View Full Version : Orion in his smashing harness checks out the balcony construction

08-01-2010, 09:25 AM
Orion had to stay inside for about 2 weeks as the new balcony didn’t get ready. It really gave him cabin fever and he began to attack my feet.
See him here on the carpet ready for action.

Here he is in one of the rare moments when he is quiet ;) looking like a kitty out of a Japanese manga.


But today I decided he has to check out what has been done so far. Tomorrow I hope the painter and the cat netting guy will come and then we can begin to put the furniture back on. As Orion tolerates his nice blue leash purrfectly (and he did so from the very first second) I took him outside even as the netting was not on:




Little boy is now 8 months old and definitely growing. I called today at our local shelter because they had some adorable babies on their website (blue and white) but they had already new homes- which is good news for them anyway. As our construction site outside is now better we feel ready to look out for a playpal for Orion:)

Laura's Babies
08-01-2010, 10:18 AM
He is such a beauty, so sleek and lean. He is going to make a wonderful big boy someday when he is fully matured..

Looks like he likes that harness. I can't believe he didn't need time to get use to it! Every one I have tried a harness on would just fall over like something had grabbed them until they got use to it after many trys. I can't wait to see him on the finished balcony with his new playmate.

08-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Orion is really handsome. He will love it when your balcony is finished, but since he will tolerate a leash, you can also take him for walks. :) The two new cats in our building are also 8 months old and wear leashes. I wish I had trained Fister to do that.

I'm sure Orion will love to have a new playmate. I have a feeling he won't have to wait long. ;)

08-01-2010, 02:39 PM
Orion is not only GORGEOUS:love: he has the sweetest face!! I just love him and man, has he grown:D Mom and Dad must be spoiling the little guy some and why not, he deserves it all:D

Smart little fella too; he knows if he's good on his leash, Mommy will take him outside - too cute. Eve is very impressed and knows that Tigris and Filou would more than approve. She wants Orion to know he is a very fortunate little boy - he has the best mommy and daddy:D

Can't wait to see more pictures:D

Killearn Kitties
08-01-2010, 03:04 PM
Orion, you are simply too cute for words!! I absolutely love your colour.
I hope your balcony is finished this week and you get a fabulous new playground!
mwah mwah mwah :love:

08-01-2010, 04:40 PM
Hi Orion, it's great to see you again! The harness looks very good on you plus it gives you a chance to go outside with Meowmie for a little while. How is the construction project going? Does it meet your approval? Sending you lots of scritchies and lovies, sweetie!

08-01-2010, 05:01 PM
Orion, you are such a Handsome Cat, and just the Right Cat at the right time.:love::love:
Noone can take the place of Filou:cool::cool: annd Tigris :love::love:but you are jsut the Cat your Meeowmie needs for lots of joy, fun and laughter:love::love:
We know that Filou and Tigris will drop by omce ina while and see how you are doing, it will be graet having Two Mentors , Owesome Orion!!!:love::love:

08-01-2010, 05:15 PM
What a beautiful boy he is!!!

08-01-2010, 05:16 PM
Orion you are just stunning!!! How wonderful you like to wear your harness!! My cats would think I was torturing them if I put one on them. :love:

08-01-2010, 06:17 PM
What a smart boy you are, Orion! You knew that accepting the harness meant many walks outside! Good boy! Did I mention how good looking you are, also?:love:

08-01-2010, 06:49 PM
Awww, Orion! You are so very handsome! I'm so glad you got to inspect the work in progress. Kisses to you, sweet kitty!

08-01-2010, 07:07 PM
Orion looks right at home in his new harness. It is good that he gets
used to it now when he's still a baby.:) Won't be long before he's playing
again free behind his netting.A new brother or sister would be great fun.:D

08-01-2010, 10:54 PM
Orion sure is a handsome boy and he's such a good boy on his harness.:) Good luck with finding him a playmate. I can't wait to find out what his new playmate will look like.:)

08-01-2010, 11:08 PM
I am so glad he's good about his harness! Miss Hoppy hated hers - it mussed her fur, which she just would NOT tolerate!

08-02-2010, 04:53 AM
He's so kissable!:love:

Felicia's Mom
08-02-2010, 06:41 AM
Orion, you are a sleek handsome boy. :love::love: I hope you get your playmate real soon.

Pinot's Mom
08-02-2010, 07:32 AM
Orion, you're such lovely kitty! I'm glad you took to a harness so well, and I'm sure you'll take to your new playmate when he gets there! :)

08-10-2010, 05:07 PM
Hi, Orion, sweet boy! How is the balcony work progressing? You are so very handsome, I especially like the second picture of you :love:!

08-10-2010, 07:44 PM
Butterscotch! Caramel! Maple Walnut!

Orion, I can't decide how to describe your coloring; only that you are DELICIOUS! :D

I am glad you like the harness. It is very important work, supervising a balcony, isn't it? And you must ensure that the cat netting goes in properly (and maybe sneak a peak at a way out?) What a delightful kitty!