View Full Version : Woman shares home w/crocodiles

08-20-2010, 10:50 AM
I did, too, at one time but of the human variety. I apologize for the long link. If anyone can tell me how to shorten it, please advise. In the meantime, take a look at this!

http://www.yahoo.com/_ylt=AnbzcOEs1cQPX.F3Hmly_wabvZx4;_ylc=X3oDMThwNjl vNHBwBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMDA4MTkgbmV3cyBjcm9jb 2RpbGUgb3duZXIgSVYEY2NvZGUDZ21wbXRjbGV4BGNwb3MDMgR nA2lkLTM2NTQ1BGludGwDdXMEaXRjAzAEbHR4dANXb21hbnNoY XJlc2hvbWV3aXRodGhyZWVjcm9jb2RpbGVzBHBrZ3YDMTYEcG9 zAzIEc2VjA3RkLWZlYXQEc2xrA3RpdGxlBHNscG9zA0YEdGFyA 2h0dHA6Ly9uZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbS92aWRlby93b3JsZC0xNTc 0OTYzMy93b21hbi1zaGFyZXMtaG9tZS13aXRoLXBldC1jcm9jb 2RpbGVzLTIxNDY5NDYwBHRlc3QDOTM4/SIG=13dta1b6t/EXP=1282405664/**http%3A//news.yahoo.com/video/world-15749633/woman-shares-home-with-pet-crocodiles-21469460

08-20-2010, 10:58 AM
:confused::rolleyes: That is just nuttss.. I feel sorry for the Cat.. What if the Cat is sleeping somewhere & the crocodile comes up & thinks its food.. :(

08-20-2010, 11:06 AM
Looney Toones. :rolleyes: Wonder if she is Wom's neighbor?:D:D

08-20-2010, 11:06 AM
That woman has a death wish, both for herself AND her cat. As my avatar says, there IS no excuse for stupid!

08-20-2010, 01:12 PM
Yep, I'm concerned about the cat, too. It's too dangerous and that poor thing must be stressed to the max. And she divorces her husband and keeps the croc? That's a crock if I ever heard one, pun intended. Or maybe the croc is nicer than he is, who knows.

08-20-2010, 01:31 PM
Two crocodiles sitting in a pond.

The first says to the second, "have you ever eaten a human before?"

The second says, "Yeah, I did, about 5 years ago..."

The first asks, "Is it reallly true, do they taste like chicken?"

08-20-2010, 02:15 PM
In all seriousness here............

About 7 or 8 years ago, there was a man that lived not too far from here, that was found dead in his apartment, with several of his Monitor lizards, feasting on him. Authorities didn't feel that the lizards had actually killed him (one was 6' long), but they got hungry after he died and..........well, the rest is history. He had 7 of them in his place (in varying sizes), and also 2 cats. The cats were found unharmed. I never did hear the results of the autopsy, but they think he got a blood infection from a bite from one of them, and that's what killed him. He was only in his 40's, and he was obsessed with them, and let them roam free thru his residence.

I can't imagine finding such a gruesome scene when they finally found him...:eek:

08-20-2010, 03:38 PM
:p Chuckle Chuckle = Richard you think of everything dont you.. :D

:) Yes pomtzu I remember that story real well.. Horrible Horrible.. :( But the dude was Crazy for having them & letting them roam like that..

Two crocodiles sitting in a pond.

The first says to the second, "have you ever eaten a human before?"

The second says, "Yeah, I did, about 5 years ago..."

The first asks, "Is it reallly true, do they taste like chicken?"

08-20-2010, 03:49 PM
. I never did hear the results of the autopsy, but they think he got a blood infection from a bite from one of them, and that's what killed him. He was only in his 40's, and he was obsessed with them, and let them roam free thru his residence.

I can't imagine finding such a gruesome scene when they finally found him...:eek:


Go look up any site on the interweb and you'll see that that is the first thing said about the creatures.

THey do not make good pets.

08-20-2010, 07:33 PM
Looney Toones. :rolleyes: Wonder if she is Wom's neighbor?:D:D

Not any more !!!! The old cow divorced me !!!! :D
She chose a crocodile over me ???? I'm brokenhearted. :p:p

08-20-2010, 07:34 PM
The first asks, "Is it reallly true, do they taste like chicken?"

