View Full Version : Pictures From The TICA International Cat Show

09-06-2010, 11:46 PM
Hi everyone. I was finally able to attend a TICA cat show in my area. It's probably been at least 3-4 years or so since there's been one close enough to attend. This one was their annual International one so it was much larger than most and it was only about 10 minutes away from me so I just had to go both days.:)

The first day I didn't bring my camera but I did the second day and I was able to take some pictures. Many aren't as good as I would've liked them to be though. I saw some new breeds that I've never seen in person before like Savannah's,Toygers, and Serrengeti's. Only the Toyger's are recognized as a breed right now so they are able to be shown at the TICA shows. The other two are still being developed. On Sunday they also had a cat costume contest which was a lot of fun to watch and I have pictures of that too. Sit back,relax, and enjoy!!!:)

The Savannah:
These cats are crossed with the African Serval and a domestic cat. They had some F1's meaning first generations all the way up to F6's. The F1's-F3's tend to be much larger than the others will eventually be. This breed takes about 5 years to mature. On Sat. they had many more of the larger Savannah's there but on Sun. they only had two of them.

This is a Silver Savannah. I don't know how old it is or which generation it is either. The color's come in Silver Spotted, Brown Spotted, Black, or Smoke.

This boy is 27lbs and I think he's an F2 or F3. He's a Brown Spotted Savannah and he's larger than most. I don't know how old he is or if he'll continue to grow or not.

This is a Black Savannah male and he's 2-3 years old so he's still growing. He's a big mamma's boy. I think he's an F2.

More pictures coming up.>>>>>

09-06-2010, 11:51 PM
This is a Siberian male named Chilly. I got to pet him and he's really soft.

Here's a big Maine Coon male. They had many huge Maine Coon's at this show.

Here are two cute little Aby kittens.

Here are some Toyger kittens.

More pictures coming up.>>>>

09-06-2010, 11:59 PM
They are all beautiful! I love the Toygers and the Siberian!:love:

09-07-2010, 12:01 AM
The rest of the pictures area from the cat costume contest. First place went to the kitten in the sportscar. Second place went to the Cornish Rex in the Princess costume. Third place went the cat in the Pirate costume.

The Pirate Cat. 3rd place winner.

The Savannah Angel Cat

The Persian Cat with hat and apron.

Cute cat with cute costume.

Black Savannah cat in Dinosaur costume.

More pictures coming up.>>>>>

09-07-2010, 12:08 AM
Persian wearing a cute necklace and hat. What a face!!!

Cat hidden in Mermaid costume. It kicked off the tail just after I took this picture.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v176/krazyaboutkatz/TICA%20International%20Cat%20Show-9-5-10/TICAInternationalCatShowAtSCConventionCenter-9-5-10109jpg-catinMiningcostumewithMiningMCmancroppedresized.jp g
Miner cat with MC who was also dressed up as a miner.

Sphynx dressed up as Cleopatra.

Another Sphynx dressed up as a farmer?

More pictures coming up.>>>>

09-07-2010, 12:12 AM
Maine Coon in a cowboy/miner costume.

Look how big he is!!!

I'm not sure what kind of costume this is?

Cute cat in a cute dress. She was hissing and growling the whole time except in this picture.

A cat trying be another animal.

More pictures coming up.>>>>

09-07-2010, 12:17 AM
Maine Coon with wings.

An Aby in a cute dress.

Cornish Rex in a Princess costume. 2nd place winner.

I think this is a Ragdoll kitten and he/she's in a sportscar. 1st place winner.

That's all. I hope you enjoyed the pictures.:)

09-07-2010, 12:52 AM
The pictures were GREAT! Really nice. Such a lovely show. Very cuute costumes and the wearers ;) So sweet, sports car and princess are so nice!

Pinot's Mom
09-07-2010, 07:37 AM
Great pictures; love the kitty in the sports car! :)

09-07-2010, 07:42 AM
Thank you for posting those pictures! You see the way the lady has the cat lifted above her head?? Well that's how I'm training Butchie (show name Austin B.). It doesn't bother him in the least, which is very good. Now I'm getting excited!!!

THIS picture melted my heart!!


09-07-2010, 09:39 AM
Thank You so very much for all of those Cat Show Photos!!:love:
There are truly some Fantastic Cats there and those Cats in costumes were so clever.
I love that Big Persian and that Car Bed I think would be a Huge Hit with My Found Cats !!!:cool::cool::cool:

09-07-2010, 10:01 AM
Oh I am jealous, TWO days at a TICA show! How WONDERFUL for you!!!!

Love the photos, and the costume contest, ha haaa.

09-07-2010, 11:52 AM
Aww, great pictures!! I just loved the first place winner in the costume contest. Too cute!!! :D :D

Laura's Babies
09-07-2010, 04:23 PM
OH how much fun that had to have been to see that!!! Heck, it was a blast just looking at the pictures!! Thank you so much for posting them all!

09-07-2010, 04:31 PM
Wow, great pictures! I love all the costumes lol but I'm sure some of those kitties didn't.

The sportscar cat was the greatest! No wonder he won first place!

09-07-2010, 06:03 PM
I saw a Savannah up close and personal two years ago. An absolutely STUNNING cat. Very large. The size of a medium dog. This beautiful cat was quite docile and very regal looking.

Don Juan's mom
09-07-2010, 06:13 PM
The costume pics make me think of a Garrison Keillor line: "There's nothing faster than a cat with a nightgown on its back."