View Full Version : When would you live?

07-27-2010, 11:09 PM
I have often thought about living in another time. As many of you know I love English history especially the medieval ages time of Henry V111 and Anne Boleyn and their daughter Elizabeth 1. But I wouldn't want to live in that time.
I guess if I could pick a time to be born I would like to pick the future. Say 50 to 100 years from now.
Hopefully cancer, diabetes and many other diseases are able to be cured easily or gone.
We no longer eat meat and are kinder and more respectful to animals of all kinds.
So when would you like to be born?

07-27-2010, 11:36 PM
In the mid 1850's.
I think that time in Australia would have been kinda cool.

07-27-2010, 11:42 PM
Ancient Rome, in the time of Marcus Tullius Cicero.

07-27-2010, 11:44 PM
I'm happy right where I am :) I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else. I willtake the good with the bad because even in the future or the past there was lots of bad and lots of good.

ALTHOUGH I do have a soft spot for old timey small town feel of the 50's and such but there is also a lot of bad that goes with it.

I guess I just want the old timey small town feel today. the community feel, everyone knows everyone. we don't have it so bad where we are. other than one set of neighbors we have pretty good friends with the neighbors so I really like that

07-28-2010, 05:35 AM
If it wasn't for the fact that women had virtually no rights, I'd live during Tudor times. As Marigold said, the time of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII is fascinating to me, Anne Boleyn being my favorite historical character. Either then or during Victorian times but women didn't have it much better then either. I just love Victoriana, the clothing, the furnishings, etc. The Victorians had such a love of beauty; they were so lavish w/their decor. Perhaps I would be a single woman then. It was after a woman got married that she ended up losing her rights. Her fortune went to her husband, even her children were lost to her should she divorce.

07-28-2010, 07:10 AM
I, for the first time, have absolutely no response. I just don't know what to say. It's something to ponder, though.

07-28-2010, 07:37 AM
I, for the first time, have absolutely no response. I just don't know what to say. It's something to ponder, though.

WOW!!! That's a first! :D Just joking Donna.............:p

I love my life here and now, and wouldn't want to go back in time, or forward to the future. :D There's good and bad in every era, and for the most part, I'm happy living in this one. :p

07-28-2010, 07:48 AM
I, for the first time, have absolutely no response. I just don't know what to say. It's something to ponder, though.

How about 60 years ago ???
I could be Tarzan, you could be Jane, and Mel Gibson could be the chimp. :p

07-28-2010, 08:07 AM
LOL Wom!!!

07-28-2010, 08:40 AM
I was born and grew up during one of the best times for the family. I'm not to fond of where we have arrived today. I've often wondered where I would be today if only I had ............. ? After much reflection, I wouldn't try to change anything, because I'm sure I would make the wrong choice and screw things up more than they are.

The best thing i can do is except life as it is and try to grow old(ER) gracefully. Looking back over my life I have had a full productive life and can't imagine things being better at any other time in history or in the future.

07-28-2010, 08:48 AM
Me? I'd pick the the 1950's! They had the coolest music, I could FINALLY afford to buy a '57 Chevy, (well maybe not if the rates were adjusted!)' all of the cool cars, all of the neat '50s tv shows, and life generally relaxed. I'd like it there!

07-28-2010, 08:49 AM
I was born and grew up during one of the best times for the family. I'm not to fond of where we have arrived today. I've often wondered where I would be today if only I had ............. ? After much reflection, I wouldn't try to change anything, because I'm sure I would make the wrong choice and screw things up more than they are.

The best thing i can do is except life as it is and try to grow old(ER) gracefully. Looking back over my life I have had a full productive life and can't imagine things being better at any other time in history or in the future.

You said it much more eloquently than I did........:)

Lady's Human
07-28-2010, 09:38 AM
When would I live? Preferably born around 1765 in either Boston, MA or Phila. PA.

Old enough to see and understand the Revolution, and in the thick of the industrial revolution in the early 1800s.

07-28-2010, 09:47 AM
I would like to see the future, 100 years - 300 years into the future, but I don't know about living there. With all the threats facing the planet, who know if I'd actually be "living" anyway. But I do like this era, this one is fine with me. ;) Like everyone else said there's good and bad in every page of history, this one is by no means perfect but I feel lucky to be living now anyway.

07-28-2010, 10:18 AM
Either pre-Celtic times in what is now Ireland (along the shores of Lough Gur, perhaps? Or in the hills of Wicklow) or as a flapper in the 1920s!!

