View Full Version : Notice to users of "flushable" litter...

07-28-2010, 04:05 PM
I've been told that because cat poo can contain the toxoplasmosis bacteria, it is NOT safe to flush ANY cat poos down the toilet, as it will find it's way into our waters (i.e., sewers, waste treatment plants, etc.) I saw it on tv yesterday when they were comparing different litters. The veterinarian they were interviewing urged people when scooping their litterboxes, to put it into a bag and into the garbage.

Just thought you'd like to know.

07-28-2010, 04:14 PM
Ah Donna that is an interesting fact, i have flushable litter, but have never put it down there, and felt bad putting it in bags and then in the garbage, i would put some in the garden, but i have such a small garden, it would not work, tried that for a while as felt bad about putting it in the rubbish bags,however will continue to do so.

Since we are speaking about litters, six months ago i had to change from recycled paper pellets as they just stopping stocking it , i was mad, but changed to clumping litter which is very like sand, and the kitties love it, and so do i so much more economical etc, yesterday we could not find it on the supermarket shelves, grrr... i was mad again, but now discovered they have improved it, in nice paper bags,instead of these annoying boxes we had and now scented with lavendar, bit more expensive, but bigger bags, so probably not much in it, now i wonder who decided that cats like the smell of lavendar, know that i do, but cats do they?anyhow they are using it faithfully, my good girls lol.:D

07-28-2010, 04:36 PM
:o Interesting.. Well so much for all the owners that have tought their cats to use the toilets..

07-28-2010, 04:41 PM
:o Interesting.. Well so much for all the owners that have tought their cats to use the toilets..

Yeah - what are they going to do about that? Come to think about it, I've read that some forms of hepatitis can be passed through urine.

Now, none of us can use the toilet :eek:

07-28-2010, 04:48 PM
:p Hey we could all start using the Litter Box..:D

Yeah - what are they going to do about that? Come to think about it, I've read that some forms of hepatitis can be passed through urine.

Now, none of us can use the toilet :eek:

07-28-2010, 04:54 PM

I can't squat that low.

07-28-2010, 05:13 PM
That is what I generally do I triple bag the Found Cat's , shall we say end product and throw them in garbage cans where all the garbage is collected together in a big bag, so noone touches the litter bags!!
That seems to be the best way to do things as we are only allowed one bag per week with a 50 pound limit:eek:

07-28-2010, 05:26 PM
We've used clumping litter for years, but always the unscented. Vet once told me that some cats develop allergies or reactions to whatever they use to scent it. And since we have a septic system, flushing it down the toilet was never an option. The only thing that plastic grocery store bags are good for, is used cat litter, and it goes to the landfill with all the rest of the trash that is picked up.

My RB Meezer Ming taught himself to use the toilet - only to pee tho. I think he just liked the noise of the tinkle! Dummy never learned how to flush when he was done tho! :eek:

07-28-2010, 08:15 PM
Cats don't generally like "scented" litters, and I think they were made for the owners so they don't have to smell the odor of a litterbox. My RB cat Mollie Rose had severe kitty allergies and asthma. That's why I switched to Feline Pine pellets. Absorbs the urine odor and you only have to remove the solid waste daily. Once the pellets breaks down to sawdust, you dump the box and start over. It's great. No silica dust, very little tracking.

07-28-2010, 08:57 PM
Flushable litter has been banned in California for several years because of that. They did a study and tied it directly to a certain type of sea otter dying off.

I found it very convenient when I lived in the apartment, in the winter months. Stopped using it when I heard about the otters.

07-28-2010, 11:16 PM
oh crap i never even thought about allergies , they only make the clumped one with lavendar now, to be honest i cannot even smell it myself, and i have a good nose for smells, bad and good lol, i do hope it does not upset my kitties delicate noses, i am sure nikki has allergies she often sneezes but seems very well all the same, i guess time will tell, if that is the case then i will have to search hard for another new litter, oh joy, we have one called kitty crumble here, it looks very interesting, but is not a clumping one, which is the type i prefer really.

Well how silly of them not to do research and see whether scented litters affect the kitties, yes it probably is purely for the owners, but how dumb is that?

07-29-2010, 07:04 AM
since we have a septic system, flushing it down the toilet was never an option. The only thing that plastic grocery store bags are good for, is used cat litter, and it goes to the landfill with all the rest of the trash that is picked up.

Same here.

07-29-2010, 07:43 AM
:confused: all kinds of nasty bacteria go down the toilet - that is what it is for....how can toxoplasmosis in cat poop be worse than anything else?:confused: Honestly this sounds like environmental poop to me.

07-29-2010, 08:57 AM
:confused: all kinds of nasty bacteria go down the toilet - that is what it is for....how can toxoplasmosis in cat poop be worse than anything else?:confused: Honestly this sounds like environmental poop to me.

Good point! And it all goes thru a sewage treatment plant before it is released anywhere in the environment - right??? :confused:

07-29-2010, 09:05 AM
:) We hope!! Also drinking water is recycled too.. :rolleyes: We Hope!!

Good point! And it all goes thru a sewage treatment plant before it is released anywhere in the environment - right??? :confused:

Lilith Cherry
07-29-2010, 09:07 AM
Donna - If you can;t squat do not visit China! LOL? Usually very dirty, no privacy and carry paper with you at all times:eek::p:D

07-29-2010, 09:13 AM
:eek: OMG that is the toilets in China.. I think the litter box sides are taller.. :p

Donna - If you can;t squat do not visit China! LOL? Usually very dirty, no privacy and carry paper with you at all times:eek::p:D

07-29-2010, 09:24 AM
Donna - If you can;t squat do not visit China! LOL? Usually very dirty, no privacy and carry paper with you at all times:eek::p:D

YIKES!!!! I never planned a visit to China anyway, but this just cements that idea!!! :eek::p:D

What is that on the left hand side of the first pic?

07-29-2010, 09:28 AM
:p Yup I wanted to ask that too = But was afraid too.. :D

What is that on the left hand side of the first pic?

07-29-2010, 03:08 PM
Ah yes the loos in china, my son took a picture to show me them i was horrified, all the factory's he visits over there have them just like the picture you showed, thanks goodness the hotels don't, phew.

Lilith Cherry
07-29-2010, 07:06 PM
Sometimes the trough has water in it for washing hands but is often so filthyu you would catch more diseases from it than prevent!:eek: [I] always carried hand sanitiser with me and used public facilities only as a last resort. You need to hold your breath for the whole time too LOL

07-29-2010, 11:43 PM
Sometimes the trough has water in it for washing hands but is often so filthyu you would catch more diseases from it than prevent!:eek: [I] always carried hand sanitiser with me and used public facilities only as a last resort. You need to hold your breath for the whole time too LOL

Yuck!:eek: I've also heard that some places just have holes in the ground that people squat over. I've always wondered how pregnant women are able to use these kinds of toilets without falling over.

07-30-2010, 07:19 AM
LillithCherry you are too funny!!! Those loos look GROSS!!!! I'd rather find the nearest tree and squat (as low as possible). Bring your own paper, that's a riot!!!!

07-30-2010, 08:16 AM
In most of the "touristy" spots in China and in hotels where westerners stay, you can usually find western toilets, but if you get outside a major city...forget it. They are exactly as Lilith Cherry advertises.

07-30-2010, 09:31 AM
:eek: Everyone washing hands in the same dirty water.. UUkkss.. I know why you moved to Canada now..

Sometimes the trough has water in it for washing hands but is often so filthyu you would catch more diseases from it than prevent!:eek: [I] always carried hand sanitiser with me and used public facilities only as a last resort. You need to hold your breath for the whole time too LOL