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09-09-2010, 04:51 PM
lol... well not that much.. haha..

weīre definitely set on Ariel.. but Samantha (hubs choice) and Jordan (my choice).. have been discarded.. lol.. he just isnīt too set on his suggestion but he ainīt too happy with mine either.. he thinks itīs to snobby or something..

so weīre looking onto other name that goes with Ariel.. either in front or after it.. so it depends also on how it sounds when said in full..

I read a WHOLE book of names.. yeah WHOLE.. and the other names that I like are either Randi or Zafiro (sapphire in Spanish)... but Iīm not that convinced

I also likes Sophia.. or Sophie.. but just a week ago I met a friend from hubby and his wife n kid.. ironically her name is Sofia.. (variation of Sophia).. so that is out too..:rolleyes:

any suggestions??...(I do like names with a meaning ;))

09-09-2010, 06:46 PM
sana, I believe she's talking about her human baby ;)

09-09-2010, 07:04 PM
Hey, husky mom, I was wondering, you could name her "Helen", if no one else has that name in your family. It means "pure" btw. I have a couple others too: Ayla or Anya (it's Russian :)) Of course, there are only suggestions. :) But whatever you name her, please do come and tell us alright?

09-09-2010, 08:27 PM
Ariel Zafiro seems to fit well together, and I think it's lovely. There are tons of Sophias and Sofias nowadays, and that's just different enough to be nice.

And there's always the Spanish standard Maria - Ariel Maria is pretty, a mixture of old and new ...

09-09-2010, 08:51 PM
I like Ariel Sophia. I am pretty traditional in the names that I like. The Z name just isn't my style, but it's up to what the parents like.
Cooincidently, we have an Ariel in my family. I have twin 6 yr old cousins, Ariel Kay and Brice Marie.
My sister is the exact opposite of me. Her kids' names are Brielle NaShay and Ruger Adkin-William (yes, after the gun...:rolleyes:). Hey, to each their own!

09-09-2010, 09:49 PM
Once the baby is born and you look into his or her face you will know.
Everyone has a mental picture of how a Ariel, Samantha, Barbara or Ashley in their head.
I personally would stay away from names that are too different as it might cause problems for the child always having their name mispronounced, misspelled. It gets old always having to explain ones name. After the 5000 time you begin to really hate it.
My friend named her son Seamus. And yes the girl at the Peds office called him SEA-MUS and my friend said "do you really think I would name my kid SEA-MUS? It is pronounced Shay-mus but spelled Seamus as is was in Ireland ages ago.
Now it's a great name but you better believe that kid is gonna be picked on so he better be tough. So why put a kid through that especially a girl?
They are worried about looks and fitting in and then an odd or unusual name and many kids just crumble. Some shine with unusual names but some don't.
I named my son Ian and he HATED it. People called him I-in instead of the correct way of saying it which is E-in. Now as a grown man he is ok with it but as a kid not so. Even the teachers said I-in. I was so sick and tried of explaining that E-in is the scottish form of John.
Ian Gillian Singer of Deep Purple
Ian Fleming The Writer
Ian is an popular in England as Michael and John are here which is great if you live there but the poor kid suffered.

09-10-2010, 12:57 AM
I disagree - I grew up with a very common name, Karen - look how many Karens there at as part of Pet Talk. I was always jealous of my elder siblings' more unique name, Johanna - which is far more common now than when we were kids, and Iver - which I always have to explain to people, and is a good, traditional Swedish name.

I was almost never the only Karen in any given group. It was annoying. Whereas a child with a unique name automatically has at least a topic of conversation! It depends more on the child how she will react naturally. My friend Renée was a very shy kid when we were in second grade, and when the teacher called her name for the first time, she pronounced it "REE-nee" instead of "reh-NAY" as we all knew it should be. Renée was completely mortified, but too shy to correct her, so I took her, blushing and cringing, by the hand up to the teacher, and explained. Mrs. Coughlin apologized and told us she was glad to hear, as the only person she had met with that name pronounced it REEnne. And she got it right the rest of the year, thankfully!

09-10-2010, 01:43 AM
Ohh Karen and Marigold, don't even talk about teachers. My teachers, nearly always spoke wrong names. Our gate keeper used to call my cousin (female) Yoonoosih although her name was Zoonish. My sister's teacher called Marva, a class fellow, Marukh, Mehwish, and even Maarva, which I don't think is a name becuase it resembles Larva. I guess teachers are always teaching so they don't have time to learn how to pronounce names. ;) And you know something, Marva, Ruhma, Zuhaa, These names are common. the kids in school call Zuhaa (Zuuhaa), Zoha and Ruhma (Ruuhma), Roma.

Ariel goes with... Ariel is best if named only singularly, meaning Ariel John or something.

09-10-2010, 02:10 AM
Ariel Mischka

Ariel = Lioness of God, Hebrew.
Mischka = Loved One, Russian

09-10-2010, 09:00 AM
Ariel is a really pretty name, I am not too fond of Jordan, it just strikes me more as a boys name. I feel like Samantha (while pretty) is really common. Sophia is not that great either, lol, I am sorta picky with names. But that's just not my opinion.

My name is never spelled correctly, it was always pronounced right, but it's spelled so many different ways. Alissa, Alysa, Elyssa, and it's just never spelled my way which is obnoxious.

09-10-2010, 09:07 AM
Compromise: Ariel Jordan or "AJ" for a boy OR girl

09-10-2010, 09:39 AM
hehe.. I do kinda like unisex names.. hence I liked Jordan.. lol.. and Samantha could be Sam.. lol

about the Maria... I donīt think so.. waaaaaaaay too many of em.. not to mention they are in my own family..lol.. but thanks for suggesting it..;)

I kinda like unique names.. but also am considering not to rare ones.. hard for them to write and pronunciate (the kids)..

I also donīt want any names from someone either in the family, friends, acquaintances or co-workers circles.. lol.. I guess iīm picky too.. lol

09-10-2010, 10:35 AM
I disagree - I grew up with a very common name, Karen - look how many Karens there at as part of Pet Talk. I was always jealous of my elder siblings' more unique name, Johanna - which is far more common now than when we were kids, and Iver - which I always have to explain to people, and is a good, traditional Swedish name.

LOL, for the VERY first time this year, I introduced myself to another Johanna! I have known about her for years, but we never spoke on the phone until this year. It is very weird.

There are two baby J's in J's class this year. I don't hear his name that often. He was very excited when he told me about the other one. :)

09-10-2010, 11:11 AM
couple more crossed my mind

Ariel Elizabeth (variant of Isabel.. which neither of us want, but the variant we do like.. haha.. my grandmother, mom and I are Isabelīs.. thatīs why)

Ariel Reneé

Arwen Ariel (yeah I know.. lol.. LOTR..)

Kimberly Ariel

Daphne Ariel

09-10-2010, 01:07 PM
lol... well not that much.. haha..

weīre definitely set on Ariel.. but Samantha (hubs choice) and Jordan (my choice).. have been discarded.. lol.. he just isnīt too set on his suggestion but he ainīt too happy with mine either.. he thinks itīs to snobby or something..

so weīre looking onto other name that goes with Ariel.. either in front or after it.. so it depends also on how it sounds when said in full..

I read a WHOLE book of names.. yeah WHOLE.. and the other names that I like are either Randi or Zafiro (sapphire in Spanish)... but Iīm not that convinced

I also likes Sophia.. or Sophie.. but just a week ago I met a friend from hubby and his wife n kid.. ironically her name is Sofia.. (variation of Sophia).. so that is out too..:rolleyes:

any suggestions??...(I do like names with a meaning ;))

My great-grandaughter's name is Ariel Anna. I like those 2 together. I very rarely call her just Ariel. Of course, the way I say it sounds like 1 name......Arielanna :p

finn's mom
09-10-2010, 03:07 PM
I like the sound of Ariel Pearl. :)

My name is rarely spelled correctly (it's K-a-r-i), and it's mispronounced about 50% of the time. It's pronounced like the verb "carry", but I get "car (like a vehicle)-ee". It's pretty constant, but it's never been anything that drove me crazy. I kinda have it both ways...pretty common name, but still messed up all the time. ;)

I say it depends on the person...some will never be satisfied with their names, no matter how much consideration you put into how it could affect their lives. I have seen a lady named Donna who changed the pronunciation to "doe (like a deer)-NAH" and another lady named Cheryl who changed it from "SHARE-uhl" to "CHAIR-uhl." hahaha go figure!

