View Full Version : 1+1= 12.. *pics added*

09-06-2010, 09:31 AM
well.. I had another surprise a couple days ago.. lol..
as Iīm awaiting for my bigger cage to arrive the two baby bunnies I had in july, well not I, my bunnies..lol.. are still here.. and since I didnīt want a zillion of em I placed both of them in a cage.. but.. mom and dad remained "free".. until new cage arrives... so... long story short.. momma was fat but no sign of babies which I expected like a month or so ago...then yesterday wow.. mom was not fat :p

I found out.. not one or two.. but EIGHT!! widdle baby bun buns.. :D

3 are chestnut.. 2 are red/orange.. (same colors as last time).. then we have 2 blues.. and one cream one..awwww...

I still havenīt got any pics yet :(.. but maybe today or tomorrow I will.. it has been raining here so I donīt want to get them unnecessarily cold, although they are in a room for themselves in an insulated box with plenty fur.. but still ;)

just wanted to share a bit of happiness ;)

09-06-2010, 11:47 AM
Oh, goodness! Time to separate Mom and Dad, and get them spayed/neutered so no more surprises! 12 bunnies can be come even more pretty quickly! Enjoy the babies as they grow, and of course we will want to see pictures!

09-06-2010, 11:50 AM
yeah.. thatīs why I ordered the bigger cage.. to keep mom n dad separated.. as well as older babies.. and now I might need another one for new babies..lol

unfortunately they wonīt spay/neuter here.. hence I want bigger places so they can each have their space.. or once I figure out sexes.. I might attempt leaving some together..(same sex of course)..

I might end up keeping a blue and the cream one.. I still donīt know..lol.. but surely not all of em.. hehe

09-06-2010, 11:57 AM
Oh, goodness, I am so sorry to hear your vet won't spay or neuter, that does not bode well for your bunnies' long-term health! Maybe look some more, is there any vet school in your state that might do it? That's a lot of bunnies, you're gonna need more cages!

Female rabbits who are left unspayed tend to die earlier from uterine cancer or uterine infection, sadly.

09-06-2010, 12:05 PM
yeah... so far the ones Iīve seen wonīt even consult other than cat/dogs.. and being in kinda middle nowhere doesnīt helps.. no ER vets or schools or the like..

there is one that does horses.. but he only takes bigger animals... Itīs kinda frustrating to find noone who will do smaller animals.. even less birds.. no avian vets at all.. weird..

Iīll try get pics for you to see all the pretty colors ;)

09-06-2010, 12:27 PM
yeah... so far the ones Iīve seen wonīt even consult other than cat/dogs.. and being in kinda middle nowhere doesnīt helps.. no ER vets or schools or the like..

there is one that does horses.. but he only takes bigger animals... Itīs kinda frustrating to find noone who will do smaller animals.. even less birds.. no avian vets at all.. weird..

Iīll try get pics for you to see all the pretty colors ;)

Ohh, pictures! Hmm, maybe write a letter to whatever Mexico's biggest vet school is, and tell them there's an opportunity where you are for a good small animal vet! See what they say, at least!

09-06-2010, 01:09 PM
I can't wait to see the babies! I bet they are as cute as can be. :love:
I love the orange-colored ones... you never see them around here.

09-07-2010, 04:02 PM
one down :( .. we lost baby cream... last night he/she was a bit cold so I snuggled him/her and put him back in the middle of his siblings.. this morning he was gone :(

he was the runty one.. smaller in size from the rest, but he wasnīt a peanut.. so sad.. R.I.P. baby cream...

I took several pics of the rest of the crew.. will upload and post as soon as PB cooperates with me...

09-07-2010, 04:20 PM
Oh my goodness!! Baby bunnies are so exciting! I can't wait to see the pictures :D

I had to bring up some baby bunnies once, it was so sad none of them made it. Their mom wouldn't look after them. But it sounds like your bunnies are being looked after by their momma!

09-07-2010, 04:24 PM
Your title definitely caught my attention! :D So now I am anxiously awaiting for the pictures of the cute babies!! :)

09-08-2010, 12:36 AM
Baby bunnies! :D Sorry you lost one. :( Hopefully the others will grow up to be big and strong wabbits.

09-08-2010, 08:36 AM
well.. pics are here!!!..

this time babies (8 but we lost the cream one Iīll still add a pic for you to see color)

bigger chestnut

smaller chestnut

darker chestnut (almost looks like dad)


09-08-2010, 08:38 AM
darker orange

lighter orange

bigger blue?

smaller blue?

RB cream baby (color is almost white)

they all seem doing fine so far... they all tolerate me handling them except for the blues.. haha.. well.. itīs just that they are more wiggly than the rest..lol.. and to think I might end up keeping those..lol

thank you for staying tuned ;)

09-08-2010, 08:42 AM
Oh, so adorable! Kisses kisses kisses to all!

09-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Awww, how cute!!!
I remember when I was a kid and our bunnies had babies. We were told not to handle them because the momma wouldn't take care of them after we touched them. Of course, maybe my parents just said that so we wouldn't mess with the babies. LOL

09-08-2010, 06:21 PM
Bunny babies are CUTE!!! ;):D

09-08-2010, 06:26 PM
Oh my goodness, they are adorable! :love: :love:

09-08-2010, 06:38 PM
sorry to hear about the cream one. :(Its fur is so nice and the color is so lovely.:love:

09-08-2010, 07:42 PM

09-08-2010, 08:17 PM
Aww, what an adorable litter!!

09-09-2010, 10:02 AM
Awww, how cute!!!
I remember when I was a kid and our bunnies had babies. We were told not to handle them because the momma wouldn't take care of them after we touched them. Of course, maybe my parents just said that so we wouldn't mess with the babies. LOL

you are kind of right on that.. it all depends on the momma.. some wonīt take them back.. some will eat them after that.. some will even bite you if you even dare came close.. not my case thankfully :D

momma is great she allows me to handle them and wonīt mind at all.. really a good bunny... I canīt wait for them to start hopping around haha.. so cute!!

Iīll try get more pics as they grow so you see them in their cutest stage ;)

09-09-2010, 11:01 AM
:love: Awee they are all such Cutie Pies.. RIP of Cream Baby..

09-11-2010, 08:54 PM
Oooooooooooooohhhh squueeeling! So cute!

09-13-2010, 11:08 AM
on the 10th they started opening their eyes.. awwwww...

on the 13th.. two managed to get out of the nest.. lol.. they are so cute now!!.. all beady eyed cute lil fluffy things moving around...

will get newer pics for you to see... they are beyond cute!!

I know I said Iīd be keeping the blue ones.. well.. it seem I might end up keeping also a red one too.. the lil bugger is such a fatso.. that doesnīt even cares if I grab him/her or not.. he just wonīt move.. like heīs sooooo laidback.. adorable!!

I did however got a few pics with my cell.. so they are not that great.. a few days before they opened their eyes..

first pic.. all of them cuddled..
second pic.. baby bunny in froggy position..awww!!
third.. aslo froggy.. but already moving
fourth.. upside down with full belly.. lol

09-16-2010, 01:57 PM
seems like weīve got a bunch of girls.. lol.. so far *I think* only two of the chestnuts are boys.. and I say maybe because they kinda seem different down there.. lol.. the rest all seemed the same until I saw those two babies...

they are very active now.. hard to get them to hold still.. hehe.. but cute as buttons...

the reds seem to have fluffier/softer fur than the rest.. not sure why...:confused:

Iīll try get more pics of them... and hope they donīt turn so blurry.. haha