View Full Version : Sphynx kitten formerly known as Austin is now "Butchie"!!!

08-26-2010, 09:10 AM
Although I like the name Austin, I've been calling him Butchie instead. The name is sticking.

I've decided to put him in the TICA cat show in the Pet Expo in October to see how he does in Household Pets. His perkiness and alertness makes him an EXCELLENT candidate for the show.

08-26-2010, 09:23 AM
As Shakespheare wrote so many years ago a rose by any name still smells as sweet:cool::cool::cool:
And a Cool Cat of the Future is still a Cool Cat, no matter what his name :):):)
Many of Our Pet Talker Cats have more than one name, it only enhances
their Coolness.
And Butchie is one Cool Kitten, all the Found Cats send Kitty Kissies and Head Bumpies.:love::love::love::love:

smokey the elder
08-26-2010, 09:23 AM
I'm sure he'll ham it up with the best!

08-26-2010, 10:22 AM
Smokey the Elder,

He's got the perfect personality that judges look for in a kitten. He's got an appointment with the vet in September for his age appropriate shots and a vet check. He'll be neutered sometime in the beginning of October. The cat show is in late October. Can't wait!!!

08-26-2010, 11:31 AM
I'm sure that Moo Soo is helping to guide you and Austin I mean Butchie.
You better get some batteries for the cammera. You know that we will want lots of pictures form the show.

08-26-2010, 12:16 PM
thatīs awesome!!.. I bet heīll do great!!..

but I have one question.. cat shows are different than dog shows? in the case show cats need to be intact.. or is it just in other categories and not the household one Butch is entering?..

08-26-2010, 12:28 PM

There are two categories in a cat show. Purebred and household pet. Since I don't have papers for him, he'll be entered in HHP. I think he's going to do great!!!

Just gave him a bath. He freaked!!! I had to scruff him with one hand and wash with the other to keep him still. I gave him cat treats afterwards so he'll associate a bath with treats. Since he's young, he'll get used to it. MooShoo did.

And yes, I really think RB MooShoo had a paw in this entire thing. And I promise to take pictures.

08-26-2010, 12:36 PM
I betting Butchie will win Best In Show for the HHP division. He is THAT GOOD LOOKING!:love: Good luck to both of you!:D

08-26-2010, 12:48 PM
Thanks Katladyd.

08-26-2010, 01:16 PM
I'm sure that Moo Shoo is helping to guide you and Austin I mean Butchie.

I am too! :D

Laura's Babies
08-26-2010, 03:49 PM
Some cats I have had no problem naming, I knew I was going to change Samantha's name when I got her.. I never liked Midnight. I used Samantha in memory of my soul kitty Sambo and because it "fit" her... With Amy, I knew that "fit: soon as I head it. Boo and Giz were names when I got them..

I have had some I had to "try" names on before I found one that fit perfect.. Some I drew a complete blank and couldn't come up with anything that fit and that is when I always got my sweet brother in law to help and he ALWAYS came up with the perfect name for me. Rastus was one that he came up with for me that I loved and it FIT!

So if Austin is now Butchie, if that feels right for you, he likes it and responds... then BUTCHIE it IS!!

WELCOME YOU CUTE LITTLE BUTCHIE! Some day you will be a BIG HANDSOME MAN CAT and Mommie with have to call you MR BUTCH! ;)

08-28-2010, 06:16 PM
Just curious Donna, how did "Butchie" come about?

I'm sure he'll do fine in the cat show, he is a winner in every sense of the word. You will post pictures of our handsome little guy with all of his blue ribbons for us, right?

08-29-2010, 11:05 AM

How did the name Butchie come about or how I came to adopt him?

I originally named him Austin after Austin Powers. But for some reason, Butchie is easier to remember. Go figure. He answers to both. I think his "show" name will be Austin. Has more class.

I will definitely take pictures from the show. Now all I have to do is make cage curtains for the show.

08-29-2010, 02:10 PM
How did the name Butchie come about or how I came to adopt him?.

Sorry about the confusion, Donna. I was wondering how the name Butchie came about. Would you give him some lovies from me?

08-30-2010, 02:51 PM
I absolutely will!! I'm still trying to figure out how to eat standing up. He just won't let up!!!