View Full Version : Will it be this time?.. lol

07-26-2010, 03:27 PM
apparently we´d be heading to Tijuana then cross over to San Diego this wednesday/thursday.. but as you probably know by now.. the hubs changes his mind at the very last minute.. not allowing me to plan anything with time anytime..

hopefully this time we get a green light on it.. we soooo need a vacation.. lol.. the kid is driving me up the wall.. haha.. he´s a great kid but he just.can´t.stop.talking.EVER... EVER!!.. lol

if we do go.. we might end up at Sea World.. thursday/friday.. and maybe we´ll even make it to Anaheim... for the billionth time :rolleyes:.. for a day..

so if you don´t hear from me.. that´s the reason.. lol.. we´d be heading back on next monday..

just thought to let you all know.. in case you ever get an email saying I´m stuck in Europe and need you to help me get back home.. lol :p

I´m gonna try... try... to check in at the hotel and perhaps I could meet someone nearby.. that is IF we do end up going there and i can make arrangements to meet anyone ;)