View Full Version : The life in the eyes of my cat.... Dexter!

09-04-2010, 03:12 PM
Here will I post pictures, and stories of Dexter, my Siamese\Egyptian Mau mix cat. :D

09-04-2010, 04:10 PM
WE are waiting with anticiptaion , your Dexter sounds like quite an interesting blends of Cats!!!!

09-04-2010, 06:20 PM
Today: Dexter's Diary:

Today, September 4th 2010, Dexter got scared by a string. He likes to play, sometimes, and I threw a red string in the air. He was sitting looking elsewhere. All of a sudden, the string landed on his back. It scared him so much he ran, but was near a wall, and ran right into the wall. He was not hurt... so it's hilarious! he then sees the string, hits it with his paw, and picks it up, and is attacking it.

He got in papaw's (grandpas) room. (he has foot trouple, grandpa does, and he has open wound where the doctor cuts) and hid in the closet. i ran in there, and grabbed him. he jumped and ran from me. I chased him and he ran in circles around the coffee table, until i finally stopped.

That's it for today!

09-05-2010, 02:33 PM
Dexter sounds like My Kitten Trio of Scrappy 2 , Miquelito and Pouncierge who race around the rooms at 90 Miles an hours , making twelve foot leaps and otherwise scaring their Dear Old Dad a bit!!!
Dexter would have such a Gaet Time here, he would go like 90 with the Three Loonatics!!!!
GO CATS GO!!!!!!!!!!

09-05-2010, 02:45 PM
Dexter sounds like My Kitten Trio of Scrappy 2 , Miquelito and Pouncierge who race around the rooms at 90 Miles an hours , making twelve foot leaps and otherwise scaring their Dear Old Dad a bit!!!
Dexter would have such a Gaet Time here, he would go like 90 with the Three Loonatics!!!!
GO CATS GO!!!!!!!!!!


Dexter's diary: entry two: September 15, 2010.

Today, I was a stinker. I grabbed ahold of mama's foot, about to attack and play with it, and it scared her and she kicked her foot, not knowing it was me. I flew through the air, And gosh, landed on the coffee table. Sheesh... peoplez. Then I climbed on top of the Television. It was fun. I'm 9 years old, by the way! well anyway, I scared Mama to death, she was trying to get me off of my tv. I clearly said no by jumping on her head, and she ran around the room screaming, Dexter!!! You scared the daylights out of me!!! Please get off my head!! and when she ran by the tv I jumped back on. She was stumped and left. Then she came back and I jumped off, onto the fish tank. It fell off it's table. Oops. Me almost kill fishy! Luckily, Mama ran and got the tank up. It had a lid and was plastic. Fred (the fish) was safe.... this time. But my fish snack won't get away next time. Now I took a nap..a long nap. From 11:00am until 12:00. now i'm hungry. I go eat some food, and see a couple bugs that came in here. How did they get on my territory? Oh yeah I forgot, that's Brandy and Mandy with their two new youngins, Goldberg & Bear. My mama has pet bugs, and releases them... and finds more. Hehe, every cat's killing all the bugs 'round here, so you seldom see'em. But they eat your cat food if they get loose from their tank! (which is ANOTHER plastic tank with a lid... in mama's room) So I had better finish'em off. Let's see... wait.... Let me pick them up! I scooped them up with the top of my paw and threw them in my water. He! So they go. Oh no! Here mama comes. I better hide the evidence I did it. I'll turn over my water bowl. Yup, there. Now she will thing an evil wind turned it over and the water drowned them. Oooh I better go take a nap. Bye bye!

09-05-2010, 02:47 PM
Here is some pics of Dexter::
Click to see them better!

09-05-2010, 03:15 PM
Dexter certainly is a handsome Cat , you can see the Siamese and Eygptian Mau blended together!!
I am glad the My Cats do not land on my head, and almost knock over things, I am too old for that much excitememt!!!!

09-05-2010, 03:44 PM
Dexter certainly is a handsome Cat , you can see the Siamese and Eygptian Mau blended together!!
I am glad the My Cats do not land on my head, and almost knock over things, I am too old for that much excitememt!!!!

Ahaha.... Thank you, he appriciates your compliments. Those are older pictures (from like a year or two ago) and he gets more handsome everyday! I guess i'll have to take MORE pictures. :) you will have more updates tomorrow

09-08-2010, 05:25 PM
Dear Dexter,

Today I meowed really LOUD to get my human to wake up. WAKE UP, MEOWMIE, I'M HUNGRY! She tried to ignore me but I just kept meowing until she HAD to get up and feed me! Then when I was done eating, I sat right outside the bathroom door, so she couldn't close it, while she was getting ready for work. When she gets home from work I will meow again to tell her I am very glad she's home. Then she will pick me up, hug and snuggle me :)

How was your day?
