View Full Version : I am still around, Can't go back to work

Laura's Babies
08-03-2010, 08:44 AM
My crew caught the boat without me last week. :( I Have been having a problem that no matter what I did.. I couldn't get rid of it so I had to go to the doctor. VERTIGO! The worst vertigo that I have ever had in my whole life. I am talking vertigo so bad that it woke me up out of a sound sleep when I would roll over. I have had mild vertigo before, about 3 or 4 episodes in the last 30 years that were very mild (compared to this), that only lasted a few days then went away on their own. This is like 1000 times worse and will not go away.

I'd had a sinus infection, result of allergies in April so me and my PCP just figured I still had some infection in there and he gave me antibiotics to take. A week into them, I was no better so I went back and he gave me a stronger antibiotic and a week into those, I still was no better and my time was running out before I was due back to work. I took matters in my own hands and called a ENT and they got me in the next day. He has grounded me... NO driving and NO boat until he sees me again in 2 weeks. He gave me a sheet of exercises to do for 2 week (with my head) and told me to take that supplement Lipo-Flavonoid. So there is no easy, quick fix for what I have. He wans to see me back in 2 weeks, I am scheduled for a test (that sounds wicked) on Aug 13th to see if it is gone or what(?) and will see him right after the test to get the results.

This explains what I have been going through to a "T"..

This explained the test as she described it to me that I am having on the 13th..

She had said they would put air in my ear and it really hits a lot of people hard and makes them sick so I am not to eat or drink anything the day of the test. :eek: I am NOT looking forwards to that! Anybody here ever had this test and know how long those effects last?

So my crew is on the boat now without me! :( They were in Baton Rouge over the week end, so close but so far away from me. Right now I have no idea how long I will have to be off and I am so tired of sitting here at the house. Can't use this time to run the roads since I am grounded from driving and have to depend on Rie to take me where ever I need to go. This just SUCKS!

On the brighter side, I asked the person who called me to set up my test about rather I was doing these exercises right or not because they were making me nauseated when I do them. She said if they are making me nauseated, that means they are working. When I first started them, they made the vertigo so BAD.... now it isn't as bad while I do them, so maybe I am making progress.

08-03-2010, 08:59 AM
:( Oh my my Laura.. I am so sorry to read this.. I sure hope you get better real soon.. I have had in the past years mild case of Vertigo.. I think it was due to my suger count & blood pressure.. Mine cleared up..

Do stay home & let the babies take care of you.. Now is your daughter taken you to the doctor & getting stuff you need?? I am sure she is.. Well get better real soon & just take the time to rest.. Keep us posted ok.. Huggss && Prayers

08-03-2010, 09:14 AM
So NOT fun! Sorry to be reading this Laura. I know someone who had lingering vertigo after a sinus infection. It took a bit but those exercises did it for her.

Try to enjoy this time with your fur kids! They are loving having mom with them for a bit longer than usual.

Praying for a speedy recovery for you.

08-03-2010, 09:45 AM

I had that test many many years ago and I hate to tell you...it is NOT fun. Of course when I had it they also tilted the table, ran a flashing light in front of me, put a small balloon in the ear and filled it with warm water, and all sorts of other wonderful stuff, so if it just the air they are doing....

I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad the exercises seem to be working. As someone else said, let the furrbabies take care of you and try to relax a bit. Take care!

08-03-2010, 09:50 AM
She had said they would put air in my ear and it really hits a lot of people hard and makes them sick so I am not to eat or drink anything the day of the test. :eek: I am NOT looking forwards to that! Anybody here ever had this test and know how long those effects last?

I think I might have had this test done on me years ago. I was having dizzy spells when I'd turn corners or stand up too fast. I went to an ENT and they did the test with air in my ears. I was so sick the lady had to grab the garbage can for me and I was crying uncontrollably. She said nobody has ever reacted like that before. :confused: But they did not have me not eat or drink that day, that I can remember.
My results were I had allergies and took Claritin to help. But once I moved up north again the Claritin made me too sleepy so I stopped and I haven't had the problem again.

I'm sorry you are missing work and are "grounded". But you just enjoy your extra time with the girls and I hope you are feeling better soon.

08-03-2010, 09:52 AM

I had that test many many years ago and I hate to tell you...it is NOT fun. Of course when I had it they also tilted the table, ran a flashing light in front of me, put a small balloon in the ear and filled it with warm water, and all sorts of other wonderful stuff, so if it just the air they are doing....

