View Full Version : Culprit caught in the act

08-24-2010, 11:58 AM
Last week I noticed a rip in the top of the back cushion on the outdoor love seat. I figured that Sherbie (my outdoor kitty) had been exercising his claws on it and ripped it open, since he likes to lounge on the patio furniture. No big deal, since all the cushions need to replaced next year anyway.

This morning when I took the pooches out for their potty call after a long night's sleep, something caught my eye on the love seat. The culprit has been exposed, and now I don't have to blame the cat. It was a squirrel - and he was burrowing down inside the ripped section of the cushion, and dragging out huge pieces of the stuffing. By the time I got in to get my camera, and then back out to catch him in action, he was headed up the tree with a mouthful of the nice fluffy stuffing. I hope I can eventually get a shot of him in action! :)

I know some little squirrel that's going to have a nice, soft, cozy warm nest this winter! ;)

08-24-2010, 12:29 PM
:p Now dont you feel bad for blaming the cat first.. Yup the squirrel is getting ready to have some babies & or for winter..

08-24-2010, 01:45 PM
Awww, how cute! I like to brush the dogs outside and just let their fur fly. I always hope a bird or squirrel will find it for their nest. :)

08-24-2010, 01:54 PM
LOL! Those squirrels are smart. My dad put up houses for the squirrels so they would stay out of our house. The yard had lots of Burr Oak trees growing in it.. Anyhow one day the burlap sack rug was missing from the back door & we were looking all over for it. We finally found it a squirrel had taken it up to one of the squirrel houses & part of the sack was sticking out of the house while the rest was dangling down on a branch. :D

Laura's Babies
08-24-2010, 01:59 PM
Those stories are eye openers! I had no idea squirrels would do anything like that!

I sure hope you get pictures of that one getting the stuffing from that cushion!

08-24-2010, 02:43 PM
Haven't been able to catch him in the act again, but here's the damage the little sucker did! He's somewhere up that tree.......:p

I'm still on the lookout for him.

smokey the elder
08-24-2010, 02:45 PM

08-24-2010, 02:52 PM
Smart little creatures they are - warm nest indeed! You might as well take some more out and put below the tree. :D

08-24-2010, 02:54 PM
Squirrels usually have their babies in September so you'll be seeing some squirrellettes soon! And you are their god-mother, Provider of the Fluff!

08-24-2010, 02:58 PM
Sure hope you apologized to Sherbie! ;)

Smart squirrel!

Pinot's Mom
08-24-2010, 03:02 PM
Sure hope you apologized to Sherbie! ;)

I hope so, too!!! Poor kitty!

08-24-2010, 03:24 PM
You might as well take some more out and put below the tree. :D

Heck no - let him/her work for it! The love seat is under the tree anyway, so it's not far to travel. :p

And you are their god-mother, Provider of the Fluff!

Hey - I kinda like that title......:D

Sure hope you apologized to Sherbie! ;)

I hope so, too!!! Poor kitty!

Sherbie isn't exactly Mr Innocent. He exercised those claws on one of the chair cushions, and it now has a shredded look, even tho it's not ripped all the way thru. :eek:

08-24-2010, 04:45 PM
Awww, how cute! I like to brush the dogs outside and just let their fur fly. I always hope a bird or squirrel will find it for their nest. :)

Hey, I do that too.:)

In looking at the pictures, it looks like great fluff to line a nest. The rip in
the cover was probably there & the critter discovered it by accident, but
made the most of it. Oh, very nice trees you have there.:)

08-24-2010, 07:59 PM
.....and you are so kind to take it so well.....i love squirrels

08-24-2010, 09:35 PM
Quite a seamstress that squirrely is! Right along the seams. Making it easy for you to stuff and sew it right up! Considerate squirrel...well..kinda! LOL!

08-25-2010, 06:16 AM
.....and you are so kind to take it so well.....i love squirrels

I wouldn't have been so calm about it if they were new or in good condition. They needed to be tossed out for new ones anyway - next year.

Quite a seamstress that squirrely is! Right along the seams. Making it easy for you to stuff and sew it right up! Considerate squirrel...well..kinda! LOL!

Not that easy. You can't see in the pic where the whole front of the fabric is chewed, since I tucked that down inside to get a better shot of how much stuffing got pulled out. There's a little piece of the frayed and chewed fabric showing at about the center/bottom part of the hole.

08-25-2010, 07:39 AM
The little thief! That is cute, though. I hope you get a pic of it happening.

At the house I rented, I noticed one day that my door mat was gone. I thought some neighborhood kids might have taken it. A few days later I bought a new one, came home from work, doormat gone. Ok, now I'm angry. I waited a few more days, then bought another one. I looked out my door that afternoon and saw the groundhog (that I had named Scarface b/c the poor boy was a mess) dragging the doormat down into his hole! I got into a tug of war w/that rascal and I won! I figured, though, that as soon as I turned my back that it would be gone but he left it alone after that. :D

08-25-2010, 09:58 AM
ROFL! I can see poor Scarface down in his hole teeth chattering just miserable because he couldn't have that rug.

