View Full Version : Wrinkles gone

08-16-2010, 08:35 PM
So I work for this ophthalmologist and ocular surgeon. This Dr is so incredibly talented he also does a lot of cosmetic procedures such as Botox, Radiesse, Juvederm, Restylane, Cool Touch laser, Micro, CO2 laser. We also have an aesthetician who works for us.
As you can see by this photo of me hot and sweating I also have really deep lines around my mouth. Smile lines which I don’t find funny at all. So I asked the Doc to get rid of them and he injected me with Radiesse and BANG they were instantly gone. I was done in about 12 minutes, very little discomfort from the injection and my face, I can’t stop looking at it. It looks 10 to 15 years younger around the mouth. It is just amazing. The Radiesse last for one to three years. The wrinkles deep, deep wrinkles are gone like magic. I will post some pictures in a couple of days. Amazing what they can do now a days. No wonder some of these movie stars at 70 look 40. They are using Radiesse.
Just a warning it is not cheap but so, so, so worth it. Makes me feel truly 15 years younger and that is wonderful for anyone.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs297.snc4/41180_1500444784728_1042411345_31448280_837326_n.j pg (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?op=1&view=all&subj=1234413836&pid=30812326&id=1042411345)

08-16-2010, 10:18 PM
It would take a couple gallons of that radiesse to get rid of my wrinkles. ;) Where does that radiesse go after it leaves the area of injection in a year to three years? What I do is comb my hair into my face & I look like a sheep dog, along with my glasses I hide my wrinkles. Crazy but it kind of works.:D

08-16-2010, 10:23 PM
My theory is that if a nip/tuck/injection makes you feel terrific about yourself, go for it. I had stuff done many years ago and it lifted my spirits, self esteem. Good for you. Smile away!

08-17-2010, 06:48 AM
I'd love to see the before and after photos, Monica. I've never had anything done but that's not to say it'll never happen. A friend of mine had some cosmetic surgery done and it took a lot of years off her appearance. She always looked older than she is but now she looks different. If it's in the budget and it makes you happy and you choose a qualified dr., why not?

08-17-2010, 06:56 AM
Well - I'm 60+ and proud of every wrinkle and gray hair that I have. I earned it and have no desire to hide it and try to look 40. I've seen too many botched jobs, and would never consider getting injections of anything to hide the true me. No one knows the long term effects of these "miracle treatments", and what looks good now, could potentially cause problems down the road. With me - it's "what you see is what you get" - take it or leave it. Beauty is only skin deep, and I for one, look beyond the outer packaging. :p
Cosmetically altering your looks for your own vanity is rather shallow - IMO of course. To correct birth defects or repair damage from some sort of accident is another story. But in the end - it's "to each his own"....

Before I get jumped and accused of "picking on" the OP, let me say that this was NOT directed to the OP. It's simply my opinion of what I feel on the issue, and it would apply to anyone who would elect to have such procedures done.

08-17-2010, 07:35 AM
I will be 50 this year and sometimes I do wish I looked a few years younger. I have a HUGE wrinkle in the middle of my forehead that I would like gone. The rest of my face, not so bad with wrinkles.

I am happy for you that you like your results. :)

08-17-2010, 07:59 AM

You look FAB, girl!!!;) You have a beautiful family too! Thanks for posting the pictures! Well worth framing.

:love: x

Donna and fur crew

08-17-2010, 09:55 AM
Hmmm.....no not for me. Wrinkles don't bother me, I look at them as a road map of what my life has been and is now.I don't like anything foreign in my body, I have enough problems as it is. I'm prone to giggling a lot so I do have deep laugh lines I suppose but that's me, love me , love my wrinkles . I never look at a person's outside appearance, the inside is what counts to me.
I've watched a friend get injections to look younger and I've seen the effects on her autoimmune system once the stuff was absorbed by her body.
The injections are mostly dermal fillers , like hyaluronic nucleic acid or hydroxyl apatite in a gel carrier. But once these are absorbed by the body it can cause reactions in some very sensitive people .
Zsa Zsa Gabor had many trestments to keep herself looking younger...I wonder if she cares about that today as she waits for her last day. She was a fabulous lady, sad to see her leaving us.