I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad the exercises seem to be working. As someone else said, let the furrbabies take care of you and try to relax a bit. Take care!

Yes, the flashing light! I didn't know how to describe that. I had to watch a red flashing light go back and forth in front of me. But I was sitting up in a chair and I don't remember water or a balloon, but it was so long ago. I try NOT to remember it.

08-03-2010, 11:41 AM
My mom also had physio treatment for the vertigo - several sessions and it worked great! The therapist used the method described below.

Canalith Repositioning Procedure http://www.vestibular.org/vestibular-disorders/treatment/canalith-repositioning.php

Check this one out...sounds more comfortable.

08-03-2010, 11:54 AM
Vertigo runs in my family. My mom, two sisters and myself all get spells of vertigo. I have not really had any tests done but mom has. They pretty much just give her Meclizine and she sleeps it off until it is over.

It is not a fun thing to have at all. Hang in there and hopefully they can help.

Laura's Babies
08-03-2010, 04:57 PM
I think I might have had this test done on me years ago. I was having dizzy spells when I'd turn corners or stand up too fast. I went to an ENT and they did the test with air in my ears. I was so sick the lady had to grab the garbage can for me and I was crying uncontrollably. She said nobody has ever reacted like that before. But they did not have me not eat or drink that day, that I can remember

She did tell me that this is the worst part of the test for most people and when most of them get sick... Some just mildly sick, some of them... pretty bad!

I had that test many many years ago and I hate to tell you...it is NOT fun. Of course when I had it they also tilted the table, ran a flashing light in front of me, put a small balloon in the ear and filled it with warm water, and all sorts of other wonderful stuff, so if it just the air they are doing....

I already got the idea it is NOT going to be fun or something I am going to like. I already figured I will walk in that place and probably have to crawl out of there and BETTER take something to throw up in on the way home. I am SO prone to motion sickness and when I get it bad, it takes me DAYS to get over it... I am hoping that is not the case but am afraid that will be what happens. Since I am expected to see the doctor right after the test, I am wondering how much he will charge me if I throw up on him or the exam room? Am I going to be expected to remember what he tells me after THAT?

The ONLY reason why I agreed to do this test is so I can know 100% what this is and get it FIXED! I am now coming to realize, there is no quick fix and there is a good possiability.... I will not be returning back to work this trip. :(

08-04-2010, 09:04 AM
Laura, the test doesn't sound fun, but I hope it will go OK! At least you will find out what it is and be able to do something about it. :)

Best of luck and take care!

08-04-2010, 10:23 PM
Oh My, that's horrible, Laura. I've had a few episodes, but not like yours. My nephew had an attack while driving his truck to work, and had to ask a pedestrian to call 911. They hospital thought he was on drugs. I don't remember the tests, but they gace him something for nausea and antibiotics. He's been Ok since, but since he's an electrician, and climbs ladders, it's always on his mind.

I hope it's nothing serious, but I'm glad you're going for tests since vertigo is not normal. Sorry you had to miss your boating trip. Wishing you the best...:love:

08-05-2010, 02:21 AM
Hoping you will be better soon. Dizzyness can't be easy. Sending hugs and best wishes to you.

Laura's Babies
08-05-2010, 07:25 AM
I think those excercises are working for the dizziness! Yesterday was a great day and in doing the excercises, I have little to no dizziness! None last night when I laid down and am feeling great this morning! I am getting my hopes up SO high that there is a end to this soon!

I am going to be somewhat ticked off if all I needed to do was something so simple as these excercises to get rid of it! I could have done that and been back to work on time!! :rolleyes: (If I had known about them) You can BET, I will keep that excercise sheet for the future in case I get this again so I can start doing them at the first signs of any vertigo! I am feeling better than I have felt in a month!

08-05-2010, 09:43 AM
Wow Laura, I have never heard of this stuff before. I have no answers for you, but I certainly am glad that those exercises are helping!! :D YAY!!! And maybe if you throw up on the doctor hell give you a discount? hehe. :p

08-05-2010, 10:21 AM
FANTASTIC!! Great to hear! I had positional vertigo years ago and it was horrid, and it's great to have things normal again!

Do you still need to have the test then?

