View Full Version : Some things baffle me

07-31-2010, 07:22 PM
Like, do I really care for every detail about Chelsea Clinton's wedding? I'm sure she's a nice person and all that, but it's been all over the news this week - who is invited, who isn't ... does anyone honestly care besides her friends and family?

Does the volume of news coverage of certain things strike you as absurd, too?

07-31-2010, 07:31 PM
Oh tons of people do. Magazines like People, The Enquirer, The Star and tons of others make their money on our need to know what the rich and famous are up too because their life is often so much more exciting and fun then ours. Sad but true. More money, more parties, more lovers (always good) better hair, better bodies, bigger b##bs, bigger houses, faster cars. Ah the good life I mean who won't want to be Britney or Lindsey or Paris, or Heidi???

Lady's Human
07-31-2010, 07:54 PM
Ah the good life I mean who won't want to be Britney or Lindsey or Paris, or Heidi???

Someone who isn't stoned, is sober and has more than three functioning brain cells?

07-31-2010, 08:02 PM
I agree Karen. I cannot understand this obsession with gossip, celebrity or otherwise. Does it matter how much Chelsea's wedding costs or who's going to be there? So Lindsay Lohan got 90 days in jail because she made the choice to act like a spoiled jerk, I care because...?

There are more important things going on in the world that we do need to know about. What ever happened to our priorities?

07-31-2010, 08:03 PM
LOL I just want Heidi's body. Paris's money, Lindsey's talent and Nicole's don't know used up all three cells right there.

07-31-2010, 08:15 PM
My mom's comment on the Chelsea Clinton marriage coverage was that they have been "shacked up" for so long, why does it even matter at this point that they're getting married.

07-31-2010, 08:28 PM
My mom's comment on the Chelsea Clinton marriage coverage was that they have been "shacked up" for so long, why does it even matter at this point that they're getting married.

I guess that is how I feel, too.:p My generation I guess - and my old fashioned values. As for Chelsea Clinton's wedding, I found it interesting the first few times but I am tired of it. After the wedding, I am sure I will enjoy any pictures etc. I don't like having to pay for Secret Service protection though. I think she could have just had a pretty and private wedding and get on with her life.:cool:

07-31-2010, 08:47 PM
Go bristol, go bristol, go bristol.:confused:

07-31-2010, 08:55 PM
I find myself much amused sometimes when a news site has a poll up about one of these "pressing issues" like "Should Bristol Palin get her own reality show" and the choices are "yes" and "no" but there's no "Who the heck cares?"

Whether a certain "star" gets a haircut or new boyfriend or divorced or married for the nth time really doesn't concern me, you know?

07-31-2010, 09:20 PM
Someone who isn't stoned, is sober and has more than three functioning brain cells?

You beat me to it! ROTF!

07-31-2010, 09:44 PM
I guess that is how I feel, too.:p My generation I guess - and my old fashioned values. As for Chelsea Clinton's wedding, I found it interesting the first few times but I am tired of it. After the wedding, I am sure I will enjoy any pictures etc. I don't like having to pay for Secret Service protection though. I think she could have just had a pretty and private wedding and get on with her life.:cool:

There are pictures at both the Washington Post and NY Times. Her dress is lovely.

07-31-2010, 09:55 PM
Can we start a pool on how long before the divorce? I got $50 on 6 months. Any takers?

07-31-2010, 10:03 PM
The Life That I Have

The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours

The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.

A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause
For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours and yours.

Leo Marks

07-31-2010, 10:13 PM
One thing I can care less about is this wedding but the thing I hate most is the coverage of 'Snookie' from the Jersey Shore show going to jail. Sorry, but I can give two craps. If it were ANYONE else, they wouldn't be on the news. I don't care.

07-31-2010, 10:18 PM
Snookie for Pres 2012!! She cant be any worse.

I think that might make a good sig.

07-31-2010, 10:22 PM
Snookie for Pres 2012!! She cant be any worse.

