View Full Version : Smokey's new favorite thing...

10-23-2002, 09:55 AM
Lucky him, I just got fake finger nails so he gets the bestest scratches ever! I love the eyes rolled back look of extacy he gets when I scratch his neck, especially. So funny.

10-23-2002, 11:23 AM
Beethoven and Crunchy likes scratches soooo much too, and yes, their eyes roll back in satisfaction :D

10-23-2002, 11:38 AM
Normally my nails naturally grow really long. The dogs love that! The best part is trying to find that magic spot that causes uncontrollable leg twitching! hehee. My nails are all short right now though because I always break them at work. *sigh*...the tragedy....lol

10-23-2002, 03:49 PM
Everytime I look at your posts I think about how Buddha looks so similar to Smokey....except for the coloring...

Have you had any problems with Smokey growling like Buddha? Has Smokey gone to Puppy Kindergarten?

10-23-2002, 05:08 PM
Smokey only growls when he's happy. :)

I did take him to a puppy class, started when he was about 10 weeks old.
He loved it. He was the youngest in the class so most of his attention was focused on playing (with his friend Baxter - a wolfhound mix) and not so much on the obedience (though he did like the treats).
Our experience was different than yours - Smokey didn't growl at the other pups. He played submissively to Baxter and would want to play with the JRT but he was too big... There was also a toy poodle who he just wanted to play with but she was very timid so he had to settle for just sniffing her from afar.

He has never met a dog he didn't like - maybe it took him a while to get warmed up but he hasn't shown any agression as of yet.
Well, unprovoked aggression anyway. He won't back down from what he percieves as a fair fight.
For example, a little tiny dog was all over him one time nipping at his ears and face and he didn't do anything. But when Pork Chop came across the room and got him by the neck, Smokey was on him. (Very scary by the way, happened in a blink of an eye. That's why you have to be SO careful with this breed. I know yours is a mix - adorable :) - but if you think he is being aggressive and not just playing too rough... then you must be responsible. Learned the hard way here...) Since this incident, they cannot have new bones/special treats unless they are in different rooms, seperated by a closed door, or Smokey is in his crate.

It's that serious.

BUT - back to your pup - he is young and maybe he's just a very vocal dog. Sometimes it seems like Smokey is seriously pissed but his tail is wagging and he's in a happy mood, you can just tell. I have no advice really, just love your dog and do what you can see that he's well socialized and listens to your commands.

(Still working on the commands part here!)

I tend to ramble when I'm bored... sorry.... take care.

10-23-2002, 05:24 PM
I noticed a couple things about Buddha...he barely ever barks...only really at dogs passing by the house from the screen door...because Riely does it...

and the times I've accidentally stepped on his tail or foot, etc...he has never yelped...I dont know if he just doesnt want to show weakness or what...

All the dogs we've met...he's been WAY better behaved than Riely...I guess because most of them have been older or bigger than him...he just stood there and let them sniff him...but he's fine...he's good in the pet store...even when the dogs approach him...he's curious...but he's never showed aggression...he was good during his first bath....didn't bark ONCE when we took him in the bathing room with all the other dogs getting baths...

it seems he's only aggressive with puppies so far...ones that move too fast around him...i think they put him on guard right away...because they're moving fast and he doesn't know whats going to happen...

I totally love my dog...which is why I'm upset...the thought of him being a dangerous dog when he's older and hurting another dog...being taken away or being put to sleep...or having charges pressed against me or whatever is just scary...and it makes me sad...he was very good with his commands last night...he seems to be a fast learner as long as you have treats in hand...

10-23-2002, 05:43 PM
I have a bad nail chewing habbit [ :rolleyes: ] so i don't normally have nails, but it still works the same for Simba! He loves when i scratch him where his back and his tail meet, on the top.

10-23-2002, 06:09 PM
Our dogs LOVE butt scratchs!! Sox is the funniest. She sticks her nose up in the air and starts licking at nothing and wiggling around. It's hysterical.

Kay Ann...I have to ask this, although I think I have before, and don't be offended...but what's with the stupid band aid on Nelly's face?? lol He looks kind of dorky that way....but... that's just my OLD opinion! hehehe;)

10-24-2002, 12:44 AM
Uh-oh....y'all just insulted Nelly, lol......hhhrrrrmmmm but I gotta admit I think it's a bit odd too.............don't kill me KayAnn!!