08-17-2010, 10:31 AM
Those sharp needles would be the killer for me & not knowing what they put in would do to me later on. But if a person wants to keep themselves up & looking beautiful go for it.:) There is that beauty on the inside which counts the mostest (new word) I invented:eek:. :D

08-17-2010, 09:12 PM
Ok here are the pictures taken at work. This one was taken the day of. I have deep lines next to my mouth and semi deep lines forming on the bottom of my mouth running down toward my chin.

08-17-2010, 09:16 PM

08-17-2010, 09:19 PM
This was today the day after. I am a bit swollen and sore. It hurts to laugh which I do a lot of but you can judge for yourself. I personally am amazed and think my mouth area looks 10 to 15 years younger. I am 51 and I am very happy to have those lines gone.

08-17-2010, 09:24 PM

08-17-2010, 09:26 PM
I will have another photo taken in a week when the swelling goes down. I can't believe how instant the effect was. My mouth area looks so young and so do my lips. I could have used a ton of face cream and never gotten these results.

08-17-2010, 09:34 PM
This was taken about three weeks ago. You can see the deep lines in my face.

08-17-2010, 10:02 PM
I think your "before" pictures are lovely. I don't see anything at all wrong with your face, you are very pretty.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself, then that's all that counts!

08-18-2010, 05:10 AM
If I had the money, I think I would like to get a little something done if it would make me feel so much better. I recently lost tons of weight and have some skin I would love to have *tucked*:p I am glad to hear that you had such quick and good results. Having things done right there where you work and from people you trust must have been a very good experience too!

It will be fun to see your before and after pictures because I don't see any wrinkles in the picture you posted here:D

08-18-2010, 07:29 AM
Yes, I can tell the difference and you're right, it's removed a lot of years from your face but you looked pretty good to start with, Monica. Your lines weren't that deep. I'd love to have something done but I am afraid of injections b/c a foreign substance is being injected into the body and I worry about future effects or even instant allergies. I think I'd rather have a nip and a tuck. As I mentioned, a friend of mine had a procedure done b/c she wanted the wattle removed. It really did change her appearance except now, several years later, she's sagging on one side a little bit. I don't have a wattle, fortunately, but I do have lots of laugh lines and the beginning of what I call the Howdy Doody chin.

I look at cosmetic surgery as an extension of makeup and as long as you choose a qualified, board certified surgeon and it's in the budget, why not? There are people who get carried away w/it and have entirely too much done and there are also people who don't need it, such as teenagers or very young adults but for the most part I think women just want a fresh look again and not something drastic that totally changes their appearance. Good for you, girl. You look good and I'm happy that you're happy. :)

08-18-2010, 08:01 AM
I´m too chicken to do something on myself.. but if needed.. I think I´d do it.. and seeing the results you got.. wow.. you looked pretty nice before but the after really looks different.. very nice and if you feel good..great

I too would like to get rid of my excess baggage.. lol.. as well as some lifts here and there.. but on my face there´s this smile wrinkle I hate.. lol.. I don´t mind expression wrinkles but this one just irks me.. haha.. might as well consider that in the future..

08-18-2010, 10:48 PM
Thank you everyone. I was really bothered by those lines on my face and I am glad I went ahead and had the Dr take care of them. I think my mouth area looks 10 years younger.
There are many websites that explain Radiesse and other facial fillers.
I am lucky that I work for a Dr who does this. It is not painful, just little pricks, less pain then a dentist needle for sure.
What I had done is about $900.00. Not cheap but it lasts for more then a year.
Botox I have not had but it is very very popular. If you look really look at women in there 30's, 40's and 50's you will soon be able to tell which ones had some work done. They just look a bit fresher, maybe a bit younger.
I do believe that we will be the last generation to age. People in their 20's will stay younger looking for a long time.
Just with the advancment of dental work, things such as teeth
whitening can take years off of a face.
It's a new world.

08-18-2010, 11:13 PM
Awesome! I'm glad you're so thrilled with the results!! :D

08-19-2010, 11:40 AM
You look great Monica. :)

08-20-2010, 04:05 PM
Like I said, earlier, far be it from me to criticize anybody who wants to feel and look better. My hair turned grey in my late 20's and I had become allergic to hair dye in my late 30's. I get nothing but compliments on how great my hair looks, very natural (Ha! All these rock stars dying their hair grey!). I'm getting way too many wrinkles on my face, but not bad enough to bother me..yet. I got Invisaline braces last summer because I always thought I needed braces and spent years smiling with my mouth shut. Not finished yet with the process. But I did it for ME. When liposuction first came out, I had it done 3x and never regretted a second. No diet/excercise could have helped my problem. It's blissful to feel good about yourself.

BTW, Marigold, you look fantastic!! What a difference!

08-21-2010, 01:39 PM
Surgery is surgery no matter how minor so if anyone is thinking of injections please see a reputable qualified person to explain ALL the details to you beforehand. The internet is not the place to get the information you need, And the same rule applies to hair dyes...I'm so glad I was never tempted to use them, besides the fact that my allergies would have kicked in. But so many oncologists are now warning people of the dangers of hair dyes. It seems the dyes go through the scalp and into the system and can be the cause of many cancers or tumours. If someone does have cancer and goes for chemo the first thing they are asked is if they dye their hair, then they are told they can never use hair dyes again because of the danger of the dye getting into their system and reactivating the cancer cells.
I prefer to stay "au naturel" and save myself the grief of what will happen down the line. My self esteem doesn't need the boost from all that foreign junk in my body.
People have been searching for the fountain of youth since the beginning of times....

08-21-2010, 04:32 PM
Before I start, just let me say that this is for everyone in general and no one in particular. :p

Just to add a little food for thought here. Even tho you may not be concerned with long term effects of injections, just think of what has been started by a simple procedure to get rid of a few wrinkles. It's really a never ending story - an endless work in process - if you would think of it in those terms.

So now you have a wrinkle free area about the mouth - for a year or so. Then what - have it done again? What about the rest of the face and neck that continues to age?? - now you have to fix that too - otherwise you have a younger mouth and an older rest of the face. Ok - so an injection to get rid of those frown lines (sorry, but everyone has them sooner or later) between the eyes might help for a while, but that isn't going to last either. Now there are lots of crows feet and bags under the eyes with the passage of more time, and don't forget that skin under the chin and the throat and neck area that is now drooping and sagging. All that's going to look really bad if you have gotten rid of the mouth and frown wrinkles and nothing else. So what to do - a face and neck job of course, and that means a cutting surgical procedure. Yikes - you've created an expensive monster here - and all because you wanted to get rid of some lines around your mouth. Face it - that's what's going to happen over time, and more and more procedures will become a way of life. It's either that, or just go back to your natural look, and be proud of what God gave you. :)

Take a look at old Joan Rivers! :eek: I wonder what she would really look like, if she hadn't had so many face lifts. Good grief, if she has any more to tighten things up, she will hardly be able to see, since her eyes will be mere slits. I don't know how she can even smile without it hurting. :eek:

08-21-2010, 07:18 PM
Never thought about it in that way but it does make sense doesn't it. Maybe that's when people start having immune problems, having the injections repeated time and time again.

Joan Rivers, Elizabeth Taylor for those who have seen her last pictures , and then there's MICHAEL JACKSON, oh my :eek:

08-21-2010, 07:26 PM
Let's not forget Priscilla Presley. Good grief! She admitted that she was operated on by an unlicensed cosmetic surgeon who injected her face w/industrial grade silicone used to lubricate automobile parts!

08-21-2010, 07:40 PM
I must have slept through that one. This is the first time I hear of it. That makes me wonder what she was using for brains to do something so dangerous.

08-21-2010, 08:47 PM
Thank you again for all the nice comments. My friends who have seen me or pictures of me are now wanting it as well.

When I look it the mirror I like what I see. I did it for myself. A little treat for me. Hubby said I looked young before but he does admit that my mouth looks sexier now. :D
Will I have other work done, yes I will. Just like buying pretty new outfits or a new pair of shoes or lipstick I think most people want to look nice. It is just a matter of degree to how far one goes. I say if it makes you happy and you can afford it then go ahead.

Some people can buy $600.00 dollar Coach purses and some can't. Many women would say it is a waste of money for one reason or another. But it is their money and if they want to spend it on a purse good for them.

I work hard for my money and if I want to spend money on myself I am entitled. I just happen to like pretty things. I love my flowers I spend a lot of money on my yard.

I am enjoying life to the fullest. I want to look as good as I feel.

I do have a funny story to tell about my one friend who had a breast lift. She was always a big girl around that area, so after she turned 45 she decided a lift would be good. Lots of weight on her shoulders giving her headaches. Insurance paid for it in fact.