Any worse then Sarah Palin would be? ;) Sarah Palin ranks a little higher on the intelligence level then this bimbo. I'll give you that much. I absolutely cannot take that show. I hate it so much, I hate when people talk about and I don't understand how people find that crap entertaining.

07-31-2010, 10:26 PM
Any worse then Sarah Palin would be? ;) Sarah Palin ranks a little higher on the intelligence level then this bimbo.

Palin would be better yes, she has done more then voted "Present" like the current POTUS.

I'll give you that much. I absolutely cannot take that show. I hate it so much, I hate when people talk about and I don't understand how people find that crap entertaining.

Show? I should admit I have no clue who Snookie is.

07-31-2010, 10:30 PM
Show? I should admit I have no clue who Snookie is.

Consider yourself lucky! If you want to just do a quick search on 'The Jersey Shore' or 'Snookie'. I am not responsible for any lost brain cells though. It's one of those shows you loose IQ points watching so beware. :D

07-31-2010, 10:55 PM
I dont have a TV so I can really pick and choose what I watch, still Snookie cant be any worse then the current guy.

07-31-2010, 11:10 PM
Here is my burning question, who took my carrot? That is what I want to know.


07-31-2010, 11:15 PM
Someone who isn't stoned, is sober and has more than three functioning brain cells?

That's racism !!!! Just because all Australians have three functioning brain cells each is no reason to make fun of us. :rolleyes:

07-31-2010, 11:15 PM
Here is my burning question, who took my carrot? That is what I want to know.


Illegal immigr.... Migrant farm workers took your carrot.

07-31-2010, 11:19 PM
Illegal immigr.... Migrant farm workers took your carrot.

Which ones ??? The ones that look like mosquitoes ??? Or those that look like locusts ???? ;)

08-01-2010, 12:16 AM
wom, the "Snooki" person on "The Jersey Shore" is much, much more ignorant than our current President, or even Sarah Palin, or John McCain. When she had to hand wash some clothes she said "I feel like a ******** Pilgrim, from like, the '20's" .... that's just one example. She's short, so thinks she "invented" teasing her hair on the top of her head to make her look taller, ignoring all the previous cycles of fashion - like the 1960's, 1970's, etc. I have no idea how much is true ignorance and how much is an act, but it's all pretty darned appalling.

08-01-2010, 12:20 AM
That's racism !!!! Just because all Australians have three functioning brain cells each is no reason to make fun of us. :rolleyes:

Can I still make fun of the way yall speak?

08-01-2010, 01:11 AM
wom, the "Snooki" person on "The Jersey Shore" is much, much more ignorant than our current President, or even Sarah Palin, or John McCain. When she had to hand wash some clothes she said "I feel like a ******** Pilgrim, from like, the '20's" .... that's just one example. She's short, so thinks she "invented" teasing her hair on the top of her head to make her look taller, ignoring all the previous cycles of fashion - like the 1960's, 1970's, etc. I have no idea how much is true ignorance and how much is an act, but it's all pretty darned appalling.

Does this snookie have a name ???? Hee hee

08-01-2010, 01:12 AM
Can I still make fun of the way yall speak?

Bloody too right you can cobber. ;)

08-01-2010, 01:16 AM

08-01-2010, 01:25 AM
much more ignorant than our current President, or even Sarah Palin, or John McCain.

I wouldnt go giving ANY politician that much credit, but hey thats me. Now I may not know who Snookie is but I feel comfortable saying that she is less corrupt then the politico's you mentioned, the former and the latter mainly. Unless Snookie is from Chicago, if thats the case I retract everything and yall are a bunch of conspiracy tinfoil hat wearing nutjobs.

08-01-2010, 01:52 AM
I just found out who Snookie is......it's LH.

Read on...........

A name for the shortest most hobbit-like person in a group of friends, typically someone who tries to deny or takes offense to comments about their small stature. This should be used in place of the person's real name.

