View Full Version : Worth Getting a Winter Job??

08-07-2010, 08:32 AM
I have been wrestling with this decision for awhile, but I am still unsure of where to go from here. I have been working at Six Flags for 3 years now, including this year, and as some of you can guess it is only a seasonal job. I always have gotten hired back, and you always generally do unless you cause trouble but I obviously don't get paid during the winter.

I was wondering if you guys think it would be worth getting a winter job, I do want one I guess, but just for money purposes and it would not be a permanent job, it would only be for the winter. Now here's the problem: the availability will be a bit suckish. I'm in my senior year of high school and I am going to be pretty involved with school. I'm going on a week long vacation to Orlando over winter break and I am going to be quitting as soon as I get the call from Six Flags that I am back in their Entertainment Department. Is getting a winter job worth it??

-I work at six flags from April - the very very end of October.
-I would only have said winter job (that'd be if I get it) from November till Mid-February. :/

This is mainly my issue on deciding. The only way I am keeping the job is if I get a job at a petstore or something with animals since I will FINALLY be 18 this October.

Thanks for the input :) I appreciate it.

08-07-2010, 09:26 AM
Have you considered a job with a not for profit? Say the local YMCA? They always need desk help / receptionist type folks.

Just one thought.

08-07-2010, 10:03 AM
Give it a try. For my kid senior year was a bit easier than junior year. Sock away some money for college.

08-07-2010, 12:27 PM
Depends on your work/study load at school. Don't let a job interfere with your schooling. My granddaughter carried such a heavy load in her senior year, that a job was out of the question.

08-07-2010, 01:09 PM
I would apply for part-time jobs that interest you, and do not tell them you plan on quitting next summer, they likely won't ask anyway. You never know what life could bring.

08-07-2010, 01:35 PM
I agree with Karen. You might find a job that you love and could continue on with after winter instead of Six Flags. Especially if it involves animals. :)

It doesn't hurt to give it a try. If you find it's too much then quit.