Laura's Babies
08-05-2010, 01:33 PM
Yes, I will still need to have the test. I think that is to determine that it is or is not the crystals being out of place that caused it and not something deeper in the ear. I want to know so I am having this test so if in the future it happens again, I will know exactly what it is. I would just love to know what set it off this bad this time! I still think that sinus infection in April had something to do with it.

I was able to scrub out my bath tub today, the first time since I been home that I could bend over and stretch all around bent over to do that and it had gotten in BAD shape. NO dizziness! :D

LOL! MY Captain texted me this morning (around 7) and I texted him right back so he called me, had a assignment for me. He needed me to email some pictures of the boat to someone at the home office. I told him I think I am close to having this beat now, he wanted to know if that meant I could come to the boat right now.... LOL! I told him "no" I am still having that test on the 13th and the doctor won't release me until he has those results and they show I am ok.. He said "WELL! HURRY UP!"... Geez, he has never been like this before when I have had to be off. I guess in the 10 years I have been with him he is maybe a tad spoiled?

08-05-2010, 01:44 PM
If you weren't such a good cook, then Captain wouldn't miss you so much! That's a pretty good compliment from him, without him actually having to put it in words. :cool:

Have your doctors ruled out Minear's Disease? My father had that, and I know how miserable he was. It affected him more in the form of loss of hearing in one ear, more so than the dizziness. He also had the constant ringing and pressure in the ear too.

Laura's Babies
08-05-2010, 02:10 PM
pomtzu- I have have pressure and the ringing and some loss of hearing. I have the loss of high pitched sounds and he said that will result in me hearing people talk but not understand what they say.. I told him I am there already, that started about 3 months ago. He said it because I do not hear certain tones and when they use that tone, I don't hear it... He said when that gets so bad it start causing me problems, there are hearing aids for that.

He said this is suppose to tell us if it is just vertigo or deeper in the ear. He mentioned the possibility of more tests depending on what this one tells us.

08-05-2010, 02:17 PM
pomtzu- I have have pressure and the ringing and some loss of hearing. I have the loss of high pitched sounds and he said that will result in me hearing people talk but not understand what they say.. I told him I am there already, that started about 3 months ago. He said it because I do not hear certain tones and when they use that tone, I don't hear it... He said when that gets so bad it start causing me problems, there are hearing aids for that.

He said this is suppose to tell us if it is just vertigo or deeper in the ear. He mentioned the possibility of more tests depending on what this one tells us.

Geeze - that sounds exactly like Minear's. My Dad had it in his right ear, and used it to his advantage when he was driving. Of course Mom was in the passanger seat, and when talking to him, it would be directed to his right side. Being that his right ear was affected, he always pretended not to hear what she was saying. Don't know how much he could actually hear in that ear, but his game with Mom worked!!!

08-05-2010, 02:22 PM
Very good writeup on Meniere's here, including how it got its name. You may not have it, Laura, but having some information might prove to be useful. :)


08-05-2010, 04:54 PM
Laura, this all sounds very good. You are doing just what you need to, to take care of yourself now and to get tested to find out just what is going on here.

And I'm not surprised that your Captain wants you back. Clearly you are a highly valued member of the crew!

Well done! And best wishes getting this under control quickly.

08-06-2010, 01:41 AM
Laura, I'm sorry to hear that you're having vertigo and that you had to miss work but hopefully this test will let you know what's going on with you and you'll be able to recover quickly. Take care and enjoy your furkids.:)

08-17-2010, 01:03 PM
Laura, Just wondering how the test went...and hoping it all worked out for you to get back on the boat soon!

Laura's Babies
08-17-2010, 04:48 PM
I had that ENG test and I wasn't bothered to much by it at all.. I think I did pretty good until she started the air in the ears.. I didn't get vertigo but a different kind of feeling that I couldn't describe until she started going down a list of words.. When she got to swaying, I stopped her and told her that described it perfectly. I KNEW my eyes were going all over the place with that air, (really bad with the right ear) but I couldn't stop them.... THAT was so weird!

I was a little unsteady on my feet right after the test but walking around got rid of that. I have found since then that I am terribly nauseated all the time and that swaying feeling is still there. Laying down now almost brings that vertigo back so I am wondering if that stirred it up and has made it worse? (or part of the recovery?)