"Hey Snookie do you need a booster seat for that barstool or should i just put you on my shoulders?"

"Dammit Snookie! Maybe we could get more girls if you weren't always creepin around like Bilbo Baggins."


08-01-2010, 02:26 AM
LH is a midget?

Sorry .

LH is a little person?!

Lady's Human
08-01-2010, 02:29 AM

At 5 10 and 200 lbs, I don't think I count as a little person.

Lady's Human
08-01-2010, 02:34 AM
That's racism !!!! Just because all Australians have three functioning brain cells each is no reason to make fun of us. :rolleyes:

If you take into consideration the Collins boats and some of the toys your boys at Woomera are working on, I think y'all have a few more than three working brain cells. (Unless your thought processes were coded by Soviet programmers, in which case all bets are off. They did some amazing work with the crap Warsaw Pact processors.)

08-01-2010, 02:35 AM
OK so your not a little person.

Do you have female bits? Snookie has female bits. If you dont have female bits you arent Snookie like Wom charges.

Lady's Human
08-01-2010, 02:41 AM
Nope, no female bits, either.


08-01-2010, 02:46 AM
Sorry Wom LH isnt Snookie.

08-01-2010, 02:56 AM
Sorry Wom LH isnt Snookie.

I wasn't referring to THAT LH.......I was referring to Larry Henderson.
I used to go to school with him. :p

08-01-2010, 03:05 AM



08-01-2010, 03:07 AM



That's him !!!!
Or me.
Not sure which.

08-01-2010, 07:20 AM
I suspect the wedding was very, very classy, with lots of expensive attire, tasty food, and A+ entertainment. Chelsey deserves some credit for trying to keep it secret. I suspect the secret service was there for her father and mother's sake. Do the children of past presidents get forever secret service coverage? I suspect not, but not sure about that.

I would enjoy seeing some photos of the wedding and well, that's about it. Blame most of this on the press. I love all wedding photos.

Anyway, please don't give the kid a bad name. She was born into this family. She hasn't done anything bad that I know of. She is thirty, and has dated this guy for five years. I don't get a kick out of betting against marriages, anyway. The odds are against them to begin with..... I always hope that all good marriages, last. Some and many do.

Let's let her have her day in the limelight, enjoy the attention and then get on with her life. She is not a movie star or an actress....please don't compare her to or our fascination with her, to that of LL or Snookie, etc..

Blame it on the press, not Chelsey et al.

08-01-2010, 07:38 AM
There are pictures at both the Washington Post and NY Times. Her dress is lovely.

Yes - Chelsea's gown was lovely, she looked absolutely radiant, and everything about the whole wedding was over the top. Now let's leave the newlyweds alone to get on with their lives.

Boy - wouldn't it be nice to have the money that was put into that fling???? I'd be set for life. ;)

08-01-2010, 08:28 AM
How certain things make "trending topics" on Twitter also baffle me. For a while there Justin Beiber was there every day ... why?

I don't mind when people I have never heard of are "trending topics" - as they are sometimes political figures from countries I don't know a lot about, or sports I don't follow, but when a pop singer gets months worth of attention for apparently, well, existing ...

08-01-2010, 08:54 AM
How certain things make "trending topics" on Twitter also baffle me. For a while there Justin Beiber was there every day ... why?

I don't mind when people I have never heard of are "trending topics" - as they are sometimes political figures from countries I don't know a lot about, or sports I don't follow, but when a pop singer gets months worth of attention for apparently, well, existing ...

I'm baffled by anyones need to "twitter". Period. If people did not have a voyeuristic need to peep into others lives then 'the media', Facebook and Twitter would not exist.:confused:

08-01-2010, 09:02 AM
I'm baffled by anyones need to "twitter". Period. If people did not have a voyeuristic need to peep into others lives then 'the media', Facebook and Twitter would not exist.:confused:

That isn't always true. I just recently reconnected w/two nephews and a niece that I haven't seen in over 20 years. FB made that possible b/c I tried so many other ways first and was unsuccessful.

Something else: b/c I have a son I become irritated when I hear things such as "It's her day" or "the bride this" and "the bride that". It's the groom's day as well and some people tend to forget that. They're focused on the gown, the food, the entertainment and that's fine to a degree. However, it's the marriage that's important and there are two in that marriage. The groom gets shoved out of the spotlight. I think this in some ways contributes to the Bridezilla thing. It's all about her and he gets left out.

08-01-2010, 09:48 AM
Something else: b/c I have a son I become irritated when I hear things such as "It's her day" or "the bride this" and "the bride that". It's the groom's day as well and some people tend to forget that. They're focused on the gown, the food, the entertainment and that's fine to a degree. However, it's the marriage that's important and there are two in that marriage. The groom gets shoved out of the spotlight. I think this in some ways contributes to the Bridezilla thing. It's all about her and he gets left out.

When the Groom starts wearing a Bridal Gown, then he'll get as much attention as the Bride.:D

08-01-2010, 09:54 AM
How certain things make "trending topics" on Twitter also baffle me. For a while there Justin Beiber was there every day ... why?

I don't mind when people I have never heard of are "trending topics" - as they are sometimes political figures from countries I don't know a lot about, or sports I don't follow, but when a pop singer gets months worth of attention for apparently, well, existing ...

I suspect their Public Relations people feed that stuff to the "news" folks.
Some people eat that stuff up.:rolleyes: Whatever.:rolleyes:

Check out any regular news website, how many non-news items can be found taking up space there?

08-01-2010, 11:03 AM
I'm baffled by anyones need to "twitter". Period. If people did not have a voyeuristic need to peep into others lives then 'the media', Facebook and Twitter would not exist.:confused:

My thoughts exactly.

08-01-2010, 11:08 AM
I personally don't have a problem at all with the coverage of Chelsea Clinton's wedding. For one thing, it's a positive thing ... and a positive thing getting media coverage is rare indeed these days. I am disgusting by the coverage "stars" get for all their bad, disgusting, assinine behavior. If the media wants to show us some class, and the lovely wedding of two nice young people in love ... fabulous! Much better than who got arrested, who is having an affair, etc., IMO.

I have always thought Chelsea Clinton is a classy young lady anyway. Difficult enough to be the president's child - I can't imagine the pressures and fears at that age. But she also had to deal with some very difficult issues between her parents: something that is terrible enough for any child to tackle, but she had to do it in the public eye, with millions of people involved. She seemed to handle those years with grace and class way beyond her years.

I say good luck to her and her new husband, may they have many decades of happiness.

08-01-2010, 12:02 PM
When the Groom starts wearing a Bridal Gown, then he'll get as much attention as the Bride.:D

That's exactly my point. Too much attention is paid to the gown, etc. There are two people in a marriage. There should be less focus on the wedding frills and more focus on the marriage. A celebration of the day, however, is certainly appropriate.

08-01-2010, 12:11 PM
Does the volume of news coverage of certain things strike you as absurd, too?

Oh my yes. The wedding was only one of many. Why / how does Palin keep in the news? She doesn't know squat, and can't use the language so has to make words up. Paris Hilton. Oh yes, there are way too many absurd "news" stories.

I want NEWS as news, not entertainment time.

08-01-2010, 01:47 PM
When I heard that she asked bill to lose 30 ppounds for the wedding I tuned out.

Ask him to lose the weight for himself and the family, ya ditz.

I am a huge CC fan, but only because whe's the kind of gal that you want to get drunk with and try to make her use curse words and do bad things.

IT's not even a real marriage. This was just to get money and prizes and to show the people she knew just how special she is.


Justin Bieber is another modern day "WTF".. I wnat to grab him by the hair and cut it.

But, I would rather hear all the commontion about CC than listen to Mel Gibson die of an aneurysm on tape.

