View Full Version : Darling Dani

08-23-2010, 09:23 AM
You are so cute and tiny, Dani! I'm sorry some of your siblings did not survive, and you may be the runt but you are a tough cookie! I hope you have a fun day celebrating your POTD honour with all those that love and adore you, sweet Dani!:)

08-23-2010, 12:58 PM
Dani what an adorable little darling you are!!!:love:

I bet you will be really gorgeous when you are grown up. :) It was such a treat to see your sweet pictures today. I hope you are having a wonderfully fun day.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day!!! :D:love:

08-23-2010, 01:11 PM
Greetings and a VERY happy Pet of the Day to you, darling Dani!:)
Oh, what a precious, teeny-weenie, wittle one you are!:love: My heart melted reading your enchanting story, Dani! Thank you so much for taking the time to write to us (I just hope your Mom didn't catch you sneaking out of the house)!;)

I'm so sorry to hear that your sibling Di, and one other baby, didn't survive.:( But thankfully your Mommy Daisy has you and Dumbledore to love on and care for; I'm sure you two cuties keep her plenty busy! And yes, hopefully one day when your Mommy's not feeling as protective of you, when you and Dumbledore grow up a bit, your daddy Degu and uncle Digdig can come join you alll, and won't that be neat!:)

It was a joy getting to know you, darling Dani! Your Jennie is one lucky young lady, having a furkid as precious and sweet as you in her life!

Wishing for you and Dumbledore, and devoted human Jennie, a very special, love filled Pet of the Day, and many more wonderful years together!:) Cuddles and little kisses to you precious Dani, and to Dumbledore and the entire furry crew, too!:love::love::love:

08-23-2010, 10:20 PM
Oh my gosh! Dani, you're such a little cutie!!! Congrats on being POTD!!!:love: