeneration (lost 5 inches in height) and my knee joints are gone) This has made it impossible to work as a teacher of troubled adolescents...(I was attacked 3 times in the last few months I worked.) Being out of work has made it impossible to keep my house and so I have had to face some of the hardest choices of my life.

Today MsMay is hopefully going to a new home...and Jack and Amelia will be becoming members of a horse-barn cat-family. (I worry about Amelia adjusting...but it is the best choice I can find.) The low-kill shelters are so full that they do not want to take cats as old as these...even though they are healthy....

My dog Luckie was old and her health and eyesight were failing. Her skin condition had become very bad and she could not manage the stairs to where I will be staying....so I had to send her to the Bridge sooner than I would have liked.

Two weeks ago Futzie, a dilute tortrie and Phooka's lifetime companion, had a stroke and died...Rudi, a 17-19 year old grey tux cat, that I had rescued 12 years ago developed pneumonia so quickly there was little to do but make his passing gentle, and Phooka, a dark ginger tabby who was only 14 was fine at breakfast, tho sad and looking for his Futzie, well, by 5:30 that evening I found that he had found her.... He was curled as if sleeping in their favorite box, but he was dead.

My cuckatoo, and the four other cats that remain will be coming with me. These four are the least likely to be adopted....

This has been hard. If not for friends and the amazingly kind people at Critter Central and my vet's office and the Humane Society, I would not be able to go on. Some days it is very tempting to follow my friends. But there are still some of them that I can protect.

I guess, posting this is my way of remembering those I lost and reminding everyone to hold their little ones close. I never thought I would have to be doing this... Their time with us is too short, they are a precious trust and I would much rather have died than have failed them...

So love your little ones a little extra today and think kind thoughts for mine as they enter their new adventures.

Thank you.

Laura's Babies
09-10-2010, 11:10 AM
Gee! I am speechless! How horriable for you! (((((((HUGS)))))

09-10-2010, 12:19 PM
I am not familiar with you or your pets, but I have tears in my eyes as I read your words. I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you. Losing some of your pets, letting some go and making the tough decision to do what's best for them by rehoming them.
But I do hope you find happiness in your new place with the remaining pets you take with you and I also hope feel better as time goes on.

09-10-2010, 12:24 PM
My heart aches for you. Many years ago I had to rehome a pet and even though he went to an excellent home, it hurt! I am sending up prayers that you find peace and happiness now and that your remaining pets thrive right along with you.:love:

09-10-2010, 09:56 PM
thank you for your kind words.

09-10-2010, 10:04 PM
{{{hug!}}} I hope you get lots of blessings to help heal the sorrow you've been through.

Love, Columbine

09-11-2010, 08:05 AM
I can't even fathom the pain you must be experiencing right now. Rehoming our furkids is something that we all dread but sometimes we must do. It's an unfortunate but necessary part of life sometimes. You've made these decisions out of love for them and they will have good lives b/c of you just as they have in the past w/you. I wish you much peace in your new life. :)

09-11-2010, 09:40 AM
We are so sorry to hear about your Cat Companions passing on, and the fact that you have lost your mobility.:(
That is so sad to hear , I think we have all shared that feeling of helplessness as Our Cats become Angels:(
But it is only temporary and all those who truly Love and Care for their Animal Companions as you have done Barncat will be reunited in Love in Paradise!!:love:
One Fine Day:love:

09-12-2010, 06:57 AM
Thank you. Your words are a kindness.