The buffoonery of the littlest Clinton is better than listening to people feuding?:eek::confused::)

08-01-2010, 02:01 PM
When I heard that she asked bill to lose 30 ppounds for the wedding I tuned out.

It wasn't 30 - it was 15.

Killearn Kitties
08-01-2010, 03:01 PM
Sorry guys, not being American I hadn't even heard about Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Can anyone point me in the direction of some good photos? I do love a good wedding.

08-01-2010, 03:14 PM
Sorry guys, not being American I hadn't even heard about Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Can anyone point me in the direction of some good photos? I do love a good wedding.

From the NY Times - http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2010/08/01/nyregion/20100801_CHELSEA.html

Killearn Kitties
08-01-2010, 04:31 PM
Thank you, Grace. What a beautiful bride, and I am sure the wedding was lovely, despite the media circus.

08-01-2010, 07:09 PM
I agree with Karen; that baffled me, too.

I also saw footage on the news of the Obama family going away for the weekend and I thought to myself that his older daughter (she's 12, I think) is looking less like a little girl and more like a pre-teenager. I bet she will be tall like her parents. Their younger daughter is sure cute, too.

08-02-2010, 07:40 AM
When I heard that she asked bill to lose 30 ppounds for the wedding I tuned out.

Yes, I heard about this 30 lbs., too. He looked pretty good in the only wedding pic I saw.

smokey the elder
08-02-2010, 08:07 AM
With 24 hour news channels it needs to be filled with something.

I think that the wedding being in Rhinebeck was a temporary inconvenience which benefited the town in the long run. That part of the Hudson Valley is gorgeous, and is now on the map. I think Secret Service protection is extended to former as well as sitting Presidents; I'm not sure how long it's extended for the family. The thing I was amused by is how everyone was able to keep mum so well!;)

08-02-2010, 10:05 AM
I'm baffled by anyones need to "twitter". Period. If people did not have a voyeuristic need to peep into others lives then 'the media', Facebook and Twitter would not exist.:confused:

I like to Facebook.... Twitter doesn't do much for me, but Facebook keeps me up to date with what my friends are doing, and I like to know. So, I guess that makes me a peeper or voyeuristic, lol. Ooooh... I wonder if that goes along with being a nudist too! :p

Pawsitive Thinking
08-02-2010, 10:24 AM
most things baffle me :p

08-02-2010, 01:03 PM
Okay, to add to the things that baffle me, there's a link - that I did not click - that Justin Beiber is writing a memoir! He's what, 15? 16? Sheesh! Next thing will be a cookbook, or whatever publicists can think of to make another buck off his popularity!

08-02-2010, 01:12 PM
Okay, to add to the things that baffle me, there's a link - that I did not click - that Justin Beiber is writing a memoir! He's what, 15? 16? Sheesh! Next thing will be a cookbook, or whatever publicists can think of to make another buck off his popularity!

Call me stupid, but I don't even know who JB is!!! :eek: I have a feeling that I'm not missing much tho.........:p

08-02-2010, 01:13 PM
If no one is interested in all this 'nonsense', then why would there be such a public showing of it? If people truly don't/didn't care...the news media would move on. Someone must be interested.

I think Chelsea Clinton has held her head high, shown a lot of class, grace under pressure, etc. If her day (or their day, LOL) makes the news, great! It is, as someone else mentioned, a happy reporting.

People like different things, they have different interests, maybe they live vicariously, I don't really know. I tend to see things from a convenience standpoint. TVs, radio, phones, magazines....if it works for ME, holds MY interest, makes ME happy, I indulge/watch/read/pay attention. If not, I move on, turn it off, pass it on.

Oddly enough, I really don't think the world revolves around me. I am one tiny, teeny part in it, and I appreciate that others enjoy/see/want things differently than I. Maybe watching or learning about the wedding was really a top marker for someone.