08-25-2010, 11:19 AM
That's hysterical!!! he was decorating his house, Mary!! How could you be so mean :D

I guess you and ol' Scarface have the same taste in floor coverings!!

08-25-2010, 11:45 AM
Mean Mary! :( At least I let my little one have his/her way! :p

No sign of the little goober today - must be all bedded down in that nice soft nest. I'm surprised he didn't share his treasured find with some buddies tho. We've had more squirrels this year than I can ever remember being around, yet hardly a bunny to be seen. It's usually the opposite way around.

My grandson made a squirrel feeder in shop class last year - the kind you put an ear of dried corn on. Guess we'll have to get that out soon to keep my little friend (and family) happy. :D

08-25-2010, 12:58 PM
And keep that camera handy in case you catch a glimpse of the little thief, I love squirrels, we mostly have chipmunks out here though.

08-25-2010, 01:17 PM
Those Chipmunks can get into things too. I saw one help itself to someones backpack. It went into the backpack came out with a Reeses candy bar, opened up the wrapper right there on the spot & then took off with it. This chipmunk was good size & I know why, it must of done this many times before. :D

08-25-2010, 02:06 PM
Those chipmunks are wise little devils. They actually get the top off of the bird feeders and get down inside and eat the seed. I couldn't figure out how the feeders were being emptied in a matter of hours, until I actually saw them doing this. :eek:

I brushed Myndi this afternoon, and had a huge amount of her fuzzy undercoat to put out in the tree for my friend. Hope he finds it since it's so nice and soft. I put it in a Y area of the lower part of the tree, so he can't miss it when he goes up or down!

08-25-2010, 04:06 PM
I once was attacked by a chipmunk in the woods. I was to near its winter store & it ran up the outside of my pant leg & chattered at me. I of course ran like the dickens screaming through the woods I have been attacked my a nut eating chipmunk.:eek: Just kidding but it did run up my pant leg & chattered at me. :D

08-25-2010, 04:28 PM
I once was attacked by a chipmunk in the woods. I was to near its winter store & it ran up the outside of my pant leg & chattered at me. I of course ran like the dickens screaming through the woods I have been attacked my a nut eating chipmunk.:eek: Just kidding but it did run up my pant leg & chattered at me. :D

Oh - I believe it. I live close to a wildlife preserve, and I used to take bike rides out there quite frequently. I had one come at me from the ditch along side of the road - it actually chased me! Must have had babies nearby and I got too close. :eek:

08-25-2010, 05:10 PM
Years ago, something was digging up my potted plants. The dirt wasn't gone, just seriously disturbed. One day I caught the squirrel in the act. He and others were hiding their meager winter stash of pecans (poor crop that year) in my pots. He ran from me up the porch railings,. but stopped at the roof and hung there chittering at me, I could have sworn he was laughing.

08-25-2010, 05:40 PM
I love chipmunks, I think they're so cute, but they sure can do some damage. They ate the entire bottom of our garage door, the rubber part, and they chewed through all the underground wiring. We had to have our entire front yard dug up and have the wiring replaced. I rescued one from the mouth of a neighborhood cat, called my vet and asked him what to feed it. I bottle fed him a special formula, even took him to soccer games w/me. I carried him in my track suit pocket and he'd poke his head out but never tried to run away. Eventually, I had to set him free b/c it wasn't fair to keep him indoors. Plus I didn't want him to do to my furniture what your outdoor squirrel did to your patio furniture.

My son feeds a squirrel outside his apt. and he's named it Chubby. When we were in England, he got a squirrel to come up to him and he hand fed him. The squirrel put his paw right on my son's hand and onlookers were so surprised to see that. They tried it and the squirrel wouldn't come to them. So we now call the boy the Squirrel Whisperer. :D

08-25-2010, 05:52 PM
You're right Mary - chipmunks are very cute, but very destructive too. We used to have a pair here - we named them Charlie and Charlene. They got under the house and did some damage - chewed thru the flex line for the central a.c. No one messes with my a.c.!!!! :mad: They eventually disappeared tho, and we haven't had any more problems. I think they got upset with me when I found a way to keep them out of the bird feeders, and their seed source dried up.

Still haven't seen my thieving little friend all day today. I still would like to get a pic of him in action. ;)

08-25-2010, 07:28 PM
Your thieving friend could be a she & maybe she is having her babies in that nice soft plush filler she took out of your cushion.:D Those squirrels know how to live I tell you. ;)

I use to take two teaspoons & fill them with peanut butter & sit on a lawn chair in my folks back yard. The squirrels would climb up on the lawn chair & sit on the arm of the chair & eat peanut butter off the spoons. One time I had two on each arm of the chair eating peanut butter. They would get a little greedy & you know how sticky peanut butter is & they didn't have anything to wash it down so they would gag on the peanut butter if they took to much at a time. I would start giggling & the chair would be moving but they would keep eating. :)