View Full Version : Dis Dog is STRANGE! LOL

08-19-2010, 04:09 PM
I know, I just put up a thread for foster pup, Willy earlier today; this happened since!

I went out and picked tomatoes (again). As usual, all the fluffs came out with me and poked around in the back yard. Tasha snuck under the fence to be in the veggie garden with me; she is not supposed to, but she does.

Went in, got a sauce going, it was time to feed the pups, so I'm talking and singing my "kibble in da dish!" song. Dad and I hear whining. Hmmmm . . .

Willy had snuck under the fence and was in the veggie garden. Just like Tasha, once in there, they have NO IDEA how to get themselves out and we have to open the gate for them. But for Willy, one difference:

Dad going over to "free" Willy:

There is something red in the grass at the base of Dad's cane; I could see it, but the camera didn't catch it.

Willy had picked himself a tomato! :p

He carried it down the length of the yard to show me; but I was NOT allowed near it, lol.

"See what I gots, Mum?"

"No, if you try to get it, I will hide it here under da table!"

Stand by, need to end this story for ya!

08-19-2010, 04:09 PM
Then: Willy proceeded to EAT IT! :eek:

"All gone."

Have you EVER known of a dog to do this? :confused:

We had a dog who went in to the neighbor's garden and picked the carrots; she would bring it back to our yard, lie down and have a nice crunch, lol.

But a TOMATO? :rolleyes:

08-19-2010, 04:16 PM
haha.. seems like Willy want some veggies to go with his kibble.. lol..

this reminded me of Kfmar´s Kiara.. only she was into lemons.. haha.. funny dogs..

I long long ago had some peach, prune and some other tree in the backyard.. and, besides the birds, the dogs chewed on the bark, shaked the tree to get a few goodies themselves.. lol..

08-19-2010, 04:22 PM
Oh, yes - I believe a certain pair of Ohio canines have been known to ...

08-19-2010, 04:35 PM
My sisters RB GSDs used to eat the peaches, pits and all. Then they'd get sick and it was lovely.
Taggart and Zoee know they are not allowed in the garden and Taggart will sit right at the gate (Bruce doesn't have to close it while he's in there) waiting for Daddy to bring him a fresh carrot. And if he doesn't give him one, Taggart is right on his heels as he comes in the house with the bucket full of goodies.
I wonder if Taggart did get into the garden, what he would do. But we can't allow that because we are growing hops, and those are very deadly to dogs.

08-19-2010, 07:36 PM
My Kirby :love:s tomatoes. We do give them the grape tomatoes as a treat every now and then. Can't give them too many - they get the runnies.

Our garden is outside the fence for that very reason. In fact, all four of mine will eat tomatoes, green beans, purple beans, etc.

08-19-2010, 07:46 PM
Oh my goodness, that is the cutest thing. Lily likes tomatoes on occasion LOL. She actually likes about any fruit or veggie that she's allowed to eat :rolleyes:.

08-19-2010, 07:55 PM
Willy, you are too funny! I guess you got your lycopene quota for today :)

I like Willy's slight head tilt in the first picture where your dad is helping him, and the one where he's holding the tomato is soooooo cute!

Willy, you are so fluffy, white and handsome. I know you are in very good hands at Freedom's house, being Tasha's pal and sitting on your granddad's lap, till your forever family finds you.

08-19-2010, 08:32 PM
Lol, the picture of him holding it is soooooooo precious. how cute haha

08-19-2010, 08:47 PM
Guess he is not so strange after all, lol.

08-19-2010, 10:59 PM
Willy is such a sweet dog. Strange that he ate a tomato. Well, my dog is strange too. He loves deep fried foods like, french fries, Those samosas that are deep fried in oil and he loves chicken nuggets. He eats lots of things

08-19-2010, 11:47 PM
LOL What a cute story.:) I've never heard of a dog eating tomatoes before but when I lived in S.C., my parents had a rental house on the lake in the same neighborhood where we lived. They had a garden there and the poor ducks that lived on the lake were so hungry that they'd eat the tomatoes off the vine. It didn't matter if they were ripe or not.

Cinder & Smoke
08-20-2010, 07:46 AM
Willy isn't the only PT Tomato lover ...

Then: Willy proceeded to EAT IT! :eek:

Have you EVER known of a dog to do this? :confused:

We had a dog who went in to the neighbor's garden and picked the carrots;
she would bring it back to our yard, lie down and have a nice crunch, lol.

But a TOMATO? :rolleyes:

You must have missed the Old "Phred's "Mater Pharm Tails" pulished a few
years ago >>>

"HEY! ~ Where's all my Tomatos?? ... {bURRp}" ... A Cinder & Smoke Adventure Tail ...


08-20-2010, 08:53 AM
Oh that is great, Phred! Yup, that was about a week before I joined PT.

Willy is not so strange, just being a canine omnivore, lol.

Hey, I have a self sufficient pup!

08-25-2010, 05:33 PM
Hi, Willy, tomato-eating fluff! How does your garden grow? Could you please have your mum give you, Marlin and the girls some hugs from me?

08-25-2010, 08:35 PM
Will do. Just returned from a small dog Meet Up, so everyone is tired.

08-26-2010, 08:23 AM
That is so funny. I knew a few dogs who would pick veggies out of gardens and eat them. Fenway just smells them.

08-26-2010, 08:29 AM
Oh that is really funny. I do not think I have ever heard of dogs eating tomatoes. Maybe he is Italian? :D

08-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Oh that is really funny. I do not think I have ever heard of dogs eating tomatoes. Maybe he is Italian? :D

I he is Italian, he landed in the right family!

09-04-2010, 02:39 PM
:DHar ahahahahaha! HILARIOUS! :D

09-04-2010, 10:49 PM
How did I miss this?:confused: Willy is way too funny!:D I had a dog years ago that would get in the garden and eat tomatoes!