View Full Version : Dog Fur and hard wood floors

08-03-2010, 02:33 PM
Need some advice. First my new place has new laminate hard wood floors. So a vacuum is useless. I have tried the swifter sweeper for picking up Sheena's fur, and as long as I dampen it first it does ok. Not great. Still leaves some to fly around to land when I am done. If I don't dampen it then all of it flies around and won't get picked up. Any tips on what to use to keep the floors looking great? I swifter every day but like I said it doesn't get it all.

Also my MIL's little dog is not house trained, or neutered (I know I know). So he is already starting to mark. I did have him trained pretty fast for not marking at my old place and to potty only in Sheena's area. But I did that while she was away on vacation. This little guy is over two but he knows she will let him get away with it. I don't want to offend her but she is not house training him. And I have offered to take him out and do it but she seems to take offence to that. She resides in the downstairs suite. Any tips on how to talk to her about letting me house train him without offending her?

08-03-2010, 02:48 PM
We have a Dyson Animal vacuum. It has a bare floor setting and it works great on our hardwood floors. It's so powerful you can see the dog hair being sucked into it before the vacuum even goes over it.

Maybe you and your MIL can work together on house training the dog. First of all, getting him fixed might also help. But that's a whole different battle.
Does she not realize that he is not house trained? And is she okay with his marking? If she's oblivious then it will be very difficult for you to get her to work with you. Sorry I don't have more advice on that subject.

Good luck!! :D

08-03-2010, 06:20 PM
Mop. Try a lat mop, with a microfiber cover. Got mine at WalMart, and they also sell replacement covers. Then, just spray it with water to get it damp, and run that over the floor. Here is a link FOR THE PICTURE ONLY.

Vacuum. You want a canister vacuum, not an upright. Something like the Dirt Devil Breeze bagless would work on that type of floor. Yes, some fur is going to fly away.

08-04-2010, 07:39 AM
I have the same problem. I use a stick vacuum called a Quick-up. But any vacuum will pull the hair from near the nozzle.

I find there are certain areas where the hair likes to collect; especially corners.

08-04-2010, 09:26 AM
I find there are certain areas where the hair likes to collect; especially corners.

And behind open doors, if you keep the bedroom doors open.

08-05-2010, 10:19 AM
Welcome to my world! Hahaha. We have laminate floors in our rental also, and I can sweep and vacuum all day every day but alas Heidi fur will prevail. But this is what I do. I sweep first (and make sure you get the cracks) and then i vacuum (we have a Dirt Devil something thats made for barefloors and its bagless) after ive swept. Then i swiffer it. It seems to help, but i think part of being a dog owner with a dog that sheds is accepting the fact that the fur and hair is always going to win, no matter how hard you try. Butr there are tools to help with battling it so it doesnt look like a small dog exploded in your house. Good luck and keep us posted!;)

08-05-2010, 10:56 AM
Have no clues about the laminate flooring - we have hardwood and cats, and the vacuum picks up their fur with no problems.

Re your MIL's dog - recruit her son to work with her. She is his mother, so she can't get mad with you, and I would think he would take some pride in his house, and not want the dog peeing all over the place. Have him point out the health benefits to neutering.

08-05-2010, 11:43 AM
Have no clues about the laminate flooring - we have hardwood and cats, and the vacuum picks up their fur with no problems.

I agree. I don't know why any decent vacuum wouldn't pick it up off any surface. I have hardwood in the family room, linoleum in the kitchen, and the rest is wall to wall carpet. I use the same vacuum on all three surfaces and it picks up all the dog and cat hair with no problem.

08-05-2010, 01:38 PM
We have the Eureka pet vac. It works alright on hard floors, and then we mop after vacuuming.

08-05-2010, 06:31 PM
Have no clues about the laminate flooring - we have hardwood and cats, and the vacuum picks up their fur with no problems.

Re your MIL's dog - recruit her son to work with her. She is his mother, so she can't get mad with you, and I would think he would take some pride in his house, and not want the dog peeing all over the place. Have him point out the health benefits to neutering.

Our vacuum picks up all the dog hair too, can't see what the problem would be. We have tiles, hardwood and carpeting and it works for all the flooring. One of our dogs is a white dog and I never see white hair floating around.

08-10-2010, 01:25 PM
I have hardwood, with area rugs. My vacuum picks up some hair, but, it also blows hair away. It isn't so much that the vacuum blows the hair away, but that the roller, as it spins, creates a air flow issue.

I think if you have a vacuum with a hardwood or tile setting, the roller stops rolling and there is only suction. Otherwise, that roller thing keeps spinning, and it makes things blow away, too.

I use a shop vac....I have a long hose and I leave the cannister part with the air blowing out as far away as I can, and use the long hose to get up the hair. I still have some hair issues, but not as much as I do with the upright vacuum.

My next vacuum- when I have some extra cash- will be a decent bagged vacuum. I can't wait.

Daisy and Delilah
08-10-2010, 02:17 PM
We have the Eureka pet vac. It works alright on hard floors, and then we mop after vacuuming.

Exactly what I do. Mine pulls the hair right off the floor with no trouble. I mop with a Swifter but that thing is not my best friend. It never is damp enough for me. I prefer the old string mop and sometimes I will use it if I feel like dragging it out.:)