07-28-2010, 10:31 AM
Oh Mary I did not know Anne was your favorite as she is mine. Beautiful, musically talelented, intelligent more so then Henry perhaps, a wonderful dancer, a trend setter in fashion, loving mom and how she suffered at the end with seeing her friends and brother George killed betrayed by those who lied for their own gain. It still makes me sad... To die and leave her beautiful daughter.............
I have read much about her and one theroy is that she had negitive blood value to Henry's postive and so Elizabeth would have been her only child. I so feel a kinship with her.
When I went to England two years ago I stood at Tower Green on May 19 and said a prayer for Anne. It was also my mom's birthday.
If it wasn't for the fact that women had virtually no rights, I'd live during Tudor times. As Marigold said, the time of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII is fascinating to me, Anne Boleyn being my favorite historical character. Either then or during Victorian times but women didn't have it much better then either. I just love Victoriana, the clothing, the furnishings, etc. The Victorians had such a love of beauty; they were so lavish w/their decor. Perhaps I would be a single woman then. It was after a woman got married that she ended up losing her rights. Her fortune went to her husband, even her children were lost to her should she divorce.

07-28-2010, 11:47 AM
The very beginning of earth & watching it being formed into mountains, seas, rivers, forests, etc. I bet it was a sight to see.

07-28-2010, 12:18 PM
The very beginning of earth & watching it being formed into mountains, seas, rivers, forests, etc. I bet it was a sight to see.

But that didn't happen in a person's lifetime - it took millions+ years. Even Methuselah wouldn't have lived long enough to see that.

07-28-2010, 12:48 PM
I wouldn't change my life today for any other. Each era has it's good and it's bad points.
I'm perfectly happy with my life as it is today, I sometimes feel a touch of nostalgia for the good old days but there were hard times along with the good back then also.
I'll leave the future for when it knocks at my door.

07-28-2010, 01:06 PM
I have no idea - now or sometime in the future - when we have invented FTL travel and can visit other worlds, unless I was not as nearsighted and didn't have asthma - then some historical times might be interesting!

07-28-2010, 01:11 PM
Pomtzu, Thats the whole idea living millions + years. Its just a dream, floating on a cloud around the earth watching it all happen. Can you just imagine how explosive & wild it would of all been. I guess I live outside of the box. :D

07-28-2010, 02:54 PM
Me? I'd pick the the 1950's! They had the coolest music, I could FINALLY afford to buy a '57 Chevy, (well maybe not if the rates were adjusted!)' all of the cool cars, all of the neat '50s tv shows, and life generally relaxed. I'd like it there!

me too ... i've often thought I was born about 10 years too late

07-28-2010, 03:02 PM
Pomtzu, Thats the whole idea living millions + years. Its just a dream, floating on a cloud around the earth watching it all happen. Can you just imagine how explosive & wild it would of all been. I guess I live outside of the box. :D

I wouldn't care to live that long. I think the idea here, was referring to an average person's lifetime, but of course, I could be wrong.

07-28-2010, 04:12 PM
Oh Mary I did not know Anne was your favorite as she is mine. Beautiful, musically talelented, intelligent more so then Henry perhaps, a wonderful dancer, a trend setter in fashion, loving mom and how she suffered at the end with seeing her friends and brother George killed betrayed by those who lied for their own gain. It still makes me sad... To die and leave her beautiful daughter.............
I have read much about her and one theroy is that she had negitive blood value to Henry's postive and so Elizabeth would have been her only child. I so feel a kinship with her.
When I went to England two years ago I stood at Tower Green on May 19 and said a prayer for Anne. It was also my mom's birthday.

Absolutely she's my fav! When I went to Hever Castle, her childhood home, I looked out her bedroom window and tried to imagine what it must have felt like to her as she pondered her future. My friend snapped a pic of me looking out that window and had it framed and sent it to me. The boy made a DVD of our trip and made an actual movie out of it complete w/credits, music, commentary, the whole bit. When it came to the window scene, I cried b/c it really touched me.

I also admire Katherine of Aragon. She went to hell and back for Henry, too. She wasn't beheaded but she died slowly and broken hearted. But my kinship is w/Anne Boleyn, for sure. Her daughter, Queen Elizabeth I is my second favorite historical character. To have stood at Traitor's Gate where Elizabeth sat and refused to go in b/c she feared that if she went into the Tower that she wouldn't come out alive gave me chills.

07-28-2010, 04:21 PM
I am happy with being born in the late 50's,however sometimes i think i should have been born in my parents era,i am a bit old fashioned in some ways.,but generally i am happy with the era i was born in.

What makes me laugh is my daughter and her boyfriend think because i used to wear hippie type clothing,long dresses, batik skirts, ugg boots, i was a hippie, but i was not,they give me a hard time in fun about it, and that i must have been smoked a lot of dope in my day, which i never did,they think everyone did, i would say just as many do today as in that era. lol

Miss Z
07-28-2010, 05:56 PM
I think there's several points in history I'd like to visit; maybe living in them would be a little too much!

I've always been captivated by Ancient Egypt so would be happy to see any point in that period. Got to agree with Puck with regards to Cicero, seeing him deliver In Catilinam after studying it for so long would be amazing!

My secondary school was founded over 500 years ago and so I'd love to go back to its early days and see if any quirky aspect has been carried through its history.

Then I'd like to dwell in the 80s for a while, and get the chance to see Queen, Michael Jackson, and Live Aid on stage.

07-28-2010, 06:02 PM
Then I'd like to dwell in the 80s for a while, and get the chance to see Queen, Michael Jackson, and Live Aid on stage.

OMG. Just reading this sentence gave me a few more gray hairs. Having someone think of the 80's as going back in time, even though it is technically, makes me feel like Methuselah. ;)

Miss Z
07-28-2010, 06:15 PM
OMG. Just reading this sentence gave me a few more gray hairs. Having someone think of the 80's as going back in time, even though it is technically, makes me feel like Methuselah. ;)

:D I said the same thing to my father once, about going back to the eighties. He said,

"Going back? They've barely gone!"

He was never that impressed when I studied the Falklands War in history either.


07-28-2010, 06:46 PM
I am very content to have been born when I was & into the family
that I have, but I would love to go back in time to visit different periods. A trip
back to see the pyramids being built, or the first flight of an airplane, or
maybe, join a wagon train across the West for a few days. No long stays
anywhere in the past, I like it here.:)

07-28-2010, 07:27 PM
Me? I'd pick the the 1950's! They had the coolest music, I could FINALLY afford to buy a '57 Chevy, (well maybe not if the rates were adjusted!)' all of the cool cars, all of the neat '50s tv shows, and life generally relaxed. I'd like it there!

I almost second that.

ive grown into todays music but i love old cars/trucks. LOL

07-28-2010, 09:54 PM
I did not get a chance to go to Hever, a great regret but maybe next time. So glad you got to go.
Trader's Gate... yes I went to the Tower by myself so I was able to go back later in the day and say another prayer. I spent about 7 hours walking around there, What fear and panic she must of felt, her and Elizabeth all who passed those gates knowing death, torture or life long imprisonment would most likely be their fate.
People were quite harsh back then. The torture devices :eek::eek:
And yes Katherine was a great great lady. A brillant and well loved queen. Intelligent, fearless, incredibly devote (maybe too devote) she ruled in Henry's absense and she suffered terrribly.
Henry's need for a son drove him to great lengths throwing caution and sense to the wind. I always wonder why Katherine lost all those babies.
He was able to have 4 children that lived with women but never had a second child with anyone. Makes me wonder if he was the problem and had some type of disease he passed onto the women.
Katherine, Betsy, Anne and Jane all had one child with him.
Anyway we will have to have lunch sometime and discuss this all and go over our pictures.
Absolutely she's my fav! When I went to Hever Castle, her childhood home, I looked out her bedroom window and tried to imagine what it must have felt like to her as she pondered her future. My friend snapped a pic of me looking out that window and had it framed and sent it to me. The boy made a DVD of our trip and made an actual movie out of it complete w/credits, music, commentary, the whole bit. When it came to the window scene, I cried b/c it really touched me.

I also admire Katherine of Aragon. She went to hell and back for Henry, too. She wasn't beheaded but she died slowly and broken hearted. But my kinship is w/Anne Boleyn, for sure. Her daughter, Queen Elizabeth I is my second favorite historical character. To have stood at Traitor's Gate where Elizabeth sat and refused to go in b/c she feared that if she went into the Tower that she wouldn't come out alive gave me chills.

07-28-2010, 10:26 PM
Interesting post! I'd prefer to live any time but now. Preferably during a time when these @!*^$!* computers and this technology bs didn't exist and wasn't even thought of!

Oh to have been part of the Lewis & Clark expedition! Seeing all of that pure, natural beauty as it was meant to be.....untouched and undisturbed!