View Full Version : My CH girl Creamsicle; *Update; post #8

08-19-2010, 09:15 AM
Many of you may be familiar w/the work of Louise Hay who has written "Heal Your Body" and countless other books. In a nutshell, she states that we experience in our bodies what we believe about ourselves, others and life in general. For ex: a stiff neck could indicate a stiff, unyielding attitude.

I've often commented on the healing effect that Creamsicle has had in my life and it extends to the Fur Posse as well. My RB Peeka stalked and beat up my RB Pidge every chance she got. Poor Pidge was twice Peeka's size and could've hurt her big time but she was so timid and afraid and spent a lot of time under my bed hiding. However, when I brought Creamsicle in, Peeka immediately stopped all bullying towards Pidge and there was peace in my house for the first time in years. Well, as I was skimming through Hay's book, I came across cerebral palsy to which cerebellar hypoplasia has been compared. Hay's observation is that those w/cerebral palsy have a need to unite the family in an action of love. This fits my Cgirl, who has CH, to a T!

Just thought I'd share this w/you. Perhaps it will give you insight into one of your physical ailments, if you have any. :love:

08-19-2010, 09:38 AM
Animals can teach us MANY things.

Laura's Babies
08-19-2010, 09:40 AM
That brings something to mind for me. Many years ago, I had a pain in my back between my shoulder blades, a horrible sharp pain that I described to the doctors as the feeling that someone was stabbing me in the back with a big knife.. For awhile, it left my right arm useless and I had to have PT to regain the use of the arm and get rid of that pain.. About that time, it became known to me that someone at work WAS doing a lot of back stabbing to a lot of people and I was on that list (and he was doing some really serious back stabbing!).... EVERY TIME since then, that the pain came back (off and on over the years since)... Someone WAS back stabbing... Now, when I get that pain, I start looking close at everyone around me, I recognize it for what it is now.

08-19-2010, 09:44 AM
My Found Cats have thought me to relax, that things happen in their won sweet time, and they have taught me the value of sharing , and the positive vertures of a nice Cat Nap.:cool::cool::cool:
Nothing is so bad that lying in the sun will not make the bad things go away.:love::love::love:

08-19-2010, 09:55 AM
That brings something to mind for me. Many years ago, I had a pain in my back between my shoulder blades, a horrible sharp pain that I described to the doctors as the feeling that someone was stabbing me in the back with a big knife.. For awhile, it left my right arm useless and I had to have PT to regain the use of the arm and get rid of that pain.. About that time, it became known to me that someone at work WAS doing a lot of back stabbing to a lot of people and I was on that list (and he was doing some really serious back stabbing!).... EVERY TIME since then, that the pain came back (off and on over the years since)... Someone WAS back stabbing... Now, when I get that pain, I start looking close at everyone around me, I recognize it for what it is now.

Very insightful, Laura, and according to medical intuitive Caroline Myss, right on!

My Found Cats have thought me to relax, that things happen in their won sweet time, and they have taught me the value of sharing , and the positive vertures of a nice Cat Nap.:cool::cool::cool:
Nothing is so bad that lying in the sun will not make the bad things go away.:love::love::love:

Love your last line, Gary. Made me smile. :)

08-19-2010, 10:53 AM
We can all learn from our charges. During the time that we had LB (CH) the house as always calm in her area. Even our biggest boys are laid back. When we lost Bart, 26 lb Main coon we were lost, but we have been smiled upon once again. Timmy a very large all most 40 lb boy is the same, just a gentle giant. Loves to give head butts and snuggles. He lost an eye as a kitten and lived with nuns all of his life. But he is the most accepting and loving friend you could have. Here's my wife under TIMMY
There is Demetri that lost a leg and has not slowed down. Precious our deaf girl and Dobe our almost blind baby. They show us that nothing is impossible. They show us love and caring always helps and makes every thing better.
So here’s too all the CH and gentle ones that help us get through life, may we all learn their ways.

08-19-2010, 12:13 PM
Many of you may be familiar w/the work of Louise Hay who has written "Heal Your Body" and countless other books. In a nutshell, she states that we experience in our bodies what we believe about ourselves, others and life in general. For ex: a stiff neck could indicate a stiff, unyielding attitude.

