View Full Version : Sunday

07-25-2010, 10:36 AM
I was planning on going to the Irish Festival today but it is drizzling and cloudy outside.
Am sitting here flanked by my two dark shadows laying on the desk, Boscoe on my left, Kei Kei on my right.
Coffee is brewing and I think I will just stay home and do a little bit of cleaning and much relaxing.
Going to take my time and read the paper.
Will bake a carrot cake for hubby.
Maybe make some blue berry tea and read a good book later on or watch the new movie on Netflix.
Just a nice cozy, comfy day.
We Germans have a word for it that alas I cannot spell but it's something like this gamutlis (sic). It means all is well, comfy, cozy, content, surounded by love and happiness.
That is me today and that is what I wish for all of you as well including our precious fur, fin and feathered children.

07-25-2010, 11:28 AM
Marigold enjoy your much deserved day of relaxation. :) It is partly cloudy here with a nice cool breeze. I just caught up with the garden, picking the veggies & plan to take the dogs out on a long walk into the fields, woods, & down to the beaver dams. Have a good one everyone. :D

07-25-2010, 02:09 PM
A friend and I went to the Irish Festival a couple of years ago. As festivals go, it wasn't bad. I joked to my friend that I don't understand Irish music. It seems that the love songs are always sad and the war songs are lively. He laughed and said "Y'know, you're right; I never thought of it that way". I'm part Irish so he knows that I wasn't ridiculing, just having a little fun.

It's been dreary here all day so I changed plans, too, and decided to get more things done around the house. The sun peeks for a little while, then the skies turn gray again.

07-25-2010, 09:55 PM
Sunday has been my "official" day off for quite some time now. After church, I change into my normal clothes, put on a fresh pot of coffee, get some corn muffins in the oven then curl up with Groucho and the Sunday newspaper. It just doesn't get any better than that!

I hope your day off was everything you hoped it would be!