08-03-2010, 01:09 PM
Call me stupid, but I don't even know who JB is!!! :eek: I have a feeling that I'm not missing much tho.........:p

Ha ha ha...you're in line with me Pom...I think he's that young 15 yr old Canadian singer everyone thinks is sooo cute...looks pretty ordinary to me. I don't really like him or the singing so that's all I can say about him...give or take a few years and he'll probably be a has been.

As for Chelsea's wedding I thought her gown was fabulous but for the price I guess it was supposed to be. I didn't watch or read much about the wedding, doesn't hold any interest for me.
I hope they'll have a happy life and a great marriage.

08-03-2010, 09:10 PM
I could care less and it irritates me no end what is considered "news". I think everything needs to be categorized. If you want entertainment news, watch Entertainment Tonight. If you want sports, watch ESPN. I don't think either of those are "news" Things that actually effect EVERYONES lives is news. In the US I also find it appalling how little we hear about ANYTHING that goes on beyond our boarders. I listen to the BBC to get a better global perspective. I love Chelsea. Her parents did a fine job raising her and she's shown herself to be a fine person. Life in the spotlight can do a number on anyone (see: Brittany, Lindsey et al). She didn't choose to be in the spotlight. But she isn't "news" I think it's amazing in 2010 that terms like "shacked up" are still used. ROFLMAO!
I think Jon Stewart makes a valid point that having 24/7 news coverage makes it necessary to put junk on. There just isn't that much relevant news out there. Multiplied by how many channels? Cable and otherwise?
I think NPR does a decent job. Though occasionally I have to switch it off when they give half an hour to Eminem?

08-03-2010, 09:34 PM
Okay, to add to the things that baffle me, there's a link - that I did not click - that Justin Beiber is writing a memoir! He's what, 15? 16? Sheesh! Next thing will be a cookbook, or whatever publicists can think of to make another buck off his popularity!

For the record, he is a sensation to the American youth and it did take him alot of work. It's not like he's just some kid who is writing a novel about his life. He doesn't exactly have the "normal" life most kids have or have had. Granted I have no interest in reading it nor am I a fan of said singer, but it's just a point to bring up.

08-04-2010, 07:14 PM
I heard that Hillary asked Chelsea if she had sex with Marc yet.
Chelsea replied to her "Not according to Dad." :D

07-22-2011, 10:30 PM
So Lindsay Lohan got 90 days in jail because she made the choice to act like a spoiled jerk, I care because...?

From the "couldn't care less" file... I am finding this really hard to believe.
source: link from Chicago Tribune online

Lindsay Lohan says she can't afford court-ordered psychological treatment, her lawyer told a Los Angeles court on Thursday, according to People.

The 25-year-old's lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, told a judge that Lohan hasn't been able to maintain UCLA psychological treatment due to "financial issues." Judge Stephanie Sautner was unsympathetic, saying that "she's got to find someone to help her out." The judge gave Lohan 21 days to show proof that she's enrolled in counseling.

Lohan also argued that she can't attend more affordable group counseling sessions because paparazzi would disrupt the session. However, she indicated to the court that she would find a way to make counseling work.

Lohan was in court for a stand progress report and was acknowledged to be in good standing.

At the hearing, Lohan was also warned that she must complete all her community service by year's end. She recently completed 35 days of house arrest after pleading no contest to a theft misdemeanor.

Lohan will be on probation for the next three years and is due back in court in October.

07-22-2011, 10:33 PM
LOL you are so funny.

I heard that Hillary asked Chelsea if she had sex with Marc yet.
Chelsea replied to her "Not according to Dad." :D

07-22-2011, 10:36 PM
This young man has lived and done more then 99% of people get to do in their entire lives. He has a huge fan base and the book will fly of the shelves. Seems odd to us that someone so young would write however. We are used to the older stars like Elizabeth Talylor and George Burns, Lauren Becall and the like writing a book not a 15 year old. However times have changed and that is what young people are reading now instead of fan magazines.

09-26-2012, 05:39 AM
Add to the list of things that baffle me -- The top story on the 5 o'clock news in Chicago was the controversial call made by fill-in referees at Monday's Seahawks-Packers game. I understand that it's worthy of attention because the station is seen up in northern Illinois and maybe into southwest Wisconsin, where there are Packers fans. But the subsequent story was about a missing Northwestern University student and the third one was about a sad drive-by shooting. There has been a lot of violence in Chicago this year. I just don't think the referee's call was as important as those other two stories.

09-26-2012, 08:13 AM
Add to the list of things that baffle me -- The top story on the 5 o'clock news in Chicago was the controversial call made by fill-in referee's at Monday's Seahawks-Packers game. I understand that it's worthy of attention because the station is seen up in northern Illinois and maybe into southwest Wisconsin, where there are Packers fans. But the subsequent story was about a missing Northwestern University student and the third one was about a sad drive-by shooting. There has been a lot of violence in Chicago this year. I just don't think the referee's call was as important as those other two stories.

I agree. Sports takes too much precedence over other things that are more important sometimes. Penn State Football gets way more attention than I think it deserves.

09-29-2012, 02:41 PM
Okay - this might be more "bemused" than baffled ... I got an email this week touting the "new color" from a cookware brand: Truffle. "Truly rustic, truly elegant."

Um, folks, it is just a dull mud pie brown. Dunno what's new, exciting or noteworthy about brown! Mud, elegant?

Lady's Human
09-29-2012, 06:20 PM

I'v ebeen cooking since I was old enough to see over the stove. One of the first "real" recipes we learned as kids was Macaroni and cheese.

It's a simple recipe, and starts with a white sauce base for the cheese sauce.

I have NEVER in my memory had the sauce fail.

I've been teaching MJ how to cook, and we made scalloped potatoes the other day for dinner. The sauce curdled, which is a first for me, but I wrote it off as maybe MJ did something wrong.


We were making macaroni and cheese, poured the white sauce over the cheese to mix, and it separated! I've NEVER had that happen.

I just sent Weis markets an email informing them that I will no longer purchase anything with the Weis label on it, because whatever the heck was in that jug it certainly wasn't milk. :mad:

09-29-2012, 06:25 PM
Sheesh, wonder what they added into the milk that made it do that! Not just milk, that's for sure! And with you in dairy farm country, you'd think they'd know better!

I love that I can buy milk from several different big companies, and even from a smaller dairy farm with lovely Jersey cows, that sent someone to my local store to talk to people about it who obviously not only was a good spokesperson for the dairy, but loved their cows as well! We spoke about their pretty color, soft noses and doe-like eyes, maybe to the confusion of other shoppers, who might not even consider where milk comes from!

09-30-2012, 11:27 AM

I'v ebeen cooking since I was old enough to see over the stove. One of the first "real" recipes we learned as kids was Macaroni and cheese.

It's a simple recipe, and starts with a white sauce base for the cheese sauce.

I have NEVER in my memory had the sauce fail.

I've been teaching MJ how to cook, and we made scalloped potatoes the other day for dinner. The sauce curdled, which is a first for me, but I wrote it off as maybe MJ did something wrong.


We were making macaroni and cheese, poured the white sauce over the cheese to mix, and it separated! I've NEVER had that happen.

I just sent Weis markets an email informing them that I will no longer purchase anything with the Weis label on it, because whatever the heck was in that jug it certainly wasn't milk. :mad:

Sounds like the milk was old and on the verge of going sour. Heating it would have caused this to happen. I've had milk spoil even before the "sell by" date on the container, so it's pretty hard to trust those dates anymore. Who knows how many temp changes the milk goes thru before it gets to the store cooler, I had yogurt ferment too, before the sell by date, and when I called Yoplait about it, they told me that temp changes back and forth, will most definitely cause this. They sent me over $20 in coupons for the $8 I paid for the yogurt that was bad.