View Full Version : Little One

08-09-2010, 12:48 AM
What a lovely girl you are, Little One, but you most certainly don’t look little to me. I guess you are big on affection and purrsonality, though.:D

It is hard to believe that your former owner decided not to keep you simply because she got married and suddenly there were allergies. I never cease to be amazed at the change of heart people suddenly undergo when it comes to animals if their circumstances change. :mad: This would not happen if they had a child – so why should a devoted pet be any different. In my opinion, cats are far superior and if someone chose to give one up they did not deserve it in the first place.

Little one, you are obviously in your furrever home now, surrounded by love and devotion. :love: Congrats on being such a worthy and wonderful Cat of the Day.:love:

08-09-2010, 07:35 AM
I have to agree with the prior poster; I would never give up my cat for ANYONE else; he is more family to me than most people; he never complains about my house cleaning, he never backtalks to me (well, he IS Siamese, so maybe that't not entirely true) and he never worries about how good I look (or not) at any given time. He shows unconditional love and trust, and frankly, that's more than most people show. Well, I guess I'll get off my soapbox now!

Anyway Little One, happy COTD today! You deserve it.

08-09-2010, 09:42 AM
How lucky you are Little One that you were lucky enough to find yourself another Furr Ever Home after you lost your after suddenly your Guardians decided that they were allergic to you.
You have a better Furr Ever Home now where you are a loved and cherished Cat Companion
I see Cats all the time , Fine Healthy Cats who through no fault of their own
aresitting in cages , wondering waht ever happened to their warm , happy homes.
Thank God for the Lucky Cats like Little who are granted a New Home.

08-09-2010, 11:08 AM
Little One, you are so pretty and sounds as if you are intelligent and smart in addition to being pretty. I would not have given you away! Bottom line is that you now have a wonderful loving home and people who really love you. Thanks for sharing with us. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

08-09-2010, 11:58 AM
Little One, I'm with Kay Country Gal- you are beautiful and intelligent! Could you please have your person give you a whole ton of petting and hugs from me. Happy Cat of the Day to you!

08-09-2010, 12:48 PM
Little One what a gorgeous girl you are!!! :love:

I can't believe anyone would give you away! I'm so glad you found a wonderful new human to love and who is obviously in love with you too!!! :love: I hope you are both enjoying your special day in the Pet Talk limelight.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D :love:

08-09-2010, 01:12 PM
It's nice to see another kind human take in a wonderful feline, right?
You are a cutie - enjoy your COTD status! :love::)

08-09-2010, 02:32 PM
Hmmm, I'm always amazed at the sudden development of allergies when a new partner enter the picture. Oh well, bad for them, good for your human and for you, too, eh, Little One? However, you don't appear to be all that little to me. Nevertheless, you're a cutie and obviously, a good companion, too. Enjoy your day as COTD, Little One. :love:

08-09-2010, 04:04 PM
Hello Little One,

I often use little one as a term of affection, but never met a kitty who
actually had that name.:) You look like a compact little bundle of fur who
is a real part of your new family. Sounds like you have your domain all scoped
out for "best sites" for everything.:D Congratulations pretty girl on being
named as our special CAT OF THE DAY.:love: Wish you a long & happy life
with folks who love you best.:)

08-09-2010, 04:32 PM
Hi Little One...

So nice to see a Delaware kitty in the spotlight today. And I have to say too, that you don't look very little to me. You do look like my very first ever kitty of many, many years ago, named Snuffy.

How fortunate for you that you found such a loving new home, after your previous purrents gave you up. Lucky you, and lucky new purrents. You sound like you are very happy with the new arrangement.

Congratulations on being selected as today's COTD. Hope you get extra treats and extra lovins too.

Hugs to you are traveling all the way down RT 13 from my house to yours! :love:

08-09-2010, 07:54 PM
Hi there beautiful Little One! Happy Cat of the Day to you!:) Oh yes, you are definitely PlayCat/Vogue material; a cover girl all the way!:cool:

How anyone could "give away" a kitty as beautiful, sweet and lovable as you is beyond comprehension! (Hmmm, so it was the now too familiar sudden onset of allergies once ones life circumstances change, excuse.:rolleyes:)

Well, their loss is your forever family's great gain! How lucky they are to have such a sociable, open pawed official greeter and door monitor in you!:D I can't imagine a more comforting sight after a long day, than your sweet self welcoming me home with open paws!:love: (Your built in GPS system is most impressive!:D)

Smart, beautiful, talented, loving and loyal; a family couldn't hope for more in a furkid; you truly are a treasure!:)
Hope you're enjoying your big day in the spotlight cutie pie, being loved and spoiled to pieces; you sure deserve it!!! Hugs and cuddles to you on your well earned day of honor, precious Little One!:love::love::love:

08-09-2010, 10:30 PM
Ahhh, Little One, you certainly have that Vogue look about you! You are a most beautiful Cat of the Day with your golden eyes and tiger-striped coat. You look great for your age, too, although we never ask a girl's age here, do we? I'm happy you found someone who isn't allergic to you and loves you for the great cat you are.

:love: Little One, our big, beautiful Cat of the Day today...and always! :love:

08-13-2010, 06:07 AM
Oh, Little One, your previous owners with "allergies" did not deserve to have a fine cat like you. You are a beautiful and friendly kitty, a one feline welcoming committee! (Most of my cats run and hide when someone approaches the house.) You have a wonderful life now, Little One, and I hope you have lots more years with your loving family. You are a great COTD!