View Full Version : Murphy!

09-06-2010, 11:28 AM
Hi folks,

This is Murphy making himself comfortable here in my home. I'm dogsitting him for a few more days. He is finally settling in well, and finding all the comfy places to snooze.

He's a Bichon/ShihTzu cross, I believe, and he is a very nice fluff. He misses his people, but he's very gentle and loving to us all here.

Thanks for looking!

09-06-2010, 12:47 PM
Hi Murphy.:love:

Awww, so that's the little bugger.:D He is soooo cute.:D Despite the problem of eating, I have a feeling he sure won't starve in your care.:)

09-06-2010, 01:36 PM
Aawww - he's so cute. :love: Of course, anything with ShihTzu mixed in has to be cute. Hhmmm - wonder what makes me say that?

Of course I love Bishons too - as Freedom will attest. (waves to the Fluffs :))

Murphy looks more like the Bichon too - must be all those curls.

Hope he's eating better for you now.

Be a good boy Murphy, and eat all of your dinner. :D

09-06-2010, 02:06 PM
He's adorable, and looks very comfortable in that chair. His fur looks so soft and silky.

09-07-2010, 04:59 PM
I just wanted to type a thanks to all who offered encouragement. Murphy game me a HUG today, so cute. I came back from work and all three pups were waiting for me. Ear rubs, and belly rubs and a lovely HUG from Murphy.

He's definitely in my heart, the dear guy! :love:

And kudos to my two other pooches who are so generous and kind to him. They snuggle up to him each night to help him have good puppy dreams of his mom coming to take him home.


09-07-2010, 05:32 PM
Aawww - he's so cute. :love: Of course, anything with ShihTzu mixed in has to be cute. Hhmmm - wonder what makes me say that?

Of course I love Bishons too - as Freedom will attest. (waves to the Fluffs :))

Murphy looks more like the Bichon too - must be all those curls.

Hope he's eating better for you now.

Be a good boy Murphy, and eat all of your dinner. :D

Aawww - he' so cute. :love: Of course, anything with Bichon mixed in has to be cute. Hhmmm - wonder what makes me say that?

Of course I love Shih Tzus too - as PomZu will attest. (waves to the girls :D)

*giggling* that was FUN and VERY TRUE!

Murphy does have both looks about him. The coat is bichon, but the face has a LOT of Shih Tzu in it!

09-08-2010, 04:13 PM
Hi, Murphy, cutie! How sweet of you to give a hug!

(waves to Murphy, Freedom's fluffs, Sparky and Myndi, and Fritz)

09-08-2010, 04:30 PM
Aawww - he' so cute. :love: Of course, anything with Bichon mixed in has to be cute. Hhmmm - wonder what makes me say that?

Of course I love Shih Tzus too - as PomZu will attest. (waves to the girls :D)

*giggling* that was FUN and VERY TRUE!

Murphy does have both looks about him. The coat is bichon, but the face has a LOT of Shih Tzu in it!

I'm sitting here giggling too, Sandie. However, Sparky isn't too happy that you called him a girl!!! :eek::D

Katelf: Looks like now that you'll have to get a little one of your own, when Murphy goes back home. :) Your two pooches will miss him too. :(

09-08-2010, 05:03 PM
:) I would keep him in a heartbeat. He's a dear soul.

If life circumstances permitted, I'd definitely get a "Murphy" :) :love::D

09-08-2010, 05:29 PM
Glad to hear about the hug from Murphy.:D Also nice to know how nice
your furkids are being to the guest pup.:) Murphy might not want to go
home. LOL :)

09-08-2010, 05:45 PM
He's a cootie patootie :)

09-13-2010, 04:36 PM
I'm missing the little guy. No more fluffy hugs! Sheesh. Here's a photo of Murphy waiting/watching for his Mom on the last day he stayed with us.

Thanks for looking!

09-13-2010, 05:06 PM
Murphy was probably thinking, "this place is nice ,but there's no place like
home, there's no place like home, etc":D

09-24-2010, 04:00 PM
Murph's Vacation

Day One:

Well, not really a day. I was dropped off in the evening and had a chance to wander around and bark at the dogs next door. Mom left. I whimpered just a little bit because that is what dogs do when their people leave. Then I decided to settle in. That was okay. Henry and Bodea were welcoming and I think we will have some fun as the days go by.

I made friends with the Old Guy. I tried to jump up onto his lap, but that just isn't his thing. I decided to sleep beside his chair, and in an obliging way, the Old Guy gave me lots of soothing scritches.

CATS! There are things to chase here. I sit under the computer desk on Janet's feet and then I can wait for a cat to come so I can CHASE! Sophie came in three times and was chased merrily by me (Henry and Bodea joined in, just to be good hosts). Sophie is not the brightest bulb, but then again, she is a cat. Hehehe.

I'm on guard and on patrol. Those pesky cats won't get near Bodea and Henry...

Stay tuned for more tomorrow... the first night should be interesting!

Day Two:

THERE ARE CATS HERE! I kept waking up to bark at cats that were moving around mysteriously in the night. I complained about my confinement to the kitchen but to no avail. I finally settled in with Bodea and Henry who are remarkably nonchalant about the whole cat thing. I must ponder this.

I'm feeling a little annoyed, so I'm trying the hunger strike method of getting exactly what I want. Okay, I ate some cookies, I had some peanut butter (with a crunchy in the centre) in the morning, but I'm not going to eat my food. Where is Mom? Sigh.. I must nap now. Time to nap with the Old Guy here. He scritches me when I'm by his side and I'm still liking that.

Maybe I'll eat some dinner.

Dinner time has come: I nibbled a few. Janet hand fed me, and to humour her I took a bite or two. That's enough of that. I think I'll try to eat Bodea's food. She gave me some of that food. Hmph, it's still kibble. Okay I'll have a few of these. Sigh.

All in all a good settling in day. Still cats to discover. I ate a bit to keep up my curiosity.

Day Three:

Last night was a bit better, and I didn't make such a fuss. Cats are still the issue... how can I get one? I sniffed at one who seemed friendly, but she got all puffy and hissed at me! What a catitude! I was wagging my tail and everything, doesn't she know? Hmph.

I ate a decent breakfast of combined theirs and ours kibble. I got a cookie or two. I got some more of the peanut butter. All is well, really.

I've had lots of good outdoor time with the people. I went for a walk along the river by Roger's Reservoir. We went with an entourage: two little girls, a man and a woman! We were happening! That was fun. I'm pooped now. Time to rest. I got a wee bit dirty, but the car rides are fun! I got to ride up front. She toweled my tummy and removed most of the dirt. She made the other pooches suffer the same indignity.

I'm a bit tired now, so time to nap.

Dinnertime? Nah, not interested. Cookie? Okay. I'll take one or two but Bodea and Henry can't see me doing that. They know about my hunger strike. (Is it working?)

Time to just hang out with the gang.

Where are those cats? Time to sleep by Janet's feet. The Old Guy went away.

Day Four:

Well, I slept through the night and didn't fuss at the cats moving around. Bodea and Henry are snuggly companions, and that's a good thing. No cats around, though I'm sure I can smell 'em. I decided to resume my hunger strike this morning. Janet gave me a bite or two of scrambled egg, and I gobbled that up. It's been a day of in and out of the house as she hangs her clothes on the line and does some gardening. We sat on the swing at the top of the hill and that was beautiful and sunny for about 15 minutes then clouds came over. We moved inside. This recliner sure is comfy. I hope the Old Guy doesn't want his chair anytime soon. I'm sleeping here, resting really and waiting for dinner time. Will I eat?

My strategy worked! She gave me some yummy food that came from a can. I ate some kibble too, just to cajole her.

I must say, we had a nice evening, puttering around outside again (though it sure is getting cold), and relaxing by the tv. We watched a movie together. The Old Guy scritched me and when he left, I got to sit on Janet's knee on the recliner. This is okay for a vacation though still the cats won't let me chase them.

Day Five:

I slept really well last night. I'm hoping for more of that yummy stuff. My skin has been bothering me a tad, so Janet did give me some of my peanut butter medicine. I wonder what adventures have in store for me today? Walkies, I think!

I was right! We went for a stroll through the neighbourhood where many people stopped and admired me. I wagged my tail happily and had lots of good sniffs. Everyone kept exclaiming: "Oh, you have a third?" To which Janet replied: "I'm dogsitting, honestly. This is Murphy!" It was good tail-wagging time.

Later that day I rested and then it was dinner time. The cats are still eluding me. I have to rework my strategy. I keep trying to go downstairs and upstairs where they are, but Janet keeps calling me back. I think she gets lonely. I will oblige her, because she's the one who feeds me. But if I get a chance...

Day Six:

My skin is feeling better. I think the weather might have been part of the problem. Today was a little dryer. Today (after a good night's sleep), I played in the backyard, slept on the carpet and chased some squirrels in the backyard. Janet went away for a while so I hung out with the Old Guy, both inside and outside. Then, Janet came home! Oh, the fun and tail waggings! I gave her a big hug which she reciprocated. That was a great moment. She called me a 'good boy'! (She says that a lot, really)

Later that afternoon we had dinner (which I ate really well), and after the big people had their supper, Janet, Bodea and I went for a walk again. This time we met different people and pooches. It was a good walk.

