View Full Version : Rocky

08-28-2010, 06:55 AM
You are such a beautiful cat Rocky. As I tell my fur kids no matter your age your still my babies :)

Pinot's Mom
08-28-2010, 08:12 AM
Well, good morning, Rocky! You're my favorite kind of kitty-shelter adopted and A TABBY!!! By the way, eleven is not old, you're just hitting your stride! Happy COTD to you, sweet Rocky, you have a wonderful day just for you!:)

08-28-2010, 09:29 AM
What a Lucky Cat You are Rocky, to have landed in such a Wonderful Furrever Home, after such a tough and noisy start in life, you have landed right where you belong in a home where, you are the Little Furry King of All You Rule!!!
You are such a Handsome Cat, and look so very happy, and we know that you appreciate everything that is done for you, and you let your Family know that you are far important, as You are a Real Cat, and a computer is virtual.

08-28-2010, 09:32 AM
Hello, Rocky! You are a most-deserving Cat of the Day after all you've been through. I love your fuzzy old face...you look quite dignified and very wise! You must pace yourself through the rest of your nine lives. We all get older and slow down a bit (or a bit more!), but it sounds as though you have a lot of life in you yet and you're enjoying it, too. Rocky, you have earned the right to get cranky once in awhile :mad: You're a survivor and as long as you still love your lap time and your food, and you keep your diabetes under control, you'll be giving your family a long lifetime of great memories.

:love: Happy Cat of the Day to you, Rocky! :love:

08-28-2010, 11:10 AM
11 is not old at all - maybe he just likes living the easy peaceful life after all he has been through. I suggest you try Sasha's Blend - it's great for kitties suffering from any muscle and arthritis problems - he'll be jumping up and down from high places in no time.

08-28-2010, 12:50 PM
Rocky what a handsome fellow you are! :love:

What a treat to see your sweet self on my computer screen today. :)
I'm sorry about your achy joints. My darling Rainbow kitty, Leonardo, had trouble getting up on the bed too. I put a low box by the bed so he could get on that then up on the bed. Maybe your mom will do that for you. I hope you enjoy your special day today. Maybe have a specially yummy treat or something.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D :love:

08-28-2010, 01:33 PM
Hello, my friend. May the Lord grant you a great life and good health. I can tell you have a good heart toward living things. Rocky would mot have made it so long had it not been for your love and care. A cat or dog has to CARE and if they cease to do so, then their life is cut short. I have a fifteen year old kitty, a female named "Erin" (after hurricane Erin in 1995. The hurricane had just made landfall in the Gulf when we got Erin from the Humane Society. She had been born in a barn...) AKA "the Mouser", although she's never even seen a mouse; it's because of her pretty, mousy gray color. The Mouser is happy because she's much loved, even though she's a bit on the persnickety side at times; I bear with her because it's just the way she is. :)
I believe Rocky can live a few more years than he has, so long as he is continued to be loved and tummy-rubbed and all the little special things you can do to show him he is loved and special. Some special, little toys can often perk up a kitty. I've had kitties since I was nine years old and fifty years have passed since then (hard to believe) and I've gained a fair amount of insight since then. God has put certain animals on this earth for our mutual love and pleasure. My life, the last twenty-one years spent in disability and pain, has been much improved because of my love for the Creator's animals, although my grief is very heavy when I lose one. I just take it really hard. Thus far, even at Erin's age, she can still scat about the house with the big male kitty we have ("Tweeder") and in fact, can lay a fair-sized whuppin' on him if he gets out of line and he outweighs her by a good six or seven pounds. :)
Well, I've rambled. It's my wish that you have many more years with Rocky, as a HEALTHY kitty. May his health improve and his temperament show it. May his joints loosen up and may he feel freer that he has in many years. This is my blessing for your Rocky kitty.
And may you be happy and live a long, productive and special life in God, apart from Whom there is little to even hold dear.
Take care, my friend.
My love to all,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, Kentucky

08-28-2010, 01:54 PM
Ask your Vet about GLUCOSAMINE for Rocky-- many of the older, Senior Citizen members of our Pride have taken glucosamine in one form or another- Dasuquin, Cosequin, there are several good preparations- some are capsules you dump into their food and mix, some are tablets you crush and mix with (excellent choice!) some Gerber baby chicken or turkey food-- but it's made HUGE differences in quality of life for the Seniors!! They go from taking 10 minutes of obviously-uncomfortable effort going up stairs, to SCAMPERING up and down stairs and even CLIMBING TREES..... it's like MAGIC..... and Rocky sure seems like he deserves the best!!
Happy COTD to Rocky from our pride, especially the Seniors-- Sammy (18), Kramer (15), Lucy (14)...... many, many more!!

08-28-2010, 02:40 PM
Rocky tell your mom or dad to get you a ramp so you can get on the bed easier 11yrs.old is not that old for a cat. May you get un grumpy maybe a pain somewhere like ugly old Mr.Arther who just loves everyone man or beast.They may have some medications for ole Mr.Arther so he will not be painful.
Mr.Athur( Arthritis) for those who not know.

08-28-2010, 03:16 PM
Rocky, at 11 years old you're just getting started! As long as your humans continue to take such good care of you, you could be around for many, many more years. W/such a handsome face and big paws, you could probably handle just about anything but kitty stairs would be ideal for you to get into bed more easily. I got some for my senior kitties at the pet store and they love it. Enjoy your day as COTD, handsome boy. :)

08-28-2010, 04:04 PM
Hello Rocky,

You are a very handsome fellow.:love: I am so glad to know what a
great family found you & more than made up for a "rocky" start in life.:)
You and brother Max are right where you should be, with folks who love
& appreciate you.:) Congratulations on being our honored CAT OF THE DAY.
Sending gentle hugs & tummy rubs just for you sweetie.:)

08-28-2010, 04:08 PM
Shame he was in an animal shelter for so long.

08-28-2010, 06:29 PM
Hi Rocky! A very happy, heartfelt Cat of the Day to you, sweetheart! I was so touched by your story, Rocky; you truly are a fighter, AND a survivor! I have a soft spot for you "sugar" kitties (diabetic kitties), and seniors!:love: My beautiful Rainbow Bridge boy Buddy was a diabetic, and lived many happy, active years with his family, being treated with insulin, and later on Rx food alone! (He was just about to turn 20 when he left for the Bridge!)

You know Rocky, I think you rescued your Mom as much as she rescued you...isn't that so often the case with our "rescues"?:) Bless you Rocky, for helping to heal your mommy's heart after the passing of your beloved predecessor; you do him (or her) proud! And now Rocky, it's time for you to relax and enjoy your well earned retirement, your golden years, being pampered and loved to pieces, treated to all your big, beautiful heart desires!:love:

Lots of love and cuddles to you on your much deserved day of honor, precious Rocky!:) I hope you and furbro Max, and your human family, are enjoying a very special "top cat" day, and here's to many more happy years together!:love::love::love:

08-28-2010, 08:02 PM
Hello, handsome tabby Rocky! I like your perfect tabby coat and I am so happy that you're in a home where you are loved and cared about, with snuggles, yummy food and lap time! Happy Cat of the Day!

08-28-2010, 09:29 PM
Rocky what a handsome tabby man you are!! Enjoy your cat of the day status -- I hope you get spoilt even more by your lovely humans today! :love:

08-29-2010, 02:11 PM
What a cool kitty you are - I'm glad that your health has improved somewhat.
At least you have a loving home where they take good care of you and your aching joints!
Enjoy your COTD status, Rocky! :love:
(Dust Bunny looks like you - she says hello)!