View Full Version : Do your dogs have a favorite visitor?

09-08-2010, 10:36 PM
I just noticed today how much my dogs (especially Sam) LOVE when my boyfriend comes over. They act more enthusiastic and happy than any other visitor we have... even more than when I come home! (Except Molli... she acts like a miracle happened as I walk through the door lol) Sam gets all crazy and does zoomies all over the house and grabs his favorite ball; my boyfriend always plays fetch with him.

Do any of your dogs have a favorite visitor?

09-09-2010, 12:39 AM
Dance gets super excited when my Grandma comes over. No idea why, but it totally makes Dance's day when she visits. She also gets super excited when my Dad comes to visit, and when another friend of ours is over. Most other people she couldn't care less about, and will avoid if she can.

The Dobermans get extremely excited when their breeder comes over. They love all visitors, and think every guest in our home came to visit them inparticular, but when their breeder comes, they go insane. They love her!

09-09-2010, 01:44 PM
Jasper likes it when my mom comes over because she lets him on the furniture. Silly boy.

09-10-2010, 02:00 PM
Jack loves my boyfriend Rich more than he love me. I think it's because they're like the human-dog equivalents of each other.

But other than that I probably count as their favorite visitor, since I don't live at home. :p

Micki does love anybody with a skirt though. He is a pervy old man.

09-11-2010, 01:51 PM
Zoee and Taggart get excited if anyone comes over. They bark their heads off first like they will tear them apart. But once they are in the house they are fine. Zoee does the traditional Aussie butt waggle and Taggart is just excited there is another person to pay him some attention. :D

09-11-2010, 08:09 PM
Sala seems to have a thing for men in uniform. :p When the Terminex guy comes, Sala is always right on his heels. When the transformer behind our house caught fire and a group of firemen had to come turn our circuit breaker box off, Sala followed their every move with such a goofy grin on her face. When my uncle who works in law enforcement comes to visit while still in uniform, Sala practically worships him.

Ethan, on the other hand, isn't fond of company at all.

09-11-2010, 11:29 PM
Rudy gets excited when my brother comes over, Dixie loves anyone and everyone, Buster doesn't have a favorite, lol he's not the most affectionate dog.

09-12-2010, 10:18 AM
So far Mikey has gotten the most excited when my Uncle came over. He was wagging his whole butt and he jumped over the back of out 3 foot couch. He just jumped over it, like literally, out of nowhere. It was hysterical. He loves everyone though but that's the time when he got the most excited. :D