View Full Version : Amy had her spay this morning...

08-04-2010, 09:16 PM
...the first of my little fosters to do so. I even took Bye Bye Pet Talk pics of her. :)

My volunteer shift was this afternoon at 4:30 - I had dropped her off just after 8 am. I asked Kenneth, on of the two staffers on duty, if I could see her.

She was in one of the little cages in the OR where they keep kitties before and after. She went NUTS when she saw me - squawking, shoving her front legs thru the openings...I even opened the door a couple of times and held her, but she wanted back in and just kept up her noise and paw pushing.

I left to attend to my duties, knowing she had at least come through really well ("Incision? WHAT incision? TAKE ME HOME MOM!"). Kenneth stayed in the room for a few moments, and told me that when I left, Amy calmed right down.

Awww....she KNEW me!

Long story short (ok, too late for that ;) ), I took Amy home. Tomorrow all three go in, even though Cirrus' spay isn't til Friday (Giz is tomorrow). I had asked about bringing Giz and Cirrus tomorrow because if one of the girls is alone in the room here at home for even a minute while I am rounding up the other two monkeys, she just CRIES.

The other staffer at the HS said there was no problem taking Amy home, that she might sleep more than usual. NOT! lol

They've had the run around the house, and are back in their room, three happy little sisters.

So back they all go tomorrow.

Would be nice if someone adopted all three of them!:):love:

Queen of Poop
08-04-2010, 09:36 PM
Glad to know dear Amy got thru the spay with flying colors. Hopefully the other two do just as well. So very cool that she recognized you!

08-04-2010, 11:29 PM
She sure did know me...but Giz is having wee hissy bits as her sister smells funny! ;) Giz and Cirrus were sniffing the litter box with their tails puffed up a bit.

Happily, Amy just ignores Giz.:D

Laura's Babies
08-05-2010, 06:32 AM
Awwwww! Sounds like Amy has you wrapped around those little paws of hers.. So they are growing and are big enough for their spays.. Then.... will they be ready for their furever homes?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if they could all be adopted together? I think so too. What a treat it would be to be able to see them grow up together? To enjoy seeing them cuddle and play with each other... I hate to think they will be gone from PT forever..

08-05-2010, 07:49 AM
Hooray for Amy! Great job, girl, let them know you recover right quick! He heee.

08-05-2010, 10:04 AM
Laura, I would hope at least Amy and Giz could go together as they were closest. Cirrus is a bit more independent, although she plays with her sisters readily.

I had Amy in my lap last night, and she was grooming my arm a bit, as she has done before.

Such SWEET babies!:):love:

Laura's Babies
08-05-2010, 02:28 PM
I could never foster... I just would love them to much that I couldn't let them go... Just thinking of what I would be missing... :(

08-05-2010, 02:51 PM
I think of what a joy they will be to someone who loves them. On the way to the HS this morning, they were all quiet - sunlight was shining into the carrier, and they were all relaxed and sunwarmed, with semi-shut eyes.

Of course, if I talked to them and they heard my voice, they would start squawking!

I remember what it was like when I hadn't had cats for over 10 years and finally got one, then another one. Joy.:love::)

08-05-2010, 06:10 PM
I know what you mean Candace , everytime I go by the Adoption Centre at PetsMart or The Ruffins where they have Cats and Kittens looking for a Furr Ever Home.:(
They try so hard to catch your eye and you know that they would make a Graet Friend, but you have to turn away.:(:(:(
I always pray that somehow, some way that they will find their place in the sun, and in someone's heart.:love::love::love::love: