View Full Version : Radio this weekend - California, Rhode Island, Chicago

08-13-2010, 12:58 PM
I am a guest on All Paws Pet Talk, and will be on again tonight, not sure what time yet, but the show is from 7-9 pm eastern time. It is now playing in more areas on the radio, and on Sundays, everyone in Rhode Island and in southeast Massachusetts can hear the show at 1 o'clock on WARL 1320 AM and Chicago folks on WJJG 1530 AM.

You can listen to the show online at http://www.tantalk1340.com/ tonight - it is on the radio in Florida, and the second hour is in Arkansas and other places too - the site has all the station letters, etc.

If you go to http://allpawspettalk.com - there's a list of the stations and what time you should be able to hear the show, depending on where you live!

08-13-2010, 06:10 PM
I'll be on at 7:45, and then at 8:30 or so with the two different hosts. Chicago, Rhode Island, California folks, if you listen, let me know which parts they play on Sunday!

08-15-2010, 12:40 PM
If anyone listened or is listening to today's show, here's the link for the new species of monkey they discovered in the amazon