You want to know the funny thing? I like to jump up and sit on Janet's lap, and she lets me (I think she likes me). Henry gets a bit jealous, but he doesn't know quite what to do cuz there isn't room for both of us on her knee. She scritches his chin and ears and tells him he's a good boy. He wags his tail. But you know, I think Henry remembers that I get to sit on her knee because he manages to steal my cookies when I get one and take it away from the crowd. That's okay, Henry can have them.

Day Seven:

Breakfast went well and I am now eating on the same schedule as Bodea and Henry. I had some fun earlier this morning barking at the neighbour's dogs. They were barking at me! (It's only fair.) I am quite content to holiday here, but I know Mom is going to come and get me soon (Janet told me).

When Janet came home from work today I gave her another hug. Let me tell you, it's hard to get close to her when she comes home cuz Bodea and Henry are such hogs. But I managed to squeeze in and make my proper greetings.

A very good day today, most restful. A bit of rain meant we spent some time lounging around inside. I'm not sure if we will get a walk later or not. Meanwhile sitting on the recliner is a good thing. I will dream dreams of chasing cats.

Janet came home and we were lazy for a while. I made a point of following her everywhere in the house (it seems to be an expectation from her entourage).

I was rewarded when she got ready to go for a walk with us all :) Well! It was a cool day, so it was perfect for a walkabout. We all had fun. I came back and still had energy to burn: I ran around like a mad fool with Bodea and Henry in the backyard! It was tail-wagging fun! And then that was enough. Time to settle on the rug by the Old Guy. Scritches, aaaah!
The cats sure are scarce.

Day Eight:

Another great night and good day, all in all. Janet was gone for the afternoon and evening, but when she came home for dinner and to feed us, I gave her a big hug. It's not easy getting a hug in there with all the dancing around that the others do, but I managed it! It was a coolish day today, so I spent a lot of time just resting and saving up my energy for another day. No walkies today, but lots of outdoor time in the backyard.

My mission to confront a cat is not going so well. I may have to dream of new strategies. On the plus side, many squirrels try to get into the backyard and I have joined the chase outside!

Day NIne:

It looks like it's going to be another cool day. Walkies for sure this morning, because Janet tells me she has to work in the afternoon. Doesn't she know I'm the most important thing in this house? On a side note, I have to say I have enjoyed hanging out with Henry and Bodea, but it's the people who make my life special, (and I return the favor).

We went for a nice long walk out to the Reservoir. I saw some ducks, but I wasn't interested. I was pooped when we came back but my tail was wagging! I got to ride up front again in the car and it was fun! I had a restful afternoon and after dinner spent some time snuggling and getting in some powernaps.

Okay, time to list some of my favourite things. I love napping under the computer desk at Janet's or the Old Guy's feet. I love napping on the recliner. I love giving Janet hugs when she comes home from work. I love listening for cats and trying to sneak downstairs (or upstairs). I love WALKS at Roger's Reservoir. I love barking at the dogs next door (who are so dim).

Day Ten:

One of the cats is just so annoying. She keeps teasing me. She's big and fluffy, is she really a cat? I will CHASE HER! But she always gets away. She squeaks. Hmm.

A good day, today. We spent the day in the backyard hanging out while Janet did gardeny things and hung out her laundry. I ate well today, cuz I'm really quite content. Needless to say I am looking forward to seeing Mom tomorrow! Mom! Guess what? There are cats here! Can I have one?

The Old Guy and I hung out at the top of the hill while Janet did her gardeny things. The other two kept following her wherever she went. That's too tiring for me. But I kept a close eye on things as dinner time approached. I didn't miss a thing.

A lazy evening of snoozing in the tv room. I took over the Old Guy's recliner when he went to bed and that was nice. H and B had the couch. Janet was typing by the computer. I really have the most comfy spot in the room, as is my right. More later... zzzzzzzzz...

Day Eleven:

Today Mom comes to pick me up and I still haven't caught a CAT! It's a gray day, and kind of moisty misty. I know Mom is going to pick me up today so I'm going to wait and watch out the window. I have found the prime spot to watch: the big white chair. Today Bodea and Henry joined me up there, but I was the only one looking out.

Janet says I have been a very good boy and that she will miss me. I will miss her and all the backyard fun and the chasing of kitties fun, but when I'm home, I'll be so happy, too.

Enough with this adventure, time to go HOME!