The two of us were out shopping and along comes a women from her church. (My friend is very involved in her church.) And she looks at my friend and it is so obvious she is staring at her chest. And the women says to my friend;

"I love your new hairdo" ;)

Well my friend has worn her hair in the same style for over 20 years. It was all I could do to not burst out laughing. Once we left the store we howled with laughter.
And that is what people said to her especially it her church.

Your new hair do looks so great.
All the while everyone is looking at her firm D cups.

God that is funny. :D We laugh that she will have to keep her face as young looking now as her so called hair style.

She is so happy with her new look and can wear so many cute cloths now. She is one happy girl and so is her hubby.

I think we women need to be supportive (parden the pun) of one another and our choices.
I would suggest that anyone wanting to have work done to check out all the facts and do what makes you happy.

08-21-2010, 08:52 PM
That sounds strange.
Someone with her money and connections to be so careless.

Let's not forget Priscilla Presley. Good grief! She admitted that she was operated on by an unlicensed cosmetic surgeon who injected her face w/industrial grade silicone used to lubricate automobile parts!

08-22-2010, 07:51 AM
Different people - different priorities - different set of values.

Me?? - I'd prefer to have a kitchen stove that works! :p

Marigold's post where she mentioned a Coach bag, brought something to mind. Having the money to be extravagant is one story, but indulging yourself when you can't afford it, is quite another story. Unfortunately, this happens all to often.

My 30 something yr old niece is a prime example. She has 6 different Coach bags (at last count), has had a boob job, drives a fancy Mustang, both the kids (under 12 yrs old), have their own computers, cell phones, digital cameras, IPods, just to name a few examples, gym membership for the whole family, and on and on. Can they afford this??? - nope! Then hubby lost his job, they got behind on all their payments for everything, including the house, and were facing foreclosure. Daddy (my brother) had to "loan" them the money to catch up on the mortgage so they didn't end up losing everything. Of course he's certain that loan will never be repaid.

So yes - they had what they felt were the finer things in life - but at what cost?? Guess they're lucky that Daddy has deep pockets. :rolleyes::p

Okay - that was a little off topic, but just an example of what we spend our money on, whether we can afford it or not. I'm sure MANY women go deeply in debt just so they can nipped, tucked, plumped, suctioned, etc. - kind of like a gambling or drug or alcohol addiction - once you start, then you're hooked. :(

08-22-2010, 08:08 AM
Let's not forget Priscilla Presley. Good grief! She admitted that she was operated on by an unlicensed cosmetic surgeon who injected her face w/industrial grade silicone used to lubricate automobile parts!

I missed this one too. What an idiot. I guess just because you have money, doesn't mean that you have brains or common sense.

There was a report on the news not too long ago, of women buying industrial grade silicone on the internet, and injecting themselves. It showed some of the results - not a pretty sight. :eek:

08-22-2010, 08:27 AM
Different people - different priorities - different set of values.

Me?? - I'd prefer to have a kitchen stove that works! :p

Marigold's post where she mentioned a Coach bag, brought something to mind. Having the money to be extravagant is one story, but indulging yourself when you can't afford it, is quite another story. Unfortunately, this happens all to often.

My 30 something yr old niece is a prime example. She has 6 different Coach bags (at last count), has had a boob job, drives a fancy Mustang, both the kids (under 12 yrs old), have their own computers, cell phones, digital cameras, IPods, just to name a few examples, gym membership for the whole family, and on and on. Can they afford this??? - nope! Then hubby lost his job, they got behind on all their payments for everything, including the house, and were facing foreclosure. Daddy (my brother) had to "loan" them the money to catch up on the mortgage so they didn't end up losing everything. Of course he's certain that loan will never be repaid.

So yes - they had what they felt were the finer things in life - but at what cost?? Guess they're lucky that Daddy has deep pockets. :rolleyes::p

Okay - that was a little off topic, but just an example of what we spend our money on, whether we can afford it or not. I'm sure MANY women go deeply in debt just so they can nipped, tucked, plumped, suctioned, etc. - kind of like a gambling or drug or alcohol addiction - once you start, then you're hooked. :(

To whom you give your money is to whom you give your power.

I missed this one too. What an idiot. I guess just because you have money, doesn't mean that you have brains or common sense.

There was a report on the news not too long ago, of women buying industrial grade silicone on the internet, and injecting themselves. It showed some of the results - not a pretty sight. :eek:

Ever checked out Priscilla's face? It looks like she's made of stone.

