View Full Version : I can't believe I am admitting this..

10-23-2002, 06:02 PM
But, I do "sometimes" play hide and seek with Alabama and Texas...they are the only ones that try to 'find' me.. I will chase them into a room...I swear they know I am playing..it isn't mean...and then I will run away and hide from them. They always come running to 'get' me, then the chase happens all over again.

Does anyone else care to admit to this?

10-23-2002, 06:06 PM

Guilty as charged :rolleyes: . I play the same game with my oldest cat Mollie Rose. I'll hide behind the sofa and she'll climb on top of it and swat me in the head. We've been playing that game since she was a kitten.

10-23-2002, 06:37 PM
We don't play hide-n-seek as such, but we do play a good game of "mole", with our hands under the covers. :)

10-23-2002, 07:25 PM
My cats aren't into hide and seek...I can't get away from they long enough to try and play...they follow me from room to room to room.
But I admit (and I have never admitted this before) I use to play with my dog...you are not alone out there.:o

10-23-2002, 07:36 PM
I can't say yes to Hide-and-seek but Lucas and I MUST play "GOTCHA" every night before bed. He gets that look in his eye that says "you can't get me!". So I run or pretend like I'm going to run to " get him" and he runs. I ctch up to him and rub his side or belly real hard saying' GOTCHA GOTCHA GOTCHA" Then he runs off and we start over with "I'm gonna getcha" "I will, I"m gonna getcha!!!" and the chase again until he is tired.

Yes doctor, I do need a few more sessions. No doctor, I do not think I am cured yet.

All Creatures Great And Small
10-23-2002, 08:29 PM
I'm too big to hide behind anything in our house:( :D so we couldn't play hide and seek, and he can certainly outrun me, but sometimes I like to chase him just because I love to watch him do that kind of sideways, skittery run with his tail curved and then watch him slide on the floors. And anytime I make the bed, no matter where he is in the house, he will jump up on it with that playful look on his face so we can have a game of "what is that huge lump under the covers? I must pat it and press it to try and flatten it!" We also play peek-a-boo, when he's on his window shelf behind the curtains, and I open the curtains a microscopic crack, to make him meow. We sometimes just poke the curtains too, to hear the "prrrrt?" from behind them. :p

10-23-2002, 09:38 PM
Yes, Bassett and I play hide and seek. I also will crawl around on all fours and chase her up the stairs :o

10-23-2002, 10:41 PM
I don't play hide and seek, but I play chase with Corkscrew. I run after him until I can touch him then I turn around and he runs after me, then when he paws (scratches) my heel I turn around and chase him again.

10-23-2002, 11:42 PM
Muffin used to do that, hide under a blanket or a sheet that I would throw over something for her, and then she would meow, as if to say, find me! and then she'd jump out and she really loved that game, we still play it sometimes, actually lately I have been making a real effort to spend more time with her again.
Cookie, oh she was funny, she loved it when I chased her, she knew it was playing, in fact, she would want me to chase her, LOL
Em, Lu, Patches and Charlie, don't understand chasing, they think they are in trouble! Louise especially, I have tried it a few times and she gets scared, runs then looks back at me all panicky!
as for the 2 new ones, will have to see.

10-23-2002, 11:59 PM
No, we haven't tried tag or hide and seek. We prefer quieter games. 'This little kitty' is a biggie with us, but no little kitty/piggie can go hungery. :rolleyes: This little kitty eats kibble, this little kitty eats chicken ravioli, this little kitty eats tuna surprise, this little kitty eats tuna fillets, this little kitty eats steak, this little kitty eats mouse mousse, this little kitty eats beef Wellington... so glad my fur kids aren't polydactal. By the time we hit the fourth paw my brain aches. :rolleyes: :p :D

10-24-2002, 09:31 AM
He he he....I thought of all of you last night when I played the chase game with Texas...it is a variation of the hide and seek game. Strange, but only Tex and Allie will play the chase game. The other ones do think they are in trouble.,,(yeah, like I regularly chase them around and scold them??)...but it was sooo funny, cause the hall rug runner went just like that sidewalk does in the "Gotta be the puppy chow" commercial!

Edwina's Secretary
10-24-2002, 10:35 AM
Like Corkscrew, Edwina's preference is chase. And she can RUN! Through the living room....into the dining room. She makes laps and stops in Psycho Kitty pose (ears flat back on her head, front legs stretched out, eyes bulging a bit.) I touch her and she is OFF again! Around the staircase, through the living room, into the dining room and under the table. I get close enough and she's OFF in the opposite direction finishing the game with a running leap onto the back of the wing chair! (causing it to rock a bit. If it ever falls over what will she do!)

A quick squeeze and head noggie (for her -- not me) while she is atop the chair wraps the game!

10-24-2002, 03:33 PM
Very descriptive! I can just see Edwina in that pose now. I think she needs a play mate.;) :D Tee Hee

Lennie B.
10-24-2002, 09:09 PM
One of Vinny's favourite games is chasing his tail. Sometimes, while providing the entertainment for my nightly bath, he takes the activity to a new level by performing it on top of the lowered toilet seat cover. Not a simple feat for a fifteen pound cat! :D :D :D

10-25-2002, 09:34 AM
My husband would probably kill me if he read this:o ...but the bedtime ritual for Dawn is leg rides.
I understand this is a family website.:eek:

When Dawn knows we are going to bed, she waits patiently on the bed for him and when he gets in she wants to sit on his leg and bounce up and down. Starts out with the ususal fascination of what is under the cover....chase the foot/leg to "knocking her down" and such and before you know it she is around the ankle area getting a little ride.

And as so stated before, "Yes doctor, I do need a few more sessions. No doctor, I do not think I am cured yet."

10-28-2002, 10:35 AM
Funny how many cats have bedtime games isn't it?
And Bagel is no exception - every night we have to play Her game!
She's normally asleep on the sofa or on me and as soon as bedtime is mentioned - she dashes up stairs.
So I have to follow and pretend to 'shush' her downstairs. This necessitates (sp) Bagel stopping on every other stair and doing a 'roly poly' (falling sideways and looking too cute for words!) I again have to do the 'shushing' to the next but one stair and she 'rolly pollys' again - ad infunitum!!! It takes some time to get her into the kitchen for 'lock up' but I'm normally laughing like a lunatic by that time and she's very quietly pleased with herself!!
:D :D :D
Luckily neither Ketchum or Dan have caught on to this grand sport and are totally oblivious to it. :D :D :D
Hope Bagel doesn't let on.:D :eek: :D


10-29-2002, 07:52 PM
hee hee

Noah and I play tag too...my hubby usually sits there and rolls his eyes...but I know he does it too when I'm at school. :D

11-08-2002, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
She makes laps and stops in Psycho Kitty pose (ears flat back on her head, front legs stretched out, eyes bulging a bit.)
How I know this pose, this is our morning game with Juni (when I am late for work, especially). I have to jump like a sparrow and when I reach her to, get in the same "Psycho Viorica" position. I bet, you wander, who has more fun?! :D
She also likes (or I like?) when I hide around the corner, show her for a second my eyes, then hide them and show them again. Then, I have to be very careful, 'cause she jumps exactly to the height of my head. This trick always works when I want to distract her from something else. She looks like a devil though. That work not only with the corners, with absolutely anything that covers my eyes.
"Educating the Doggy" is still one of her favorites.
In this picture, she was getting ready to attack him, not fully in her "Psycho Kitty" position
Another one with Doggy