He did set me up with a MRI, having that tomorrow and told me to come back in 2 to 3 weeks. In the meantime, keep doing the exercises and taking that supplement for my ears. I can drive as long as I am not light headed or having vertigo but he sure said "NO BOAT!" real fast.. I wasn't happy about that until the nausea hit.. Now doing the exercises, I almost get vertigo :rolleyes:.. I WISH I knew what is normal and what isn't! I'll just be glad when it is all over and I can be normal again.

08-17-2010, 04:50 PM
:( I am so sorry your still having that Vertigo & Tummy Sick.. Sure hope you get much better real soon.. Now I know this is not important now = but will you still have your job to go back too?? Or maybe this is a good time for retiring you think.>? Sending lots of Prayers & Huggss..

08-17-2010, 06:07 PM
Dang, girl!! Have a freaking party!!! At least live everyday as if it were your last!!! I do!!

08-18-2010, 05:21 AM
Hope the MRI goes well today, Laura! Keep us updated about how you are doing ok? Have you been cooking up anything yummy at home?

Laura's Babies
08-18-2010, 07:36 AM
Not ready to retire lvpets2002.. I will loose to much in benefits if I retire right now.. The job will be there, they are sending me the paperwork for short term disability.. I wasn't going to mess with it if he'd released me last week but missing a whole trip is going to hit me in the pocketbook... going to mess with my "plans" of things I need to get done.. LOL! If I hate sitting at home temporally, I am NOT going to like retirement at ALL!

Yes sirrahbed, I have been doing a lot of cooking at home. I don't think I have ever washed up so many dirty dishes at home in all the time I have lived here! I have spent a small fortune on groceries in the time I have been home and eating a lot of in season fruit. Samantha and Boo have suddenly become very interested in what I am eating and wanting samples...

My Captain called me yesterday evening, they are down here again :(. He is so outdone that I am not going to come back this trip and is still telling me to just hurry up and get better! I told him I want this gone worse than he does but I want it gone for good and not have it pop up again in 3 to 6 months or a year from now, that is why I am so willing to do the MRI.. Lets get to the root of it and see if it can be fixed!

Pinot's Mom
08-18-2010, 07:41 AM
Laura, I'm so sorry you're still going through this, but it WILL get better! The exercises (if they're the ones I think) are supposed to make you feel the vertigo, and, as time goes on it lessens to a point that it's gone. That's the idea of them. I swear, one day you're just going to think back and say to yourself - "Hey, it's been a whole day and I haven't felt it!" - It happens! I promise!

Laura's Babies
08-18-2010, 07:02 PM
Had the MRI this morning and they said it will be 48 hours before the doctor gets to see it.. I don't know if he will call me with the results or I have to wait until I see him at the end of the month but I will call Monday and find out. The MRI was nothing... laying on my back that long was my biggest problem (I never lay on my back!) I didn't even have any reaction to being injected with that dye.. I just closed my eyes and pretended like I was laying on a noisey beach..LOL!

HOWEVER, when I finally set up.. WOW! Was I dizzy!! I went out in the waiting room and waited until I felt I could drive and then left.. I have been nauseated all day, worse than usual...Don't know if all that was a reaction to laying on my back, the dye or what! :( EUCK!

08-19-2010, 06:18 PM
I have not read all the responses, but i have to tell you my mother has the worst vertigo you can possibly imagine, she is now on medication for it, and it works, she only gets a little dizzy now and then, and think it is coming on but it does not, i can ask her what it is called,if you like, the only drawback, the side effect is ,it tends to keep you awake at nights, my mother is a terrible sleeper at the best of times, so it is not good for that, but she cannot believe the change in her life, the room used to be spinning, she could not get up at all, totally disabled for how long it used to last, and she used to vomit with it as well, so i hope this helps you make a decision on your problem and to tell you there is indeed effective medication that works like a dream.

Thinking of you and understanding what hell this really is, lots of people have vertigo but can be mild as your's used to be, but until it becomes really bad they really have no idea just how bad it really is, take care.

Laura's Babies
08-19-2010, 10:24 PM
Thank you Carole.. I never realized how bad it could be until this time. It just HIT and there it was.... no warning at all and it just don't seem to want to go away... stubborn! I only had it before for no more than 2 days and it was nothing compared to this time. Today was a good day, one of the best I have had since this started so now I got my hopes up.... Let's wait and see what tomorrow brings... :confused: