View Full Version : Any thoughts on my move?

10-23-2002, 01:24 PM
Helen and I will be moving to a new house in about two weeks. All of this is because we need a larger home for our growing family!!! I'll be getting married in December.

But this is what is on my mind right now. Mimi has moved more times than I can count, and has always handled it beautifully. But, we have been here for 5 years now, and she is 13 years old. She is an inside/outside cat, and my desire is to try and have her stay inside only, if possible. I will definitely make her stay inside for a while until she can get used to her surroundings. She may not even put up a fight. She will have lots of window ledges inside that she can lie on, 3 large sliding glass doors to look out of, etc. I'm not as concerned about her.

But Butter.......the wild man, worries me a lot. He has been with me almost two years now. He was a stray. He comes and goes as he pleases, and is very happy indoors here, but when he is ready to go out, boy is he ready!!! But this is the only house he knows. I truly think he loves Helen and me in his own way and hopefully will make the adjustment to the new house easily. I plan to set up two litter boxes and keep them isolated in their own rooms at first while we are getting moved in and settled. But this boy will want to go outside. The only time he has used a litter box was the week he was neutered. Otherwise, he always does his business outdoors.

Any suggestions?? Am I being a worry wart over nothing? The good news is that we will be on a cul-de-sac, with absolutely no traffic, and no busy roads nearby. My concern is that the Butter boy will terrorize golfers on the golf course behind the house! LOL!! :eek:

Guess I need some reassurance from those of you who have successfully moved your indoor/outdoor cats. If they were inside only cats, I wouldn't worry nearly as much.

Thanks in advance.

10-23-2002, 03:25 PM
Well, I have moved many times with Tex, but he is an inside only cat (though we do have brief excursions, heavily supervised, to the great outdoors). I think it is best to keep everyone tightly confined for a few days, completely. Let the dust settle, and get everyone very used to their new litterboxes. Then, keep everyone under close watch for awhile. I moved two years ago with three of the herd, and I don't think it was more than a week before they felt settled. Tex did hide on th furnace for a long time, though, when he would get re-startled by something new.

Good luck!:)

10-23-2002, 06:16 PM

I just moved 663 miles from my hometown with all 6 of my cats. They've adjusted very well. The car ride was a cake walk! They all slept the whole 12 hours. I was very lucky.

As far as him getting into mischief on the golf course, I'd be careful. Serious golfers might not take kindly to a cute little puddy wanting to have some fun.

Good luck with your move!!

10-23-2002, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
As far as him getting into mischief on the golf course, I'd be careful. Serious golfers might not take kindly to a cute little puddy wanting to have some fun.

That's exactly my concern, Donna. We were talking about it tonight, and I have decided to try to keep him inside. It took two of us to hold him down tonight and get a good look at some pretty wicked wounds on his legs (fighting, of course). Scott is doubtful as to whether we can pull it off, but I think we need to try. I'll have 6 weeks to work on it before Scott moves in. I told him he ought to buy Butter a HUGE cat tree as a housewarming gift!!! LOL!!! We'll see what happens.

Thanks to both of you for your advice.
