View Full Version : Introductions at the Hall residence

08-23-2010, 11:30 AM
So, I'm home from Sunny Rest for the balance of what is left of summer (2 days for me), and I brought the kitten, Sebastian, with me to make introductions.

This has been interesting.

So far, Boris wants NOTHING to do with the kitten. She hisses and spits and runs and hides in my bedroom. She looks at me like I'm a traitor and what did she do to deserve a little one in the house, lol.

Honeybun also hides, but he doesn't hiss or spit, he just runs!

Sophie sits and spies on the kitten, in her quiet little way. She looks so interested, but still so shy.

Jorgie, my cat who I can't even touch or pick up, who is still semi-feral in his ways is the MOST interested. When I had Sebastian in the dining room and kitchen, who was at the french doors staring in? Jorgie. Now that the kitten is running around in the living room, who is at different angles watching over the kitten?? Jorgie. I know he loves other cats, just not people. I'm hoping that they bond really well, and that Jorgie will be more people friendly, because Sebastian LOVES people and loves to be around me and Dave. He's like a little shadow. Jorgie is making these little chirpy noises, but he just now jumped backward and scared the crap out of Sebastian, lol.

I'm sooooooooo hoping things go well. I know it will take time, but I hope that they will all accept him in time. I know Boris will be the last to give him the time of day. I was just worried that she would hurt him, so I'm really watching to see what happens when he's out. He will NOT be out with them while I'm at school for a LONG time. I just don't trust what could happen.

Wish me and Sebastian luck, lol, we are going to need a lot of it!!

I can't wait to get pictures like Cindy has of Paizly and Jax together, or at least around each other and tolerating each other.

Pinot's Mom
08-23-2010, 11:44 AM
Jennie, I'd say if no one has been bitten or scratched yet, you're ahead of the game! Good luck little Sebastian! :love:

08-23-2010, 11:50 AM
I'm sure in time all of your cats will learn to at least tolerate him. I've found that it takes females much longer than males though. Good luck.:)

The chirping thing sure does remind me of my RB Starr. He was in love with Ziggy when I brought her home and he's follow her every where and chirp at her too.:) She ended up being the only cat that would actually allow him to play with her because he did play rough.

08-23-2010, 11:54 AM
Hey, I'm still holding out for a picture of my two cuddling. Baby steps. LOL
It took over two months to get to where we are now with a little less hissing and growling. In fact, yesterday they were both asleep on the bed together. There was about 4 or 5 inches between them though. :)
I have a feeling you'll get your cuddling pictures of Sebastian before I will. :rolleyes::p

08-23-2010, 02:16 PM
I can't believe what I'm seeing...

I'm on the sofa. Sebastian is on the left side of me, totally exhausted from exploring. Sophie is on the right side of me, being her totally normal self, rubbing, purring, and wanting attention. She's not even bothering with the kitten, and just looks at him now and then!!

Not that she won't hiss, I'm sure she will if I get up and leave and there's nothing between them, but this is really close really fast.

Jorgie is sleeping somewhere under the sofa with Honey, and Boris is still upstairs. She kept me company while I showered though, so I know she still loves me, even though I brought the little imp home.

Hoping for more positive interactions or at least positive non-interactions like I'm having now with Soph and Sebastian.

08-23-2010, 02:27 PM
Progress, progress! Keep up the good vibes there!

08-23-2010, 02:45 PM
Doesn't it feel good when you get the glimmer of hope? :)

08-23-2010, 02:52 PM
:) I aggree & so true.. Good Luck = Just remember the Three Golden Rules = Patience, Time & Space..

Jennie, I'd say if no one has been bitten or scratched yet, you're ahead of the game! Good luck little Sebastian! :love:

08-23-2010, 04:08 PM
It would be actually the same as a Baby in with a group of teenagers and young adults as people eith love Babies or can not stand their crying:eek:
They are a bit afraid of Sebastien's energy ad the way he will suddenly race about.:cool::cool:
One of Your Cats, we are Jorgie :love:will be the Mentor Cat:cool:, the way Moose :love: and Joseph :love:were here when the Young Cats arrived.:love::love::love:

08-23-2010, 04:33 PM
This all sounds very promising! Well done, Jenn and kitties, and keep on the good work.

08-23-2010, 05:06 PM
Sebastian, maybe you can help Jorgie adjust to hoomins; and Jorgie, maybe you and Sebastian will be pal kittehs! Fingers and paws crossed!

08-23-2010, 06:57 PM
If there's been no blood shed, just hissing, you are WAAAAY ahead of the game!!

08-23-2010, 08:42 PM
I can't believe what I just witnessed...

I was sitting on the sofa, Sebastian on the sofa next to me, and Jorgie, my semi-feral kitty jumps up onto the sofa on the other side of me and lies down. He has NEVER done that here EVER!!! He's been with me for 6 years, and he's never had enough trust to even come close to sitting next to me.

We sat like that, with me almost immobile in the middle, for almost 30 minutes. Sebastian got up to get food, Jorgie got down a few minutes later and is now sleeping peacefully on the floor.

I'm just amazed. Not at Sebastian, but at Jorgie. Maybe Sebastian will be a really good thing for Jorgie, getting him to open up a little more, or at least maybe he'll have a buddy.

08-23-2010, 10:02 PM
What a wonderful result of introducing Sebastian! He is adorable. My sister and her husband had 2 cats that had found them where they used to live. They rented and the cats had to be outside. Then they moved and brought the cats and tried making them inside cats. One of them tormented the other one mercilessly. Not in a mean way, but he just wanted to play. Bengal wanted no part of that and the stress was making her lose her fur. There was another stray that was at the house they were renting before they got there. We'd taken her and got her fixed. Once they were settled, they said they would try her over there. She was the perfect fit. She gave Manx the playmate he wanted so he left Bengal alone. My brother in law said that they just needed a Meg. Maybe your household (or at least Jorgie) just needed a Sebastian! I know what you mean though. I have a feral kitty, who has lived outside here for 10 years and is ALWAYS on the porch, but there is no way she'll let anyone touch her for more than 2 seconds. And that is only if you happen to pat her head when she isn't expecting it while she is eating. Although, I was on the porch the other night and she walked up and brushed against my leg. She only does that with the dog. Maybe she was just confused. LOL

08-23-2010, 11:46 PM
Things sound like they're going very well. I also think that your home needed a Sebastian.:)

08-31-2010, 12:49 PM
Things have been going very well at the house with introducing the kitten to the other cats, EXCEPT for Boris. Boris is not taking this well at all. She is hiding up in my room and stays on the 2nd floor almost exclusively. I'm so surprised that she's behaving this way. Sad too, because she's such a good girl and deserves to be everywhere in the house.

Well, this AM, I had the pip squeak following me up the stairs to the 2nd floor. I thought, well, this could be ok. NOT.

I was brushing my teeth and little one was wandering around. All of a sudden I hear shrieks and screams and sounds like someone was ripping apart another cat! I dropped my toothbrush, swalled the toothpaste (yech), and ran into the "litter room" to find Boris backed up in the closet and no one else in there that I could see. I closed the door on her, she was still growling and all puffed up.

I looked high and low for that little guy, I was so scared for him!! 20 minutes I looked around, all over the house and couldn't find him. Don't I go back up to the litter room, open the door, out runs Boris, and there behind a litter box was Sebastian, totally shaking in his little boots! I was so upset and so relieved to find him. He didn't have a scratch on him that I could see, so Boris didn't hurt him, but oh my god, did they give me a fright.

I left for the day with Sebastian down stairs and Boris upstairs.... they can both go where ever they want, but I think they'll stay in their respective places for the time being. Sebastian doesn't even go near the steps normally, and the poor boy was just following me this AM.

Scared the day lights out of me, they did!! Boy was I awake for work this morning!!

08-31-2010, 12:57 PM
:p Yup dont we love our babies alot.. Sorry Jenn but I am laughing now.. Its the way you told the story.. I am so glad the two babies are ok now.. :love: Could we next time get a picture or video of the wittle one shaking in his boots please..:D

Things have been going very well at the house with introducing the kitten to the other cats, EXCEPT for Boris. Boris is not taking this well at all. She is hiding up in my room and stays on the 2nd floor almost exclusively. I'm so surprised that she's behaving this way. Sad too, because she's such a good girl and deserves to be everywhere in the house.

Well, this AM, I had the pip squeak following me up the stairs to the 2nd floor. I thought, well, this could be ok. NOT.

I was brushing my teeth and little one was wandering around. All of a sudden I hear shrieks and screams and sounds like someone was ripping apart another cat! I dropped my toothbrush, swalled the toothpaste (yech), and ran into the "litter room" to find Boris backed up in the closet and no one else in there that I could see. I closed the door on her, she was still growling and all puffed up.

I looked high and low for that little guy, I was so scared for him!! 20 minutes I looked around, all over the house and couldn't find him. Don't I go back up to the litter room, open the door, out runs Boris, and there behind a litter box was Sebastian, totally shaking in his little boots! I was so upset and so relieved to find him. He didn't have a scratch on him that I could see, so Boris didn't hurt him, but oh my god, did they give me a fright.

I left for the day with Sebastian down stairs and Boris upstairs.... they can both go where ever they want, but I think they'll stay in their respective places for the time being. Sebastian doesn't even go near the steps normally, and the poor boy was just following me this AM.

Scared the day lights out of me, they did!! Boy was I awake for work this morning!!