View Full Version : Is there another cat in MY yard?

07-31-2010, 12:39 PM
Fister was down the other day, and the first thing he does is to check if the stray is there. She lives in the other end, in a shed (that’s another story). I saw them a few weeks ago sitting right opposite each other - she was hissing, Fister ignored her and I was worried! Yesterday when he was on his way out the downstairs door, she sat right outside. I quickly shooed him in!

It has been quite hot lately, so I have let him stay in the yard for most of the day. He is mostly sitting in the middle of “his” flower bed, just watching or sleeping. Last week he got to say hi to two new cats... a young couple moved in, they have two white shorthaired cats with brown/black spots, 8 months old. They have them on a leash and they are beautiful. Will try to get some pictures of them.

I know these two pics are very similar, but I could not decide which, so I’ll post both.



Killearn Kitties
07-31-2010, 12:58 PM
Hi handsome! Your tail has a more elegant angle in the second photo. :love:
Glad you have been enjoying your garden in the good weather, but the stray needs her little shelter there too, sweetie. Could you just ignore her maybe? Or be nice to her? :eek:

07-31-2010, 04:49 PM
Hello Handsome! Love seeing your orangie face! Smooches!:love:

07-31-2010, 04:57 PM
Fister you are just as handsome as ever!!! Have your mommy give you a kiss or a few thousand from me, ok? :love::love:

07-31-2010, 05:23 PM
It's FISTER!!!! Hello Handsome boy! Been keeping tabs on your garden, I hear. Important Job!

Is the shed kitty fixed? So funny she sees Fister as a threat, and he has no interest, lol.

I think the 2d photo is better. Can see all his tail (from one pic to the other it was in motion!) and both ears are facing forwards. He is looking good!

07-31-2010, 05:37 PM
:cool:Fister certainly is looking in good health and is still quite a Handsome Cat, especially for A Senior Kitty-Zen.:love::love::love:
Thats nice that he has Friends to talk to, and he can be a Mentor and lecture them from the vantage of his years of experience:cool::cool::cool:
Fister , according to My Lady Cats is still a Bomb!!!:):):)

Laura's Babies
07-31-2010, 05:53 PM
That second picture is worth printing out and framing! That is a great shot of him.

Fister, you are as handsome as ever, such a manly looking boy too. Watch that yard, protect your territory but maybe become friends with the new kits on the block so you can have some company or friends. That could be fun for you.

07-31-2010, 07:33 PM
Oh my he is a handsome kitty.

07-31-2010, 07:51 PM
Hi Fister! It's great to see handsome you again, that's always a big treat. So, there's another kitty in your yard? Maybe she doesn't have purrents who love her or a nice furever home to go to and she's frightened. When you meet your new neighbor kitties, be sure to tell them about PT and how much we would like to meet them too. Sending you tons of scritchies and lovies! :love:

07-31-2010, 09:13 PM
You sure are a very handsome boy Fister.:) I also like the second picture better.;)

08-01-2010, 03:26 AM
Fister you are a real good looking hunk of a cat and I am sure that cat lady only wants to make your acquaintance;)

Cinder & Smoke
08-01-2010, 04:46 AM

That second snappie serves notice:
The Guard Kat is *ON* Duty ... Trespass with Caution!!


08-01-2010, 06:12 AM
Fister does love his yard, but he would rather have it to himself, I think - although he did get along well with Pjevs when he lived there, except for chasing him out through the gate one time when he was two years old. ;) Oh yes, in his younger days, he could be a bit of a bully.

Next week, workmen will be digging up the whole yard and I’m sure Fister will not like that! He will most likely sit in the window and superwise the work. LOL! So, I’ll let him down as much as I can until they start.

The stray who lives in the tool shed had four kittens around Easter, now she is pregnant again and about to burst. :( No wonder she was hissing at Fister.

She goes somewhere else to give birth, probably a school across the road. A few of us have searched but haven’t found them. I did see her in the churchyard last week, not far from John's grave. Will go and look for her there, again.

I called the shelter and also wrote to them last December and arranged to have her and her kittens trapped. Unfortunately, it’s kill shelter, so if the kittens are not socialized, they will be put to sleep, otherwise they will try to find homes for them. They did find homes for a few.

The shelter lady has been coming every few weeks to try to trap them, and only a few days ago she got the last “Easter” kitten. She claims it’s impossible to trap the mom. All I want is to have her sterilized and she could live in our yard with no problem. The thing is, it has been decided at a board-meeting that it’s not allowed to have cats (or dogs) in the yard.

Wish I had the money to open a no kill shelter.

08-01-2010, 07:24 PM
Sad story of the momma cat. I hope she can hang out around the grave
yard area while the yard is being dug up. Strays have such a hard life.:(

Fister is looking as handsome as ever.:) Ever the "watch cat" for HIS yard.
Be nice to the ladies Fister.:)

08-02-2010, 11:18 AM
Good morning, handsome Fister! Could you please have mum give you some hugs from me? You are orange and beautiful! I like your tail in the second picture.

08-02-2010, 11:28 AM
Smooches to Fister!!!!

Pinot's Mom
08-02-2010, 11:59 AM
Fister, I hear you're having construction in your yard; give me a call on my cell - I'll let you in on some pointers for supervising! I've just been through having workers at my house! So annoying!:rolleyes:

Purrs, Pinot:)

08-02-2010, 01:22 PM
Dear Pinot, my mom was wrong, it is not until next week they start, so there's still time to learn a few tricks from you. :cool: I do wonder what is going to appear under the old surface. I guess chasing rats is out of the question - they have already finished the sewer work and mom says that had there been any, they would have appeared then. Well, who knows!

I think my friend has gone somewhere to give birth to her kittens, I haven't seen her for two days now. However, a new big guy showed up yesterday, we have not seen him before. :eek: I have the rest of this week to go down and investigate, but mom says she'll come along so I don't get into any trouble. Silly mom, to think I can't handle it! :rolleyes:

Pinot, tell me more about how you handled the supervising, please! :D

Purrs from your pal,

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-03-2010, 05:28 AM
Hey there beautiful!!!
I adore that second picture, Randi :love: :love: :love:
Many hugs to my special friend!!

What will happen to the yard then? Will they remove all the bushes and the other stuff? I hope they put some good smelling catnip grass for our Fister-boy!!!

08-03-2010, 05:47 AM
Lut, as far as I know, they are going to remove all the asphalt and put tiles on, and then next summer re-design the yard where all the grass and bushes are. I hope they won't change it too much though.

Hugs delivered. :love: