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09-04-2010, 09:26 PM
Man Built a Sanctuary for Homeless Cats..Gainsville Fl

Craig Grant bought a tree farm far away from the city and turned it into a sanctuary for all the cats he has rescued.

He lives there with the cats and provides lots of love, care and companionship. It's hard to imagine that once he was not a cat lover and did not want cats until he met his son's cat Pepper. He also got to experience what it is like raising a litter of kittens.

Over that time I learned that every cat had its own unique personality and it wasn't long before the kittens were swinging from my curtains. I didn't care. Something had changed… I didn't want to give them up.

The condo life was not easy for the kitties, so Craig found a tree farm and settled down there for his fur babies.

Over the next several months, he rescued more and more homeless and abandoned cats. The number of new residents kept going up, so Craig expanded the sanctuary to make more room for the animals.


The farm was named Caboodle Ranch and is now a permanent home for all the homeless, rescued cats. Each of them has a sad story of their past, but now they are living in heaven.

Cats should be able to roam free, and at Caboodle Ranch, that's what they do.

Craig has built many beautiful cat houses and decorated the place with vibrant colors and tons of liveliness.

All the cats are spayed and neutered. Don't forget to visit Caboodle Ranch (non profit rescue center) at their website and check them out on Facebook









09-04-2010, 09:29 PM








09-04-2010, 10:33 PM
Sounds like kitty paradise, how nice that he was able to do this. I had heard of him before, but not seen the pictures. Wouldn't wanna be a field mouse on that farm!

09-05-2010, 12:38 AM
I've seen this before. There are really cute videos on the website if I recall. Sounds like paradise!:love:

09-05-2010, 03:09 AM
I guess with all of that forest around....no need to buy Kitty Litter ;)

09-05-2010, 03:16 AM
Aww.... That's so nice of Mr. Craig. The kitties look so sweet in the homes. Its as if it a kitty city. ;) Like, caats going out for a walk. Some staying at home to rest and stuff. So humanish ;):D The homes are like ours. So nice!:D:)

09-05-2010, 03:18 AM
Aww.... That's so nice of Mr. Craig. The kitties look so sweet in the homes. Its as if it a kitty city. ;) Like, caats going out for a walk. Some staying at home to rest and stuff. So humanish ;):D The homes are like ours. So nice!:D:)

The boss cats get to live in City Hall :D

09-05-2010, 03:37 AM
haha! yeah :D

09-05-2010, 07:06 AM
There was a show about him and the ranch and cats on one of the cable channels a while back.
What an awesome guy.....;)

09-05-2010, 08:25 AM
The cats have their own main street. :) The fella has done a great job to make them all comfy & they look well cared for.

09-05-2010, 11:03 AM
What a wonderful haven for the kitties, and what a wonderful deed by a wonderful person to create Caboodle Ranch! God bless Craig Grant.

09-05-2010, 11:48 AM
What a fantastic place. So weird, we have all the space here and an empty barn, empty fields, we could easily turn the place into something like that but no more than 2 dogs and 2 cats allowed or 3 cats, one dog, whichever way a person wants to do it. In town only 2 animals per household, and all cats have to be licenced like dogs.

09-05-2010, 12:31 PM
Wom, what Craig Grant has done for all of those homeless and stray cats is AWESOME! Caboodle looks very clean and healthy and so do the kitties. My prayer is that he can continue this great project.

09-06-2010, 09:00 PM
How wonderful. There should be hundreds of places like this for all kinds of animals. What a great man.

09-07-2010, 03:37 AM
Wom, what Craig Grant has done for all of those homeless and stray cats is AWESOME! Caboodle looks very clean and healthy and so do the kitties. My prayer is that he can continue this great project.

I'm pretty sure he will continue. He seems to be at grips with properly looking after his gang, so nobody should complain eh ??? ;)

09-07-2010, 02:28 PM
My Bean would love it there :love: