View Full Version : Question for Groucho, Kitty Lawyer

08-20-2010, 01:46 PM
Dear Groucho,

Can you please tell me whether this meets kitty criteria for too much aloneness? My meowmie leaves for work in the morning and sometimes doesn't come home until it is dark outside. Then she feeds me, watches the news and goes to bed. I don't like that she is gone so many hours a day. She says it is because she is very bizzy at work. What is bizzy? Is it possible for her to be bizzy with me instead? She didn't used to go to work. From Valentine's Day till almost Memorial Day she was home with me almost every day. I don't like that she is gone from me so much. I meow to tell her how glad I am that she is home with me, but she thinks I am meowing to complain about how long she has been gone. I don't know what to do. I think she should tell her work not to have her be so bizzy when I am not away on my Catmobile adventures.

Do any other kitties have this problem?

Thank you,
Purrs and lovies and scritchies,

P.S. from Cassie's Mom: It's a new program getting off the ground. Some long hours are required. First "master's preferred" job I've ever had. It's a good job. Not as many pet parents as my last job though.

08-20-2010, 01:59 PM
Sad to say Cassie , but humans have to "work" so they will have money to buy our Cat Food and to rent and buy our homes so we will be safe and warm.
Unlike We Cats , its not enough to purr and look cute.
Our Dad is home a lot more as he is retired.
Does that mean he once looked like a tire????
Yours Purrily Michael The Dream Cat.:love::love::love:

Pinot's Mom
08-20-2010, 02:01 PM
Dear Cassie, I know your pain! I have consulted Groucho on several occasions with this complaint! He has my case under advisement. My purrents have just one more chance and then they're going to kitty court! Does your Mom do this thing called...what is it...vakashun? HUH! That's the WORST (well, other than when they go in MY YARD WITHOUT ME to "wurk" and I can SEE THEM!!)!!

Call Groucho on his cell, I know you have the number, he'll build your case!


08-20-2010, 02:37 PM
Hi Cassie,

Our mom does the same thing, but we have a way to tell her to spent more time with us. She knits, so there r ballz of yarn, we carry them to the top of the stairz and make pilez. She getz the hint to spend more time with us :D

The furry pawz gang

08-20-2010, 04:09 PM
;) Cute Letters.. Now us Furr Purr Babies cannot complain to much.. Meowmom is gone about 9 hrs a day & that is just long enough for us to Wreck the House & Nap & look real innocent by the time meowmom gets home.. However meowmom has been taking afternoons off from work trying to burn PTO up (what ever that means).. But we have enjoyed the time.. :D

PS: PTO means Personal Time Off == I only have 26 days to burn..

08-21-2010, 07:10 PM
Hi Cassie,
I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I wanted to do some research first. When our purrents are "bizzy at work" it means their bosses give them a lot of work to do but not enough time to do it. Since the work must get finished, our purrents sometimes have to do "overtime" and that means they have to stay past the time they're supposed to go home. That could be why your Meowmie comes home when it's dark outside.

Does your Meowmie give you lovies and tell you how much she missed you when she gets home? It concerns me that she thinks you're complaining because you were left alone for so long when really you're telling her how much you missed her and how happy you are to see her. Try what I do when Meowmie and Soncat get home; meow a lot, rub up against them, and stay right next to them while they walk into the room. As soon as Meowmie sits down I jump right up to give her headbumpies and kisses then settle right in her lap purring the whole time. Then Meowmie pets me and tells me how wonderful and beautiful I am. It never fails!

Here's something else you can try. Stay with your Meowmie while she's getting ready for work. Sit on the big water fountain in the bathroom and talk to her while she irons her hair and brushes her teeth. I do this every morning and sometimes convince Meowmie to take a "sick of work day" so she'll stay home with me. (I'll call you on your cell phone to tell you how to do the "sick of work day" thing, it can't be posted where purrents can see it!)

I'll be contacting your Meowmie about this situation. Going to Cat Court is done only when everything else fails. At that point the only thing the Cat Court judge can do is sentence them to "Purrent Training".

Let's try to fix this without going to Cat Court. Be sure to keep me updated about what's going on. I'll be in touch.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

08-22-2010, 09:19 PM
Dear Groucho,

I think meowmie gets that I'm not complaining to her. When she comes home, she pets me and says that she is happy to be home with me. Then I sit next to her on the sofa and she gives me head skritchies, which I really like. Then she feeds me and while I eat she washes my water dish, gives me fresh water and scoops my litter pan. I don't like the big water fountain in the bathroom but I stay right outside the door the whole time she is fixing her hair, brushing her teeth, putting on make-up. When she says "Okay, kitty, scuse please," I know to move.

Auntie lvpets2002 talked about PTO; is that what "sick of work time" is? Meowmie doesn't have any of that yet. She will get it starting the first of October. I know she is very worried about being bizzy and that almost a third of the team is new and still learning. She said her boss is happy with her though. She likes her co-workers, not as many pet parents as the last job but still nice people.

She keeps telling me she has an extra day to spend with me on Labor Day. I am looking forward to that. She will spend one day at my grandma and grandpa's house, and two days at home with meeeeeee! Pinot, she doesn't go on vakashun because she has me. There might be a vakashun in 2011 but she isn't sure yet. For 2010 there may be an overnight when she goes to visit my nieces at college, but I am okay with that.

Thank you for all the ideas and suggestions. Please send me your bill and please have your meowmie and Soncat give you some hugs, snuggles and loves from my meowmie and me!


Don Juan's mom
08-22-2010, 09:30 PM
Cassie, I know you don't like your mom away from you all day, but hoomins need to wurk. Our mom was home all the time for almost half a year, and despite all our attention and luvvies she wasnt happy. She was worried about getting us food and sandy stuff for the rest room and something called "rent." :( Now she's away from home to wurk for a hoomin lawyer who helps hoomins wif too many bills and no wurk, but we have a daddy who is home sometimes and new kitty friends. Happy hoomins make a happy home! :D

Don Juan El Gato Magnifico y Hermoso
Zerlina Gattobello Nero

09-28-2010, 03:45 PM
Dear Groucho,

Did you talk to my meowmie about wurk? She is spending a lot more time with me. She said she is still bizzy but she likes being with me a lot more than at wurk. I say who needz wurk anyway.

Thank you for talking to her. She sits on the floor and I sit next to her and purr to show her I like it when she is with me!

09-28-2010, 08:00 PM
Hi Cassie,
Im happy to hear that your Meowmie is spending more time with you now. We had a very good talk about it. Part of the problem is a lot of hoomins are out of wurk and there are no jobs for them. They worry about how they're going to pay for necessary things. Right now my Meowmie is worried about her job, she wurks for the State and the governor wants to put lots of them out of their jobs.

Sadly, lots of places don't have enough people to do all the jobs and they can't hire other people to help. So the people who are there have to do more work and that's why they're always so bizzy.

Your Meowmie is very nice and she loves you very much. She wants to make sure that you have everything you need and want. When she comes home late because she's so bizzy at work, please understand it's what she has to do. Be sure to welcome her, let her know how much you miss her, then give her lots of purrs and kisses.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

09-29-2010, 01:07 PM
It's good to be nice and welcome our moms when they go to that wurk thing, but occasionally we, kitties, have to remind them WHO'S IN CHARGE, I do so by meowing loud and demanding attention and quality time.

I like when mom brushes me and when she comes to my bed and stares at something she calls "the Good Book", but sometimes she forgets and I have to remind her :rolleyes: it makes me worried...

Anyway, it's good to know your mom loves you and takes such good care of you girlfriend. Bye for now,