Nope, they taste like beans.....hoomen beans. ;)

08-20-2010, 07:37 PM
I did, too, at one time but of the human variety. I apologize for the long link. If anyone can tell me how to shorten it, please advise. In the meantime, take a look at this!

Yep, crazy stuff.
Many people don't realise the danger of keeping crocs as pets.
Anything that moves is a food source to those things.
That cat better be REALLY on it's guard.....it doesn't take very long for crocs to work out the habits of their prey.

08-20-2010, 07:51 PM
OMG, don't freak me out, Wom! I won't sleep tonight thinking about it.

08-20-2010, 08:53 PM
That's our RICHARD! Always finding the humor is everything.

I swear you missed your calling as a stand up comic.


Laura's Babies
08-20-2010, 08:57 PM
What happens when they are to big for her to control? THAT IS CRAZY!:eek:

08-20-2010, 09:06 PM
Unbelievable!:eek: I feel sorry for the cat.:(

08-20-2010, 09:56 PM
What happens when they are to big for her to control? THAT IS CRAZY!:eek:

This ?????



08-20-2010, 11:34 PM
That woman and these two men are insane better take them to the mental hospital before anything happens. They are cruel crocodiles should get their freedom in the swamps and jungles they shouldn't live in houses. Their habitat isn't only water, its greenery and there were no plants and trees around the pond. She is insane and the two men the CROCODILE IS BLEEDING DOPEY HEADS!!! YOU CAN SEE THE BLOOD COMING FROM THE MOUTH! THIS IS INSANE AND CRUEL!:mad::mad::mad:

08-20-2010, 11:48 PM
This is one crazy woman. I also feel sorry for her cat.:(

The story about the man with all of the lizards was on one of Animal Planet's episodes of "Obsessed" I think it was called. The show also had one where a woman died of a poisoness snake bite. They later found that she had many very poisoness snakes in her home and I think she also had some other reptiles as well which she let roam free. She had become obsessed with them.

08-21-2010, 07:26 PM

I know.
Sorry I posted that, but at the time I couldn't find the pic of those guys handfeeding that croc with dog biscuits. ;)

08-21-2010, 07:37 PM
WHAT!!!:mad: Dog biscuits!! These ppl need to visit the Mental hospital, SERIOUSLY! Crazy!:mad: This is so cruel. What did the croc do to them!

08-21-2010, 07:39 PM
WHAT!!!:mad: Dog biscuits!! These ppl need to visit the Mental hospital, SERIOUSLY! Crazy!:mad: This is so cruel. What did the croc do to them!

Sana, I'm thinking that you might not know what dog biscuits are; they're treats for dogs. :)

08-21-2010, 07:45 PM
they were giving the croc dog biscuits but wombat couldn't find the picture. I know that some dog biscuits can be giving to other animals, but I'd prefer if the croc was given fish... They shouldn't have even touched it. I mean realy crocs belong to the swamps. And they eat fish and stuff from the lake water and the sea water that comes in.

08-21-2010, 07:46 PM
Sana, I'm thinking that you might not know what dog biscuits are; they're treats for dogs. :)

I know they are treats for dogs, so they shouldn't be feeding it to the crocs.

08-21-2010, 07:47 PM
I know they are treats for dogs, so they shouldn't be feeding it to the crocs.

Sorry if it was a joke, I am upset about some... stuff and so I didn't even think about understanding it. sorry:o

08-21-2010, 08:07 PM
they were giving the croc dog biscuits but wombat couldn't find the picture. I know that some dog biscuits can be giving to other animals, but I'd prefer if the croc was given fish... They shouldn't have even touched it. I mean realy crocs belong to the swamps. And they eat fish and stuff from the lake water and the sea water that comes in.

Sana, that crocodile was a man-eater. It was hunted down and shot to death by those two men, because a few days previously it had killed and eaten a man. I have other photos of the contents of that crocodiles stomach, but you really don't want to see them. ;)

08-21-2010, 08:11 PM
Ok... nobody told me that:rolleyes: Yeah then I guess its ok. I don't mind. To tell you the truth, I don't actually like crocodiles. They are way scary and way way creepy.:eek: The woman who crocodiles was one heck of a gal. Sheesh:eek:...

08-21-2010, 10:37 PM
Sorry if it was a joke, I am upset about some... stuff and so I didn't even think about understanding it. sorry:o

No apology necessary. You sounded so upset and I thought that you may have thought they were feeding the crocodile biscuits that were made out of dogs. (Now THAT is a creepy thought.)

08-21-2010, 10:42 PM
No apology necessary. You sounded so upset and I thought that you may have thought they were feeding the crocodile biscuits that were made out of dogs. (Now THAT is a creepy thought.)

I never thought that. I know dog biscuits are made from grain and stuff and they are pretty hard, eeek I don't like those.. Egggh biscuits, we have pink purple and green and weird colored dog biscuits here in Pakistan.. eeeggghhh...

08-21-2010, 10:44 PM
I never thought that.

Ok, good. I wouldn't want to give you nightmares. What time is it in Pakistan right now anyhow? It's almost midnight here and I'm off to bed. Nite all. :)

08-21-2010, 10:47 PM
Its the opposite of the time in USA. Its 8:46 am. Well, Good night!;)

08-21-2010, 11:36 PM
That woman is a nut. I really feel sorry for and worry about that lovely cat. I think the crocs are beautiful animals but not in a house in a tiny steel tub. The cat is having to live it's life in stress like a prey animal, and those poor crocs are not supposed to be confined to those small tubs. Man, this woman needs a lesson on "if you love something, set it free".

I hope the kitty is OK, but I sure wish it didn't live there. I can't imagine it has a comfortable, relaxed life, poor little thing.

08-22-2010, 04:51 AM
That woman is a nut. I really feel sorry for and worry about that lovely cat. I think the crocs are beautiful animals but not in a house in a tiny steel tub. The cat is having to live it's life in stress like a prey animal, and those poor crocs are not supposed to be confined to those small tubs. Man, this woman needs a lesson on "if you love something, set it free".

I hope the kitty is OK, but I sure wish it didn't live there. I can't imagine it has a comfortable, relaxed life, poor little thing.

I'm kinda worried that she'll let them go free down some street drain when they become too big to handle :eek::eek:

08-22-2010, 06:07 AM
I'm kinda worried that she'll let them go free down some street drain when they become too big to handle :eek::eek:

*GULP* I wonder if she might do that. :eek: She's crazy.

08-22-2010, 06:14 AM
*GULP* I wonder if she might do that. :eek: She's crazy.

It's happened before :rolleyes:

08-22-2010, 06:17 AM
It's happened before :rolleyes:


08-22-2010, 06:36 AM

Oh, a few years ago it happened in Brisbane, Queensland. Somebody spotted the croc in a drain, and it was about 5 foot long from memory. They caught it, and then took it up north and let him go in a river.
They said it was probably someones pet, that had got too big. It was a Saltwater Crocodile, which are the most dangerous....so it was a bit silly of whoever dumped it.

08-22-2010, 06:44 AM
That guy must be crazy and keeping crocs is a stupid thing, they aren't even lovable pets. Keep a dog, cat or something, if you really want a croc, buy a remote control toy, that's what I did. I wanted a cat dearly. My mom didn't want me to because of their fur that falls off. So, I got a toy kitty. Its a pretty cute white Perisan. Its pure white :)

08-22-2010, 10:15 AM
That guy must be crazy and keeping crocs is a stupid thing, they aren't even lovable pets. Keep a dog, cat or something, if you really want a croc, buy a remote control toy, that's what I did. I wanted a cat dearly. My mom didn't want me to because of their fur that falls off. So, I got a toy kitty. Its a pretty cute white Perisan. Its pure white :)

Well you know.....there are lots and lots of people out there who fall in love with animals when they are small....I guess baby crocodiles are cute to. But when they get bigger, the pets are dumped. The pet shelter here where I live is always full of unwanted pets.
It's a shame people think that way.