View Full Version : Egg recall

08-18-2010, 09:44 PM

I bought a dozen last week- I had a hankering for eggs, BAD.

I have been sick for the last 4 days. I looked at the carton dates and sure enough. I got a bad batch.


If you eat eggs check youre before you eat-why did sound kinda tacky?

No, seriously...

It's a bad deal, no fun and kinda painful....

08-19-2010, 07:31 AM
Mr. Stubborn

He might even give you something to make you feel better.....:p

I would be s.o.l. if I got any bad ones, because I would never know it. I empty the eggs out of the store carton into an egg tray in my fridge, so brand, dates and codes are lost in the trash!

08-19-2010, 09:00 AM
Hope you are feeling better. My oven/stove broke two weeks ago so I have not been able to make eggs and I do miss them.

08-19-2010, 09:20 AM
my boyfriend was fussing at me for forgetting to buy eggs this weekend. Now I can tell him it was for his own good.:D

08-19-2010, 09:43 AM
Oh my. That is scary for someone like me who is on Atkins and eating a LOT of eggs. Yikes! It doesn't seem like it has spread to Pennsylvania (yet).

I buy those Eggland Best eggs. Checked their website and they are not involved in the recall.

Hope you feel better soon! Don't give them to Ed.

08-19-2010, 10:45 AM
:) Thats what I told him too was Go To The Doctor.. I am so glad I buy Egg Beaters..

Richard I do hope you get to feeling better real soon.. Orc said he would drive you to the Doctor Office..:D

Mr. Stubborn

He might even give you something to make you feel better.....:p

I would be s.o.l. if I got any bad ones, because I would never know it. I empty the eggs out of the store carton into an egg tray in my fridge, so brand, dates and codes are lost in the trash!

08-19-2010, 12:27 PM

I have a pretty good "constitution" and it takes plenty to get me down.

I just grabbed some pepto and rode it out. It was more a like a bad case of the G.I.s and I have plenty of those before.

I know when to say when and thanks for looking out for me.

I can be adopted, I clean up after myself and cook and do laundry.

PM me for an interview?:rolleyes::D

08-19-2010, 02:38 PM

I have a pretty good "constitution" and it takes plenty to get me down.

I just grabbed some pepto and rode it out. It was more a like a bad case of the G.I.s and I have plenty of those before.

I know when to say when and thanks for looking out for me.

I can be adopted, I clean up after myself and cook and do laundry.

PM me for an interview?:rolleyes::D

Adoption? I would consider that if I could claim you as a dependent on my taxes. :D

08-19-2010, 02:41 PM
:p Me to aggree of claiming Taxs.. Hey Richard since your such a Big Healthy Man = do you think we could claim Double Taxes on you??:D

Adoption? I would consider that if I could claim you as a dependent on my taxes. :D

08-19-2010, 03:28 PM
I can be adopted, I clean up after myself and cook and do laundry.

PM me for an interview?:rolleyes::D

Do you do windows???? :p

08-20-2010, 08:49 AM
I love having chickens for so many reasons, but the fresh eggs are definitely one of the biggest reason. We eat a lot of eggs (mostly because we have a never ending supply) and I have to admit that it feels good knowing exactly where our eggs come from. I know what my chickens are eating, I know the conditions they live in, and I know how old the eggs are.

08-20-2010, 09:11 AM
I have been so paranoid because of what you went through that I have not cooked any of the eggs I bought a week ago ... even though I am sure the Salmonella recall hasn't made it this far and we have plenty of egg farms here in New England. I may just buy new ones and throw those out. I soooooooooo hate throwing up, and that's a reaction I have to some of my food allergies, so I guess I am just gun-shy in that regard!

08-20-2010, 10:45 AM
:) I was reading yesterday about this Egg Recall & they are saying now that the Hens had the Bacteria Salmonella in their Overies.. This is why even the cooked eggss will still have the Salmonella.. The Farms are suppose to check the Hens for the Overies of having or not the Salmonella Bacteria.. Your right Karen so far your state is not one on the list of infected eggss.. So far California is the one with the most noted Illnessess.. They have had like 288 cases.. Only two other states WI & another state has had like 26 cases.. So far TX has not reported any casess yet; but is on the list of the Eggss being here.. I know Farm Fresh is a bigg name in the Walmart stores & that is one of the egg carton names noted.. ** I will stick with my Egg Beaters thank you **

08-20-2010, 10:58 AM
:) I was reading yesterday about this Egg Recall & they are saying now that the Hens had the Bacteria Salmonella in their Overies.. This is why even the cooked eggss will still have the Salmonella.. The Farms are suppose to check the Hens for the Overies of having or not the Salmonella Bacteria.. Your right Karen so far your state is not one on the list of infected eggss.. So far California is the one with the most noted Illnessess.. They have had like 288 cases.. Only two other states WI & another state has had like 26 cases.. So far TX has not reported any casess yet; but is on the list of the Eggss being here.. I know Farm Fresh is a bigg name in the Walmart stores & that is one of the egg carton names noted.. ** I will stick with my Egg Beaters thank you **

I've had all the symptoms for 4-5 days and our state is not one on the
list. Our local Kroger & Marsh stores say they get their eggs from local
sources. I've switched to oatmeal & toast for breakfast, but sure miss my
eggs every morning.

The way these chickens are treated,I'm surprised we all aren't gettting sick.:(

08-20-2010, 11:02 AM
:( Oh no I am so sorry you have had the illness too.. I sure hope you get to feeling better real soon..

I think your State was on the list.. I will recheck.. Oh your right & that I have watched shows about chicken & egg farms & its like unreal the conditions.. Some of it makes you sick before you have even eaten anything..