I've often commented on the healing effect that Creamsicle has had in my life and it extends to the Fur Posse as well. My RB Peeka stalked and beat up my RB Pidge every chance she got. Poor Pidge was twice Peeka's size and could've hurt her big time but she was so timid and afraid and spent a lot of time under my bed hiding. However, when I brought Creamsicle in, Peeka immediately stopped all bullying towards Pidge and there was peace in my house for the first time in years. Well, as I was skimming through Hay's book, I came across cerebral palsy to which cerebellar hypoplasia has been compared. Hay's observation is that those w/cerebral palsy have a need to unite the family in an action of love. This fits my Cgirl, who has CH, to a T!

Just thought I'd share this w/you. Perhaps it will give you insight into one of your physical ailments, if you have any. :love:

Right on, Creamsicle! The CH kitties on Pet Talk have taught me many lessons about patience and perseverance. *kiss*

08-19-2010, 07:14 PM
She amazes me. I had a Victorian garden party planned for Saturday and so many people didn't even give me the courtesy of an RSVP and I had a bunch of last minute cancellations today, so I became pretty irritated. Cgirl is also deaf, so it isn't like she could hear my tone of voice. I laid down on the sofa b/c I felt as though I might be getting another headache and I wanted to nip it in the bud. She hopped up on my chest and put both paws on my face and licked my chin. This cat is a healer. :love:

Laura's Babies
08-19-2010, 10:15 PM
She sounds like a smart girl and she is really in tune with her hooman!

08-20-2010, 09:05 AM
She amazes me. I had a Victorian garden party planned for Saturday and so many people didn't even give me the courtesy of an RSVP and I had a bunch of last minute cancellations today, so I became pretty irritated. Cgirl is also deaf, so it isn't like she could hear my tone of voice. I laid down on the sofa b/c I felt as though I might be getting another headache and I wanted to nip it in the bud. She hopped up on my chest and put both paws on my face and licked my chin. This cat is a healer. :love:

It's amazing how they can sense if something is wrong and they have such a wonderful power to help heal wounds.

Pinot's Mom
08-20-2010, 10:52 AM
I've always thought animals to be very intuitive. If you're receptive it's a wonderful relationship! :)

08-20-2010, 12:57 PM
I can't be sad or upset in my home without Mac curling up next to me or on me and giving up his best purr! They are truly wonderful little creatures!:love:

08-20-2010, 01:11 PM
They always know.

08-20-2010, 06:53 PM
Meowmie, do you have a picture of Cgirl to share with us? (and the rest of the Fur Posse too)

08-20-2010, 07:48 PM
Here ya go, Cassiesmom:

Creamsicle, Coco Puff, Boo, Yodie and Specs.

I promise to take more pix and post them. I've been very negligent in that regard.

08-20-2010, 07:59 PM
What great pics of what beautiful cats! Thank you, Mary.

My two CH boys Bob and Elmer are great ones for cuddling up and being lap cats! Bob hauls himself up onto the couch where there is a big soft cat bed in the middle. I sit next to him by the lamp, and the next thing I know he has made his way over to plop maybe just paws, or halfway, or even all the way on to my lap.

When I'm sitting down there, Elmer will launch himself into the air as if he's just been fired from a cannon, landing on my lap more or less.

I think they both feel I need a little extra bit of attention. I certainly do appreciate it!

08-21-2010, 07:26 PM
Thank you, meowmie for the photos! The Fur Posse are beautiful kitties!

08-21-2010, 10:18 PM
So great to see them all - thanks, Mary!

I LOVE the one of Creamsicle - she is SUCH a pretty pretty girl with those green eyes and white and orange fur! Wow!

Yodie Yodie - is she still doing fine after her ear surgery a while back? I hope she is free from that thing forever and it has gone back to oblivion.

Please deliver hugs to all your babies from me! :love:

08-21-2010, 10:40 PM
So great to see them all - thanks, Mary!

I LOVE the one of Creamsicle - she is SUCH a pretty pretty girl with those green eyes and white and orange fur! Wow!

Yodie Yodie - is she still doing fine after her ear surgery a while back? I hope she is free from that thing forever and it has gone back to oblivion.

Please deliver hugs to all your babies from me! :love:

So far everyone is doing great, including Yodifer. Boo Bear is sitting right next to my keyboard at the moment and the rest of the Fur Posse is in bed, which is where I'm headed. Nite all. :)