View Full Version : Taylor

08-20-2010, 03:20 AM
Hi Taylor

What a wonderful rescue story of you and Marble. You are just beautiful, and your coat is magnificent. I'm glad that you have accepted Beau as he would be missing his former home a lot. But you have all settled in together now which is very heartwarming. :D Kudos to your mom for having such a big heart to provide a loving home for you all.

Congrats on being such a purrfect COTD, Terrific Taylor.

Perhaps we can soon see some photos of Marble and Beau...:love::love:

08-20-2010, 04:40 AM
Taylor, you are so beautiful! I haven't seen many long-haired calico kitties so what a joy to see your pictures today. Your first humans at least tried to do the right thing by leaving you at the vet's office. You and Marble made a good decision by going home with your new mom. You have the forever home you dreamed of, a loving family to take care of you always. Enjoy your honor as COTD, Taylor, and share some special treats with Marble and Beau.

08-20-2010, 06:17 AM
What a gorgeous girl you are. I'm so glad you got to go home with your sister Marble; I wish we could have seen her and your new old brother, too. What kind parents you have to take on a very senior cat as well; he must have been very confused and scared about what was happening to him. Thank you for eventually accepting him into YOUR home. Happy COTD to you and also to your siblings by association.

08-20-2010, 06:38 AM
What a gorgeous Tort! You have beautiful colouring Taylor! And it sounds like your humans have a very big loving heart! Happy cat of the day :love:

08-20-2010, 07:05 AM
What a loving Meeowmie you have Taylor!
Not only does she take in you and Marble as Kittens, but a mature Cat like Beau, who many people would not bother with.
Thats great that you are all three friends now , and are a Cat Terrific Trio.
You are quite a Plush Furry Purry of a Tortie Taylor ,were you named after Elizabeth Taylor or young Taylor Swift?
Either way you are quite an Elegant Lady Cat and are just rounding into your prime as a Young Cat!!!

Furby's mom
08-20-2010, 07:14 AM
Taylor looks a little like my "orange cat" - that's her name - a long hair tortoiseshell. I'm so glad Taylor and Marble have a good home !

Pinot's Mom
08-20-2010, 07:23 AM
Taylor, you are gorgeous! I am so glad you're in such a loving and accepting home - it makes all the difference, doesn't it? Well, you have a very special COTD celebration, honey, and enjoy your day! :love:

08-20-2010, 08:23 AM
What an uplifting story to start the day, uplifting being that a good kindhearted person adopted two little kittens and later a senior cat. To the owner, I am so glad you adopted the kittens together. Now to Taylor, you are just beautiful and you have a wonderful home. I can tell that all of you love your mom and it's clear she loves all of you. Thanks for sharing your story. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

08-20-2010, 08:43 AM
:love: My favorite a Stunning Beauty Tortie.. Your Adorable Taylor.. Congrats on Cat of the Day..

08-20-2010, 10:25 AM
Taylor - I also loved your story! I'm so glad that you were adopted with your sister...and I like to think that your brother went to a great home as well!
You kinda' look like the resident long-haired torbie here - Miss Kitty. (Miss Kitty has green eyes though, and a symetrical tabby face and legs - lol)!
Enjoy your COTD status, Taylor! Great pics! :love:

08-20-2010, 11:13 AM
Hi Taylor

What a wonderful rescue story of you and Marble. You are just beautiful, and your coat is magnificent. I'm glad that you have accepted Beau as he would be missing his former home a lot. But you have all settled in together now which is very heartwarming. :D Kudos to your mom for having such a big heart to provide a loving home for you all.

Congrats on being such a purrfect COTD, Terrific Taylor.

Perhaps we can soon see some photos of Marble and Beau...:love::love:

Here is Marble as COTD: http://catoftheday.com/archive/2010/February/09.html

08-20-2010, 11:15 AM
What a gorgeous girl you are. I'm so glad you got to go home with your sister Marble; I wish we could have seen her and your new old brother, too. What kind parents you have to take on a very senior cat as well; he must have been very confused and scared about what was happening to him. Thank you for eventually accepting him into YOUR home. Happy COTD to you and also to your siblings by association.

Here is Marble: http://catoftheday.com/archive/2010/February/09.html

08-20-2010, 12:38 PM
Taylor, California kitty! You are absolutely beautiful! What a gorgeous, fluffy coat you have! I think that you, Marble and Beau will all be the Cats of the Day for me today. Happy, happy Cat of the Day to you, sweet Taylor! Please have your person give you some petting on that beautiful tortie coat for me. :love:


08-20-2010, 01:18 PM
Taylor what a gorgeous girl you are!!! :love:

How wonderful that both you and Marble were our spcecial Cats of the Day!!! :) You are both gorgeous!!! I'm glad you got a loving forever home together. You both should be spoiled extra rotten today, eh? ;)

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D:love:

08-20-2010, 03:05 PM
Hi Taylor!:) A very happy Cat of the Day to you! Oh yes, I took one look at you "camping out" between your daddy's knees and thought just the same thing; what a life!:D I so enjoyed reading your story, Taylor! Many thanks to the veterinary staff for caring for you kids until your Mom could come scoop you both up!:D That's just wonderful, that you and Marble were able to stay together! Add one more precious senior by the name of Beau to the mix and you have one purrfect fur family!:love: Ahh! I just noticed your Mom checked in with pics of Marble...and that she too was Cat of the Day!:cool: 2 down, 1 more to go, in beautiful Beau!:)

Hope you're enjoying a happy and fun filled Cat of the Day, sweetheart! Please have your Mom give you, Marble and Beau all, a big hug and kiss for me!:love::love::love: Long and happy life to you, beautiful Torti girl Taylor!

08-20-2010, 04:55 PM
Hello Taylor,

You are one gorgeous kitty sweetie.:love: I am so happy to know what
a great family you & sister Marble joined.:) Thank you for being so nice to
Beau also & letting him stay too. Congratulations on being chosen as our
CAT OF THE DAY.(joining sister Marble as a COTD kitty):love:

08-20-2010, 08:00 PM
Taylor, I'm lovin' those paws! Specs, my Maine Coon has paws like that and I just want to pet them all the time but Specs isn't too crazy about that. You have such a face, too, and I'll bet your mom likes to plant kisses on it. I sure would. Enjoy your day as COTD, pretty girl. :)

08-21-2010, 01:03 AM
Beautiful Taylor! What gorgeous coloring you have and you're a long-haired Tortie, too! I am so happy you were rescued with your sister, and now you have welcomed Beau into your wonderful forever home. I love the relaxed look you have on your face in the first picture, and you're cute even when you're yawning! You're a perfect choice for our Cat of the Day!

Happy Cat of the Day, Taylor!