I've had all the symptoms for 4-5 days and our state is not one on the
list. Our local Kroger & Marsh stores say they get their eggs from local
sources. I've switched to oatmeal & toast for breakfast, but sure miss my
eggs every morning.

The way these chickens are treated,I'm surprised we all aren't gettting sick.:(

08-20-2010, 11:37 AM
I've had all the symptoms for 4-5 days and our state is not one on the list. (

I hate when we have something in common like THAT!

Feel better.:)

Thanks to every for their good vibes.


I felt so good today I did a backflip and hurt my back.

I didn't know that I COULD NOT do a back flip in the first place.:rolleyes:


The worst feeling is in your lower gut, you feel like it wants to turn itself inside out.....

I'm down to one roll of toilet paper!:eek:

08-20-2010, 11:39 AM
Do you do windows???? :p

Vinegar, water and newspaper.;):love:

08-20-2010, 11:40 AM
Adoption? I would consider that if I could claim you as a dependent on my taxes. :D

I am too old for THAT...:(

08-20-2010, 12:01 PM
The worst feeling is in your lower gut, you feel like it wants to turn itself inside out.....

Oh yeah - been there and done that! :eek: I have a better description, but I have to be nice, or K will thump me! :D

Make sure you drink plenty of liquids, since I'm sure that you're dehydrated after all of that crap (literally)! :p

08-20-2010, 12:06 PM
Oh yeah - been there and done that! :eek: I have a better description, but I have to be nice, or K will thump me! :D

Make sure you drink plenty of liquids, since I'm sure that you're dehydrated after all of that crap (literally)! :p

I probably should buy stock in 7-up and water! and toilet paper.

The cramps also were tough.:eek:

08-20-2010, 01:34 PM
I probably should buy stock in 7-up and water! and toilet paper.

The cramps also were tough.:eek:

I wouldn't have made it without Pepto and Mylanta. I should invest in
whatever company that makes that stuff.:)

The worst part is when you start to feel like you're getting over it & BAM....
that old nagging gut feeling comes back again.:( Food........blah.:(:(

08-20-2010, 09:47 PM
"I would be s.o.l. if I got any bad ones, because I would never know it. I empty the eggs out of the store carton into an egg tray in my fridge, so brand, dates and codes are lost in the trash!"

Really bad idea for a couple of reasons. Other than no info/dates etc, the fridge door that normally houses those egg trays are actually the hottest part of you fridge. Not good for eggs. Better for less perishable items like condiments etc.

I buy my eggs at the farmers market on Sat. They are more expensive but worth it. I feel like I "know" the chickens. The farmer tells me the craziest colored eggs are from the craziest chickens! LOL! She can tell you what egg came from what chicken. She names them all and takes good care of them.

08-21-2010, 08:14 AM
"I would be s.o.l. if I got any bad ones, because I would never know it. I empty the eggs out of the store carton into an egg tray in my fridge, so brand, dates and codes are lost in the trash!"

Really bad idea for a couple of reasons. Other than no info/dates etc, the fridge door that normally houses those egg trays are actually the hottest part of you fridge. Not good for eggs. Better for less perishable items like condiments etc.

What I use for the eggs is like a Tupperware container that is for egg storage and sits on any shelf in the fridge. No - I don't like the door storage method either. But I still loose the date and code info by doing this. :(

08-21-2010, 12:23 PM
They said on the news that just because the eggs aren't in a certain state, doesn't mean the people are safe. Some of the eggs have been used by companies in their products so can reach all the USA. I sure hope it doesn't find it's way into pet food. :eek: :love:

08-21-2010, 01:03 PM
They said on the news that just because the eggs aren't in a certain state, doesn't mean the people are safe. Some of the eggs have been used by companies in their products so can reach all the USA. I sure hope it doesn't find it's way into pet food. :eek: :love:

Eukaneuba has a recall on their food and the reason they state is salmonella, some of the pet stores have said that the cause was because of some bad eggs so it has me wondering. I don't buy their food so it wouldn't affect me but wondered if anyone else has noticed a recall in their pet stores.

08-21-2010, 07:32 PM
Now that you feel better Richard, you can get back to the old "swallow the raw eggs" routine, prior to your daily workouts :D:D

08-21-2010, 07:35 PM
Now that you feel better Richard, you can get back to the old "swallow the raw eggs" routine, prior to your daily workouts :D:D

So, I can still punch the sides of beef? That won't get me sick?:D

08-21-2010, 07:45 PM
So, I can still punch the sides of beef? That won't get me sick?:D

Try the old "Sweep up the glass on the road" exercise routine....but....don't forget to swallow the eggs whole.

08-21-2010, 08:32 PM
Everybody has some egg news. Well, we do buy eggs but we have chickens that lay great eggs. Thank God the eggs are good. :D

08-21-2010, 08:39 PM
"But I still loose the date and code info by doing this."

I will admit to being a bit of a freak about perishables and possible recalls. I'd use a wax pen to put the date on the Tupperware carton. Super easy to wipe off and put the new info.
After all the pet food recalls, I cut out the info off the 30lb bag and throw it in the bin when I dump the food in there. A bag that big is an investment and I want my $50 bucks back if it's bad. AND vet costs if heaven forbid it get to that. :eek:

08-21-2010, 09:43 PM
"But I still loose the date and code info by doing this."

I will admit to being a bit of a freak about perishables and possible recalls. I'd use a wax pen to put the date on the Tupperware carton. Super easy to wipe off and put the new info.
After all the pet food recalls, I cut out the info off the 30lb bag and throw it in the bin when I dump the food in there. A bag that big is an investment and I want my $50 bucks back if it's bad. AND vet costs if heaven forbid it get to that. :eek:

Good ideas thanks!

I use tons of bullion cube and have little plastic tubs to store them in, I cut off the end flap so I know which flavors are in each tub.:)