Long story short...don't name your girl Pit Bull or Girl or something out of control like that, but don't stress too much, either. My own mother didn't love the name Clara until after our girl was born. ;)

09-10-2010, 09:07 PM
Ariel Elizabeth
Ariel Alexis
Ariel Renee
Ariel Alexandra

Such pretty nmaes all. Which ever name you choose she will be happy and loved.

09-10-2010, 10:06 PM

I say Angelita.


If it was a boy?


Ai dios!!!!!:eek:

09-10-2010, 11:50 PM
I don't know if it was suggested but How about Jordana

09-11-2010, 01:51 PM
Ariel Rose

09-11-2010, 01:55 PM
I like Ariel Elizabeth. We have friends who spell their daughter's name "Elisabeth" with an "s" instead of a "z." That kind of fits with Isabel.

09-12-2010, 12:17 AM
How about Ariel Isabella? I love the sound of Isabella in spanish. My names I personally have picked out for my own little one... one day... is Sofia (too bad it's already counted out, I love it!), Ava, Maya, Isabella, Vivianna :)

I also love the name Natalia, that's my boyfriend's neice's name.

10-21-2010, 09:49 AM
I was almost set on Ariel Samantha... 98% sure actually.. then I went and looked again at the meanings of the names we had listed... and changed my mind...

even though I considered Samantha just because it was one of the names the hubs suggested.. I now like Renee even more...

Renee = reborn... in a way, my hubs will be reborn once our baby is born... so I thought it would be more appropriate...

so now I think itīll be Ariel Renee..

unless I change my mind again... but I really believe Iīm set for it now...

10-21-2010, 10:36 AM
Ariel Renee is lovely, and the meaning fits so well! Whatever her name is, she will surely be loved. Is her brother getting excited about having a baby sister?

I was almost set on Ariel Samantha... 98% sure actually.. then I went and looked again at the meanings of the names we had listed... and changed my mind...

even though I considered Samantha just because it was one of the names the hubs suggested.. I now like Renee even more...

Renee = reborn... in a way, my hubs will be reborn once our baby is born... so I thought it would be more appropriate...

so now I think itīll be Ariel Renee..

unless I change my mind again... but I really believe Iīm set for it now...

10-21-2010, 12:44 PM
Personally, I have liked all of the names you've suggested. But I really do like the meaning behind Renee. :)

10-21-2010, 12:53 PM
:) I so aggree.. What ever you choose will be with your Love & Heart behind it.. Cant wait to see baby pics..

Personally, I have liked all of the names you've suggested. But I really do like the meaning behind Renee. :)

10-21-2010, 01:35 PM
Is her brother getting excited about having a baby sister?

he surely is.. he wants her to be born NOW!!.. he just cannot wait...

But I really do like the meaning behind Renee. :)

I do too... glad I re-read all the names we had listed..

Cant wait to see baby pics..

one month left to go for that... time went by so fast.. too fast...

10-21-2010, 02:11 PM
That's a very beautiful name, wow only one more month :) Congrats early :)

10-21-2010, 04:47 PM
:) Hey maybe this wittle girl Miss Renee will be born on Thanksgiving..

10-21-2010, 07:34 PM
So glad you're going with Ariel Renee, that was the one that I would have chosen also, I just love the name Renee.
She'll be your sweet little princess whatever name you choose.

10-21-2010, 08:25 PM
Looking forward to seeing Ariel Renee.

10-21-2010, 09:31 PM
Love it. Ariel Renee, a beautiful name.