08-22-2010, 09:01 AM
Ever checked out Priscilla's face? It looks like she's made of stone.

Stone - good comparison. I think most that have these injections, look like they just stepped out of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. :eek: And that's only if they had a good job done......:p

08-22-2010, 10:28 AM
I pretty much feel the same way about this subject as Pomtzu expressed in post #25. I do understand that you want to look your best - so do I, but I would not risk having surgery or having injected something into my face just to look younger, even if I could afford it. If I had that amount of money, I would give some to animal rescue instead. I have seen so many before/after pictures of people who has had it done and after a few years, they just don't look natural. It puzzles me why people is still having it done, after seeing what happened to others. Not only because of the unnatural look, but also because of the health risk it involves.

I will make one exception... if someone is very bothered by an eye lid blocking the eye, then I think it would be OK to have that corrected. In fact I have a friend who had that done and it makes a world of difference to her.

08-22-2010, 12:03 PM
Eyelid surgery is something that the Dr has done hundreds if not thousands of times. As we age the eyelids droop obstructing our view and making it difficult to see and dangerous to drive. It happens to just about everyone. Some as young as 40 most around 60-80. Medicare pays for it as do all insurances once proof is sent that it needs to be done. It is the bread and butter of his practice along with cataract surgery.
It does take away 5 to 10 years from a persons face but it is just a side benefit of the procedure. If they want their bags removed from below their eyes that is considered cosmetic yet many have it done at the same time. Also some have brow lifts done at the same time they have the eye lid done so it looks more natural.
He also has done trauma in one of the leading hospitals for over 20 years and is considered one of the best in the US.
He is also board certified in facial plastics.
I have full confidence in knowing that my face is in the hands of one of the 10 best in the US. And to top it all off he is such a great guy.
I so adore this man. But you better be on your toes with him because his mind works at the speed of sound and you are expected to keep up. If not you cannot work with him. He will leave you in the dust.
As for Botox is it paid for by almost all insurance companies for the treatment of headache and or migraines, including medicare and medicaid. It is very safe and has been around for over 20 years. One can also have it injected in the arm pits to stop excessive sweating and we do have people come in for that.
Or facial tics, Bell's Palsey.
Or one can use it for wrinkles.
Many medicines were invented for different reasons that they are used for now or in conjection with.
Rogaine was a heart medicine that they discovered grew hair.
Latiesse the eye drop that Brooke Shields does the commerical for to grow eyelashes stared as a glaucoma drop. They realized one of the side effects was longer lashes from this drop so they changed the formula a bit and made Latiesse. Latiesse is a wonderful thing for people who have lost lashes due to injury or illness or just because they want longer lashes. Does it work, oh my gosh yes, yes, yes, yes. It is incredible.
It's about $106.00 a month. And you have to always use it because lashes always grow. So you know people with money and people on TV like Brooke are buying it.
Same with Rogaine, it is not cheap and you have to always use it, if you stop the hair will stop growing. But for a lot of men and women having hair and looking good is worth it.

08-22-2010, 02:57 PM
I'm not sure I would consider injections, however I do plan on having a tummy tuck in the near future. After having two children I do not feel comfortable showing off my mid section. I will be having it done with my hysterectomy.

I think you look great. More power to you. Just don't get carried away!

Also, someone mentioned chemo and hair dyes. My ex had leukemia. He dyes his hair all the time. He is fine. I've had three rounds and I still dye my hair. My doctor never even mentioned it to me.

08-22-2010, 07:44 PM
So what else can hair dyes do to you? If you believe many of the scientific studies that have been done over the past 20 years, hair dyes may be carcinogenic. Why? Hair dyes are applied directly to the scalp, nearest the root. This is where the blood supply is the richest in the entire human body. It is also where the blood supply may carry any carcinogenic components right into the blood stream. Hair dyes make you more susceptible to bladder cancer.

08-22-2010, 08:04 PM
I would love a tummy tuck. I know several women who have had it done, friends of mine who work for different plastic surgeons.
All of them love it and they look great. Fat around the tummy is a health issue as well so having a tuck is not just good for the looks it's good for the heart.
Those of us who work for Dr's get surgery as a little perk or bonus.
Just like any one else be it a receptionist for a dentist or a vet, electrician, car dealer, or builder.
If you have a good boss you get little fun perks.