View Full Version : My boss

09-09-2010, 10:14 PM
Ok so many of you have heard me talk about my boss the Doc. I have worked for him for 8 years and I just adore him. He is a very talented man, very private, quite, soft spoken, kind, brillant man. A gifted surgeon.
So he calls the other day and I pick up the phone, now known of us have ever really spoken on the phone so you wouldn't know my voice but I am really chipper, upbeat, sweet and silly on the phone. I have been told I have the perfect receptionist voice. Friendly, helpful, patient. Yes I am bragging but that is my job to be this chipper person. Ok so he calls and I am not my chipper, upbeat, silly, fun self. I am just a bit short with him.
I have never done that before but I was tired and busy and well I don't know I just wasn't bubbly as usual.
So the big boss lady called today and while she has me on the phone she says
Doc wants to what is up with Monica? He can tell something is wrong. Well I just had to laugh. I guess we are like two old shoes, we just fit together. Knowing each others mood, which is true. I can tell from the moment he walks in the the morning what kind of day we will most likely have. Is he tired, does he want coffee, are the kids sick, patient on his mind, business meeting?
It just made me laugh. For one moment I wasn't Goldie Hawn giggles and he wants to know what is wrong.
I think I will bake a cake for Monday and take it to work. He loves sweets.

09-10-2010, 03:56 AM
cake is good to eat if somebody likes sweet food.

Laura's Babies
09-10-2010, 08:57 AM
I will be with my boss, soon to be 10 years and we know each others moods, can read each other like a book. Every now and then, I will just get deep and lost in thought and he will ask me what is wrong, am I ok.. He still don't recognize that blank look when I am lost in my own thoughts.

I too, am usually happy and chipper all the time and that sometimes annoys him and he will ask "Don't anything EVER get to you!?".. But he knows when he has a problem, he can bounce things off of me and know I will not repeat our conversations. He knows I am the "tough love" type while he is the "do anything to keep peace" type and he is always asking what I would do, knowing I will take the tough love approach and then he'll ask me "HOW can you DO that?" and I say "sometimes you HAVE to or the situation only gets worse!" After almost 10 years, he is now "toughening up" in how he handles things and seeing that you DO have to get tough sometimes..

I respect him as my boss and love him like a friend. The friend in me will not allow me to overstep him being my boss. He was my boss first and I always remember that.

09-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Sounds like the two of you have a great thing going. Not everyone is so lucky in life but if you do have it, work is a joy.
Congrats to you both for finding the best in each other and supporting it.

09-11-2010, 10:52 PM
Having an awesome boss can make your job so much easier despite daily tensions. Lucky you! I was blessed too. Adored all my bosses.

09-14-2010, 10:11 PM
Today was just one of those days that dragged at work.
I sat behind a computer for 10 hours checking patients in and out, mostly just doing data entry.
At one point I looked at my co-worker and said.
Is this it, is this what my life is about, sitting here typing on the computer all day? I wanted to work with animals!
He looked at me and said
You do. And then walked away with a straight face.
I almost fell of the chair laughing.

09-14-2010, 10:21 PM

09-15-2010, 06:25 AM
Today was just one of those days that dragged at work.
I sat behind a computer for 10 hours checking patients in and out, mostly just doing data entry.
At one point I looked at my co-worker and said.
Is this it, is this what my life is about, sitting here typing on the computer all day? I wanted to work with animals!
He looked at me and said
You do. And then walked away with a straight face.
I almost fell of the chair laughing.

WOW! So now I know what living life to the fullest is all about.....:eek::D

09-15-2010, 07:06 PM
WOW! So now I know what living life to the fullest is all about.....:eek::D

!!!!!:D :D :D You did it again...made me fall out of my chair...so now I'll have to wear the helmet.

09-15-2010, 07:13 PM
So today surgery was needed. Unfortunately the surgeon was in another hospital. The optometrist was with a patient so in this emergency I grabbed Jack our tech, or as I refer to him 4, he is like a 4Th son to me. Jack happens to also be a firemen and paramedic so I felt safe with him, I knew it was going to be ok.
The operation was a success, no loss of blood, lots of hands were needed to hold the instruments. It was pretty intense, the was some swearing, but it the end the operation was a success.
Thank you Jack. I raised you well. LOL

09-15-2010, 07:15 PM
Here are some moments from the surgery.


09-15-2010, 07:16 PM

09-15-2010, 07:18 PM
My ring is fixed and good as new.
